Closed Beta FAQ for Path of Exile: The Awakening

Rufus82 wrote:
I have an unbalanced sense of entitlement and am having an irrational emotional response due to the anxiety caused by the high possibility of not getting a beta key.

Top kek
#58, chosen by the RNG Gods to test Closed Beta for the Awakening
The problems i see with completely random invitations is that people who may only login for 30 minutes (or never) will be invited, and people who would test the beta 10 hours a day will be sidelined....

Doesn't seem like the most productive solution.

Also very dissapointed to see that the current 1month league top 20 are not given invitations.

Ouch :\
"Success is not the absence of failure. Success is persistence through failure."
Currently Playing: Contagion/Essence Drain IGN: JddoggAscended

Yes. All current and past Alpha testers will be given access on day one, unless they were removed from the Alpha for breaking its rules.

nuts, so close. does it count if I never broke the alphas rules but had access removed for something I did in the live game?

just kidding, love ya chris.
Last edited by Byrr#3009 on Apr 13, 2015, 1:14:07 AM
Is there a criteria for the initial batch that are already selected other than just alpha and streamer? Timer is rng yea, but you need to start with an initial population no?
I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
H4NS wrote:

ya, young jimmy that started to play last week will give great feedback that helps the game.


*why do I lose xp on death?
*please make the game easier
*you should be able to support fireball with 5x gmp support gems!
*please buff shock nova

RNG is the only fair way to do this, and this is how a pure, uncontrolled democracy works.

a voice of someone who devotes his whole life to analyzing politics, counts the same as a chicken farmer who never even heard of politics but decided to show up for election and randomly choose a candidate.

with that said,
at this point PoE has a very dedicated fanbase; most people signing up will have played the game in some shape or form. RNG will ensure that it wont be ladder-only or noob only players.

plus they'll hedge it with popular streamers (ziggy, willy, pohx maybe kripp (if he ditches his girl), etc etc)
Last edited by grepman#2451 on Apr 13, 2015, 1:18:07 AM
Hahaha... guess time to head to the library and sign up 150 accounts.... cause mhmmmm it seems veterans are not valued at all.... they are comparing veterans to someone who just signed up 3 hours ago that can't get past the watch :)


The problems i see with completely random invitations is that people who may only login for 30 minutes (or never) will be invited, and people who would test the beta 10 hours a day will be sidelined....

Agree, what's the point for been a long time supporter and player?
All accounts have an equal chance of being selected.

except streamers and alpha testers...
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Last edited by xxArturoxx#6005 on Apr 13, 2015, 1:22:29 AM
It is important that some new players get beta access too because GGG stated that they want the game to be more accessible regarding the fact that after all the challenge leagues there is now a lot of stuff in the game. With the new things of Awakening they need feedback from fresh players to see if they understand the game mechanics etc....
Last edited by merchantmudcrab#2954 on Apr 13, 2015, 1:23:30 AM
thank you for info..
Chris wrote:

Will there be forums available to Closed Beta members for feedback and trading?


How you want to test progression, if you are enabling cheating of trading from beginning? Quite non-logical for me...
Anticipation slowly dissipates...

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