Closed Beta FAQ for Path of Exile: The Awakening

So that means its 288 beta keys a day. RNGESUS please bless me.
Last edited by Cynecks#5279 on Apr 13, 2015, 2:03:57 AM
Hello GGG,

First of all thank you for making this great entertaining game even greater.

About this process however, there might be something wrong (or maybe not).

From my point of view, the result is;
"Kill the hype, it was too much anyway!"

Can I share my Closed Beta account with other people?

No. We will remove Beta access from accounts that are shared.

I must say: my IP adress resets sometimes due to my router, if I get a Beta Key it's likely that it will seems that I've been sharing my account, is'nt it? When i'm longging in, I often recive a message stipulating that i'm playing on an other computer (wich is false) and I have to go to my e-mail box to copy-paste the number, that's why I think i'm doomed ^^

Anyway, you should now GGG, becaus ei'm probably not the only one!
good job guys:)
I have an unbalanced sense of entitlement and am having an irrational emotional response due to the anxiety caused by the high possibility of not getting a beta key.
Tin foil hats are a lie propagated by the aluminium industry.
Funny seeing how some people thinks they are more skillful than others and therefore only their opinions matter.

Game balancing involve new inexperience players as well. It would be dumb to balance a game around experienced/skillful players only.
Alpha testers get in, sweet. Can't wait, this expansion looks amazing.
tehnix wrote:
Reconsidering any future financial support after reading this post, sorry.

so, you think you should be able to buy your way in ?

threats !

extortion !

they OBVIOUSLY need a beta
especially when they're testing new net code

it would be great if everyone level 93 or higher or everyone who finished in the top 3 of any race season automatically got an invite

but they also need noobs who will look at the tree and be lost
they're feedback is useful too

congrats to everyone who gets in
I'll be watching the streams of everyone who gets in and I'll be taking notes and screenshots
Hahaha... guess time to head to the library and sign up 150 accounts.... cause mhmmmm it seems veterans are not valued at all.... they are comparing veterans to someone who just signed up 3 hours ago that can't get past the watch :)
GooberM wrote:
H4NS wrote:
Dethox420 wrote:
What kind of "clean feedback" do you want from unexperienced, untalented and undetermined players? Of say 10.000 players there's gonna be 50-200 that can give you good feedback on skill/jewel combinations and suggest improvements.
You're really gonna invite 288 random people a day over 50 of the top players that are as valuable as 500 random players in terms of actually designing a good expansion?
No wonder Necrovirgil shell crabs and P-Link are still in the game after 1.5 months :)

I support this post. It makes really no sense whatsoever to invite random people, there should be some criteria to it. Very well known streamers (beta coverage) and high-ranked players in the current one month leagues (playtime/experience) should be some of the first to enter the beta.

Both of you do realize feedback from new players is important, so they can carefully adjust the game to not scare them away, right?

They're doing more than just adding Act IV content.

ya, young jimmy that started to play last week will give great feedback that helps the game.


*why do I lose xp on death?
*please make the game easier
*you should be able to support fireball with 5x gmp support gems!
*please buff shock nova

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