sharii wrote:
cant wait!
when act4 will be released?
In the sense that Tomorrow never arrives, because after 11:59:59, Tomorrow becomes today.
Posted byiamnotspock#1999on Apr 7, 2015, 8:31:07 PM
Recomposed wrote:
people bitching about oskills, this doesnt even look like a powerful skill
sure it will enable one gimmicky build and if its overpowered they'll nerf it
nothing to bitch about here
good work ggg
(emph. mine)
That's the bitch point, if there is one to focus on. Not a big fan of GGG hamfisting builds one-by-one into the game -- would much prefer the "old" system of letting players find the cool interactions themselves then iterating development.
It gives them a clear target to nerf and to buff (both the skill and both hands slots at the same time, and likely both ring slots due to Perandus), but it's so damn sterile.
Said another way: How else could you build this skill and item other than the obvious way it's intended?
Posted bypneuma#0134on Apr 7, 2015, 8:32:24 PMAlpha Member
Samkiud wrote:
Jodokus wrote:
I don't like that he says "when the expansion containing Act Four launches later this year". Sounds like it's not gonna be april.
I had exactly the same impression. Well... I honestly was expecting that deep inside me, to be honest.
+1 to this, wording sounds like it is more than a few months out.
Posted byBRINGdaBACON#1229on Apr 7, 2015, 8:34:01 PM
I have but one fear regarding that unique. Considering the gem it grants is level one, will it fall short endgame?
I dont want to spend all my currency 5-6linking it to find out it wasnt worth it - especially considering this is the only way to get this skill (a great way to give the options to players to experience a monster-only spell without taking the exclusivity too much from them)
Posted byDisrupted#3096on Apr 7, 2015, 8:34:03 PM
Why would you do this? One of the greatest things about the game is that your active and support skills are in tradable gems that you're free to mix and match with any gear that lets you use them. Now that you're putting otherwise unobtainable skills on items it's going to lock you to that item if you want that skill, which goes against the freedom the game is built around. What if I wanted to use the skill with Taryn's Shiver, which benefits explicitly this kind of skill, or sticking in a cold to fire and rocking a Dyadus in a crazy cross-class build?
Decisions like this are why people love POE and reasons why sticking exclusive skills on uniques are simply going to harm the game.
Posted byHemmingfish#1386on Apr 7, 2015, 8:34:06 PM
Kaysee wrote:
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
So now we have oskills.
Wow, Nick. You really did a great job of encouraging GGG to go back on their word with unique item design from the early days. First stats per level, and now this. Two things several Diamond supporters were denied.
These changes are not a bad thing for the game, but there's no way we'd have seen this in CB or even OB.
PS: Please keep copying Titan Quest features now that you've started. Green items were awesome.
Pretty much this.
Discussing this with other unique designers ATM and how this is a BIG change in GGG's design philosophies:
- Skills exclusive to uniques.
- Items that never need to be changed.
I'm still undecided about it, it looks cool on the surface, but is a slap in the face to designers who have proposed similar things in the past only to be road-blocked by GGG.
No, this is a slap in the face.

You expect me to act as something I'm not? I picked this name for a reason.
Posted byArrogant#7481on Apr 7, 2015, 8:34:40 PM
pneuma wrote:
Recomposed wrote:
people bitching about oskills, this doesnt even look like a powerful skill
sure it will enable one gimmicky build and if its overpowered they'll nerf it
nothing to bitch about here
good work ggg
(emph. mine)
That's the bitch point, if there is one to focus on. Not a big fan of GGG hamfisting builds one-by-one into the game -- would much prefer the "old" system of letting players find the cool interactions themselves then iterating development.
It gives them a clear target to nerf and to buff (both the skill and both hands slots at the same time, and likely both ring slots due to Perandus), but it's so damn sterile.
Said another way: How else could you build this skill and item other than the obvious way it's intended?
yeh. very weird of them but why knock it until release
IGN: Scuhr
Posted byRecomposed#1450on Apr 7, 2015, 8:34:47 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:
Again, this works exactly like the existing item that already grants a skill. Empower, like Enlighten and Enhance, explicitly only apply their effects to skill gems - unlike other supports, they affect things that are properties of the gem, not the skill it grants. Since this item, and Jaws of Agony before it, grant a skill without a gem, those gem-only supports cannot apply to the granted skills.
Oh, sadness. Not excited about the item any more, since you've confirmed that it will not scale with empower or enhance. Based on historical drop frequencies of uniques while leveling, it's unlikely a new character will enjoy this item while leveling. Much more likely a player will find it at level 80+, at which point the damage will be too low to be effective.
It's not meaningful as a twink item either, since leveling to 60+ can be done so quickly. Seems like a waste.
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
Posted byVhlad#6794on Apr 7, 2015, 8:35:24 PM
Thanks for answering the questions, Mark. :)
Posted byTanakeah#5640on Apr 7, 2015, 8:36:01 PM
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
Oh, really? Grow up.
You're just a player who, I imagine, only cares about their own experiences and enjoyment. That is what I get from your response.
As opposed to a tester, as a person concerned with the health of the game. Someone who'll give feedback based on more than just whether or not an item or skill is 'overpowered'.
Hey bud I really do enjoy the game and I LOVE how successful the game has been. I'm very happy it's found a solid/growing playerbase
from that 2nd bit, am I supposed to take it that you're a tester? for poe? you did pay them a quarter salary so I'd hope they'd let you.
IGN: Scuhr
Posted byRecomposed#1450on Apr 7, 2015, 8:38:52 PM