Item Development - Information
Everything you do is sub-optimal. Last edited by xThreads#7298 on Jul 2, 2021, 7:40:59 AM
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" This topic started discussing Information and how explaining something precisely doesn't always convey the meaning effectively, so it can be better to use more understandable terminology. Now you're saying the converse thing: if something is confusing, people need to learn the precise terminology, accuracy is more important than comprehension. (With regard to Asenath's Touch, I think that shows players can infer technical details like equivalent skill level without tooltips) It seems to me that you and Nick (the topic author) need to talk to each other because you guys are espousing opposite philosophies. One of you is saying precision can (and should) be traded for understandability, the other is saying it shouldn't. I think the difference between the Ice Storm skill and other skills (namely whether there is a skill-gem method of using the skill) is the most important piece of information for this staff to convey to players. You can make a consistency argument about items granting skills (compare to Jaws of Agony) which is a technical implementation argument. From a player's perspective, though, the technical implementation is not very important. The difference you're not communicating can be more important than the similarity you are communicating. Don't lock in to consistency between A and B when the thing that needs to be communicated is the difference between A and A' Why the tip fails as it is currently written: Last edited by PolarisOrbit#5098 on Apr 8, 2015, 8:05:09 AM
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" But you are aware of the fact that "later this year" includes everything between now and the next New Year's Day, aren't you? (And this actually means that April and May make up 53/267 = 19.8% of "later this year"!) Crit happens. Last edited by Inarion1986#5829 on Apr 8, 2015, 7:55:11 AM
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"If someone asked me what Path of Exile's greatest strength was, I'd answer with just one word: depth. [...] Path of Exile's greatest weakness, on the other hand? Complexity"
I don't think so. Complexity is not a weakness, it's just a consequence of the depth. For me this complexity is part of the fun when build a character. I think the weakness of the game has to be found in these : desync, trading and "Levels". - Desync does not need more speaking ... - The lack of trading is VERY frustating, what to do we these uniques or good roll items you don't need and would be happy to sell for a few so hard to accumulate currencies, but you don't because you would need hours to find someone to sell to. - Levels : after hundreds hours of play you realize that you usually construct the base of a build from level 1 to 65-70, taking the required nodes, levelling your gems, and finding the right side equipment. Then you just want to play and make better that build you invested a lot in, ... so what ? You play 5-10 levels, reach 80, and ... . You cleared Dominus and it's more an XP lost risk than a funny encounter . Low level maps are not challenging anymore, and high level ones are a pain to get (partially linked to trading above ...) . Atziri just does not exist for the common player (where are you midnight ?? trading ? ok ...) . So let's just farm better equipement in case one day you drop a midnight ? No, highest items are lvl70, are crafting needs tons of currency you don't have because you don't trade. So, what i wait the most for act 4 ? . Being able to tag one of my item with "sell for X", and instant buy someones item taggued the same way, without the need to chat. You come back later and see "woo ! someone bought my item, here are my 12 chaos !" . Items of level >70 (perhaps it should go to 80 ?) for high level maps to gain interest. . Core game running higher that lvl68 (act 4 70-80 for ex.) I just can't wait to play act 4 and see what's new, and hopes one or some of the above points are adressed. But if not, let's just wait for an other update, desipte of this this game clearly remains one of the best i ever played since +/- 25 years of playing. You're just great GGG. Laurent, France. SSF for ever :)
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" I might be reading too much into this but I find the word "year" to be an interesting choice. Why not "weeks"? Why not "month(s)"? I was hoping for an early May date, but am starting to think that might not be the case. Last edited by whitelytning#4298 on Apr 8, 2015, 8:16:09 AM
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HOlY GGG Icestorm <33333
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
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Can Icestorm crit? What is the crit chance?
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It seems like they change the base stats on Vile Staffs. Would be interesting to see if they change other weapon types too, or if they balance the current ones because they add higher tiers.
Any words on this Mark? |
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What is the crit chance? Please tell me it's 7 because as it is, 1000 intelligence (which is hard to obtain) will only get you 100-300 damage which is lower than lightning warp..
I get that it has other advantages, but the base damage is really pathetic. Also did you guys consider the end-game range of damage values? I was under the impression that cold damage had the tightest damage spread of all elements. At 1k int it will have 100-300 which is almost at lighting level spread. I think you guys should change the wording to say 4-5 damage per 15 levels or something similar. |