Season 2 Balance Feedback - Week One
" If you don't actually play, don't post wrong and subjective feedback! ty Beta Member Since 2010
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" Saying I'm wrong is subjective in of itself. I've pvp'd here since closed beta. I'm somewhat familiar with the system thank you. Formerly Firebrand
_Thriller_ _Boomshakalaka_ |
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" Firebrand has been a pvper for a long time, hld and lld and was in ICU for a long time. He's experienced and know probably more than you though However I feel elemental spell traps are possibly too strong while puncture traps are in a good position(LLD). For HLD both are quite insane but with remote mine instead. I wish mines would have a higher less damage modifier It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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" So you actually playing PvP since October 31 in 2012 ? and why the fuck i don't know who you are? LLD or HLD? EU or US? i was with a few guys (EU) in LLD farming/trading items before this was anounced/added to this patch. to the point..traps need to step down a bit. not only they are way too OP...EVERYONE is using them. that makes it a good PvP or a bad one? " Don't answer to me like this "he was longer time in pvp than you are and you don't know stuff" cause then i'll say "i'm here since the beginning of PoE so you both have to respect me"! right? Ele/spell traps and puncture traps are both too strong. 110+ res and 1-2 shotting. Punc traps with vulnera are 1-2 shotting too. Beta Member Since 2010
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One clarification this thread is about season 2 (not closed beta, not permanent leagues and not season 1), that said i would also like to adress something that people dont seem to understand.
How can you understand something is really strong? If you can answer that on your own then you understand when something is balanced or not, and in that case you do not need to continue reading further. If not then let me explain plz. Look at cyclone for example, its so good that every melee (or at least 90-95% of the melee builds) use it. Why is that? Yes exactly, because its strong and there are not many melee skills that can be compared to it.(im using it myself too and i would suggest to read my previous post about it again) What do traps and cyclone have in common you might ask, well, as cyclone is used in every melee build, the exact same applies to traps for bows (and in a huge number of caster builds too). When something is so widely used it means one and only thing : its way too good, so good actually that using it only makes your build stronger (with minimal effort too). On top of that they offer 1-2 shot capabilities and they are invisible too. The same logic as above applies to many things : swords being the king of melee, molten shell being an instant counter to every melee (that actually many bow/wand users started using it cause its just plain strong), trap/point blank used by every bow user, trap/lmp used by every caster (fireball,fp one-shoting is real), trigger gems used by every melee (the more the better too) etc. Traps need to be toned-down somehow. Lower their damage, increased mana multiplier, make them visible (and allow clever construction to make them invisible/indestructible for 2.5sec), raise the cd, whatever, do something to stop this fiasco of trap throwing and running around pillars/obstacles until the unfortunate "OP melee" steps into them cause he cant deal damage in any other way. (melee = all melee builds) But if you people would like for traps to remain the same let me suggest something else, would you approve if traps could support melee skills too? Or you would find that overpowered? Why are traps exclusive for ranged/caster builds? Traps offer things that no other skill/mechanic can offer, strategic positioning, INSANE damage output, defensive utilities (by closing paths or allowing the trapper to stall the game whenever he pleases). And something last, i will be gratefull if "but melee have cyclone and flicker strike , why not traps for ranged?" type of arguments are not used. If something is broken it just is, other things being broken and tolarated need the exact same drastic measures to be taken against them, not leave all of them in game. P.S. : Its really unfortunate that spell/ranged attack totem both have lvl 31 requirement, it would be really interesting to see how many builds would have used it. Also something else that people tend to forget, traps were made for burst damage in pve, thats unfitting though for pvp where burst damage can 1-2 shot you even with 1500life. In pve traps were/are directly comparable to spell/ranged totems : totem would offer dmg output in depth of time, while traps would offer insane one time burst P.P.S : Im not actually satisfied with the nature of this post i made and the reasoning behind it, but some people seriously cant see beyond their nose. Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions |
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" For real? You are the one that just before answered with that attitude to him " I have never seen you in these forums before? And we all have our opinions, what makes you say his feedback is wrong? Why are your opinions more right than his and why are you commenting with this "If you don't actually play" when he obviously plays. It's hard to remember what you have forgotten ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them Last edited by Tommie_Sjukskriven#7744 on Feb 23, 2015, 11:35:41 AM
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" He said he is somewhat familiar with the system..although his presence isn't there in season 2! so whatever he sais about this feedback is 100% UN-familiar. i most personally lurking here and there in the forums as i'm not so social like you guys are, cause i like to "play" the actual game. Beta Member Since 2010
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" I feel we are derailing the thread so I'll try to add something constructive to this post as well. I'm not arguing that traps aren't perhaps a little overtuned in some areas, but I'm not a fan of knee jerk nerf hammers when people may not have explored all the available counters. People tend to get emotional on these forums, with many players wanting to nerf the builds they are having trouble against, even though the rankings may not always be on par with their experiences (i.e. wanting to nerf a build that's generally ranked worse than the one they're playing). ---------------------- Yes I've been pvp'ing since Oct of 2012. Played LLD back then when Hexaste, Invalesco, and Counterlogic were among the top. Axemarauder, Jerk, Stabber, Epsi, and a few others I forget the name of in HLD in closed beta. For the majority of pvp in POE (open beta and afterwards), I've been one of the main organizers of pickup 3v3's in both LLD and HLD (EU and US), which is where most people probably know me from. Some of the names I've gone by... Firebitch Ballstothewall Thriller Bloodyhell Lightningbrand Firebrand Nemesis Slick Zombieapocalypse Uberbrand Anything with the name "brand" in it. I'm not saying I'm all knowing of the pvp scene. I'm not exactly ignorant either. I also try to admit when I'm wrong about things, which happens with everybody at one point or another. My old account is Firebrand76 which began active around June 2012. I see you've been around since 2010. Formerly Firebrand _Thriller_ _Boomshakalaka_ Last edited by Dopamineloveaffair#4373 on Feb 23, 2015, 12:30:40 PM
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" This is so true you're saying, but the point here is that wild_captain in his previous posts is saying most of things how it should be from a more balancing way. although most of them are not objective to it and they do exactly what you said. " well i think we've met with your "Firebrand" and "Ballstothewall" player...although i was only active in EU HC LLD 1v1 and in some 3v3 matches. should be trying some S2 right now to have a better image of what we dealing with.. Beta Member Since 2010
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After much discussion and analysis of the results of the most recent Swiss we've decided to hold off on balance changes for the remainder of the season.
There is a mix of builds at the top. The results are close enough to make separating the gear and player skill factors from the builds very difficult. We think the trap support is overrepresented, and there are several other skills we are keeping our eyes on, but we think there is room for the meta to shift and players to adjust without our interference. Some of the current strongest builds are mostly strong due to the benefits they provide in a trap-heavy meta, rather than due to too much power. We will of course continue to observe throughout the season as we plan for Season 3. Of note, we'd like to see more melee skills being used. In the meantime, feel free to continue to provide balance feedback. It's being read and noted, even if you aren't seeing immediate action. |