Season 2 Balance Feedback - Week One
Its pity i couldnt participate swiss becaouse i feel i stand fair chance against brainamputation. Going back to topic, molten shell could oneshot me with 1,6k life and 76 res(happend to me with dsfar). And molten phys to light is like half solution becaouse casters usually use temp chain + chill combo and to keep up with them you need to use whirling blades and flicker. Especially with guys like dsfar//brainamputation you cant do shit without flicker(or you can but as phase acro bulid never tried it).
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" I meant it's not the most reliable type of attack against a moving target like trappers or casters. If they move one inch and start casting and chilling you, you will not get to them in time and your projectiles miss all the time. And if you try to close your gap with flicker or whirling blade or leap, it'll pop in your face, nothing solved here, except wasting time air balling with molten. Last edited by Mephisto_n#6597 on Feb 21, 2015, 4:50:39 PM
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Do both the top torment and bloodlines players get a spot in the invitational? If not they should!
I didn't get the chance to spectate all of mephisto's matches but for the ones I did I have to say he played really well and I don't see why people are whining so much about him drawing some of the rounds. That being said I never had the feeling mephisto was intentionally drawing out rounds, he knew when to run away and more importantly, when to pounce on his opponent. It was a real treat to spectate! In the last 4 swiss events in season 1 it was extremely hard for me to find another non-facebreaker melee to fight me, people would just draw out ALL the rounds without ever coming close to an attack (even after offering to remove my counter gems :D). Still, I took this as a sign that my build could be improved.. The ability to chase people down is an important part of pvp and in stead of running to the forums asking for changes you might want to take a look at other people's build/playstyle to improve your own. |
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" Without a cool down its hard to capitalize on Molten shells down time. If you are having a hard time ignoring it completely with phys to light + molten or static strikes. Try quill rain with ice arrow + temp chains on hit gloves. The physical damage will pop it + you'll chill + will create a situation that is easier to capitalize on due to how slow they should be. Its not easy but its another option plus you can swap to rain of arrows to kill traps + pop molten at the same time as well. Being melee is a bitch at times, Molten shell never made it easier. Edit: Hey...drawing rounds is something you have to do sometimes. If you're facing tons of super lame bull shit, lame them back if you can take a round. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Feb 21, 2015, 5:10:20 PM
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It's kind of hard to reply to all of the responses on molten shell but I'll try to add my two cents. Molten shell doesn't have 1 single reason why it's OP. It's op for a variety of reasons. The dmg is obviously way too large. It benefits from tempest shield EE (bull shit), there is no cooldown to recast. The dmg is hard to pot against. It also has a low dmg threshold so even a phys to light flicker can proc the explosion. This is especially detrimental to melee because without being able to flicker that means melee can be kited endlessly or 2 shotted on trap. Defending against a complimentary spell has become the entire battle when dueling casters, which is ridiculous. No one is concerned with dueling a freezing pulser, or a firestormer, but every1 worries how they will counter molten shell. THAT is an issue. It's like a caster being stumped on how to kill a melee without dying to a trigger gem. I think this skill calls for a 30% dmg nerf (what flicker received) MINIMUM, along with higher dmg threshold to proc the shell.
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Why is you complaining about Molten shell any different than me on melees ability to draw every round? Why is ok for you to have a double standard or be a hypocrite? (It's not) |
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" Yes, you are somehow right. It's just that you forced me to be more vocal about pvp balances from now on. you threatened me mid match ("glad i recorded this ... so show ggg how dumb"), harassed me after match and called me on forums. Now, we've both expressed our opinion about the LLD balance which is nice. but I will leave this here with extra salt. " |
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I mean you did well didn't you? You lost in finals. Whats the issue? I expect Lapiz, scorpiore, Kuan and ypd to do really well :)
You are one of the people i enjoyed talking to in game. You used a lame/effective/abusive strat IMO. I said my piece about it. You said your's about molten shell. lets move on if we can. Last edited by Lordsidro#6913 on Feb 21, 2015, 6:59:30 PM
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I mentioned the same thing in my very first comment, there's no reason the top builds (casters) in this event call out for a nerf to the next top build (melees).
You consider drawing round boring, while it's really enjoyable for me to catch my opponents off guard when I play a mind game with them. Last edited by Mephisto_n#6597 on Feb 21, 2015, 7:17:52 PM
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" But I never said Nerf you I said nerf "run away"/draw as a strat. I suggest change maps to promote combat (more small obstacles but less huge ones would be my first though, which i posted). |
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