Mechanics thread

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Antistes wrote:
is this thread no longer a sticky thread?
to save space, yes. its link is now in a stickied thread of other thread links.
Hartlock wrote:
Kissan wrote:

There are two types of mods in PoE "local" and "Global"
A "local" mod only applies on the piece of gear where it is.
A "global" mod applies to the whole character.

In your exemple weapons will have the local mod, and rings will have the global mod.

Local mods are apllied before all other mods.


but how can i tell in the game if something is local or base(global?) mod? when i find a sword with +1-3 physical damage, both of those glinting mobs are possible, but which one exactly is it?

also, i have another question.
i hear a lot about stacking additively and stacking multiplicatively.
what does this mean? can i have an example of both?

if i have a chest with 100 armor and it has "10% increased armor", increased means additively
but you had to multiple 100 with 0.1 to get that, so isn't it multiplication?

Weapons will always have the local mod. Only things that can't be use to make damage directly will have the global mod (you can't attack directly with an armor piece or amulet for exemple).

Aegon wrote:
I have a question, two for now actually, not sure where else to put it as it deals with the mechanics of item generation/distribution. I read a decent portion of this thread, but haven't come across the answers...

I'm curious if GGG has posted or will post an answer to:

1) What base items types can roll what modifiers?

(Can all items roll all modifiers, is it broken down by modifier "family" to base item association, or can it be even more granular where base item type can be eligible some modifiers in a mod "family" but not others) I have seen a google spreadsheet put out by users doing some independent research, while I think its great work all values are suspect after each patch if we dont hear from GGG.

2) Are mods places on magic and rare items in a uniform distribution among all eligible mods, or are some mods weighted more heavily than others, and does that vary by base item type, by item level or a combination of both (or additional factors)?

(if we know the answer to #1, then we can easily see what mods are available for a given item of a given level. Are all those mods equally likely to show up or is it skewed toward the higher level mods, skewed away from some of the most valuable mods, any goofy mutual exclusivity... etc)

While a detailed answer would be phenomenal, I'm kinda interested to hear if this is something GGG will divulge or if its something they want to remain behind the curtain. I'm hoping that these questions fall along the same line of thinking that led to the OP's posting of the distribution of rare items mod totals (1/12, 4/12, 7/12 for 6, 5, 4 mods appearing on a rare respectively)

Thanks :)

1) For the moment the spreadsheet is the best doc to know what can spawn on each item. We don't have an official compendium.

2) Last time i've seen a post about this by GGG, the rare items had more chances to spawn with low level mods than magic items.
Last edited by Kissan#7229 on May 26, 2013, 9:57:24 AM
Limit hit mechanics question.

I link Split Arrow (6 arrows) to GMP (+4 arrows), Chain, and Fork.
I now have 10 arrows.
Let's say that there are 30 mobs. All 10 arrows land, then those proceed to fork.
Then, those 20 arrows chain.

However... can't the entire attack only hit one mob each? (just like a melee Split Arrow won't hit the target in front of you multiple times)
So, in effect, under the best situation:
All 10 arrows land. These fork, all 20 land on the other 20.
But then all 30 mobs have been hit by this single Split Arrow cast, and thus they cannot be hit again by this same cast, right?

If that's true, what happens? Do the 40 from Chain simply pierce, deal zero damage, and hit nothing?
Last edited by zakar#2784 on May 26, 2013, 3:28:22 PM
step 1) all 10 somehow manage to hit (very possible)
step 2) all NEW 20 somehow hit a foe (not nearly as possible)
step 3) you have chain so if anything is still alive, EACH projectile from then on will hit up to 2 more foes (one of can be original foe)
step 4) there is no step 4
Last edited by soul4hdwn#0698 on May 26, 2013, 6:58:17 PM
Does that mean the same attack can hit the same target multiple times?
Because I'm pretty sure I read GGG saying this can't happen (at least not with Split Arrow).

So then in theory, assuming they somehow continued to move into a perfect position under absurd conditions, a projectile can hit a target, fork, hit that same target again, then chain, then hit that same target yet again, because each level is considered a new projectile (with appropriate parameters such as the second level's 'can no longer fork').
Is that right?
bow attacks cannot "shotgun" and neither can ethereal knives. however effects like explosive arrow's explosion or ice shot's cone burst, can hit one foe multiple times via different applications (multi projectile). then chain itself bounces between appropriate targets, can "return" hit.

a fork cannot ever hit original target, but chain can. before fork comes into play, the projectile is a normal projectile. if the projectile hits something, it makes two more behind the struck foe in a V. there is no physical way for a forked projectile to return to hit original foe. chain however bounces, it likely might not but it definitely can come back to hit the original foe.
I see :O
Thank ya.
How is increased item quantity calculated? I see a few possible ways how it might work exactly but can't tell for sure from playing.

Let's say I have 100% IIQ.

It seems it might be one of:

1. Each enemy has a (possibly capped) number of drop slots, with diminishing drop probability for every new slot (like, say, 50% chance that one item drops, 30% chance of the second item dropping, 10% third, 0% fourth). IIQ applies multiplicatively to each chance, thus making it 100%/60%/20%/0%.

2. A variation of the above, but probabilities on subsequent drop slots are set to negative values. IIQ is applied additively, making those values positive.

3. Enemies have no preset amount of drop slots, but rather a flat chance to drop an item (say, 15%). Upon enemy death, the game rolls a die, and in case of success rolls it again with the same probability, so you have 15% of getting one item, 2.25% of getting two items, 0.34% of getting three, 0.05% of four, etc. It stops rolling on first failure. IIQ multiplies this chance, so that 100% IIQ would make it 30% of getting one item, 9% of two, 2.7% of three, 0.81% of four, etc.

4. A variation of the above, but the chance is initially higher and is diminishing with every iteration.

5. IIQ isn't a linear percentage, but rather a weird IIR-like metric with diminishing returns.

It's definitely not directly multiplying the amount of items dropped by enemies. Otherwise every mob would drop at least 2 items with 100% IIQ, which does not happen as far as I'm aware, and with low values there would be no appreciable difference whatsoever.

Anyone knows this mechanic for sure? I would at least like to know if there are sweet spots for IIQ like there were for, say, %MF in D2 (where something like 117% was optimal if you didn't want to significantly compromise clear speed).
<Tyrfalger> Exactly, the next act is going outside Sarn and into those wheat fields (see the map) to become a farmer. Then we can spend our days endlessly farming. Wait a minute...
great guide!

I found a typo under the Modifiers Section. Please see below.

Modifiers are split up in to two main groups, prefixes and suffixes. A magic item can have only one prefix and one suffix, never two prefixes or two suffixes.
Rare items can have up to six modifiers, it is unknown if there is a limit on how many of these can be prefixes/suffixes.
A randomly generated rare item (from a drop or Orb of Alchemy) receives between four and six modifiers randomly, with the following odds:
1/12 chance of 6 mods
4/12 chance of 5 mods
7/12 chance of 4 mods

All modifiers have a level associated with them, and will only appear on items whos item level is greater than or equal to the modifier's level.
The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.
Last edited by Daresso#3599 on May 29, 2013, 4:30:06 AM

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