Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Sisko1980 wrote:
sny83 wrote:
Sisko1980 wrote:
Hi, I'm still a beginner, its my first league but I enjoy the build very much, its slowly coming together. I would very much appreciate if someone could tell me, what would be most beneficial to improve of my gear next. Thank you very much in advance!

The characters tab in your profile is private. You'll have to share it if you want us ro be able to give you advice.

Mmh, I think it should work now, thanks for the advice.

Just gonna copy-paste part of my reply on page 894 because it seems everyone's making the same or similar mistakes in their flask optimisation - I've made some edits to highlight your specific issues:

sny83 wrote:
Your life flask grants too little HP compared to your life pool due to the Bubbling prefix. I'd replace it with Catalysed. Your Basalt flask has the right prefix, but it needs a better roll (23% or higher) to allow you two uses during boss fights with no means of refilling flask charges. Your Sulphur flask's prefix basically does nothing for you the way it's rolled, either get it to enough charges to grant 4 uses (22% for Chemist's) or get the Experimenter's prefix for a 6.4 second duration. Quality all your flasks to 20% (I see you're already in the process of doing that) except Wise Oak, which you should replace with another that has a 14-15% elemental penetration roll.

Unspec the two spell crit chance nodes leading to the Alchemist cluster, you already have Lord of the Dead and the adjacent minion node to replace that path. Get the jewel socked to the right of Shaper with the points you've gained this way. Pick up the Alchemist cluster with the next few passives you get on levelling up. Replace Assassin's Haste and Honor Wound with jewels granting life and two of the following: shock effect, either flat or % lightning damage (to spells), cast speed. Having one with flat cold damage to spells is a must for Hypothermia unless you get that stat elsewhere, and one with a 7-8% chance to Hinder is also recommended.

Replace the jewel in your Stygian Vise, a magic Hypnotic Eye Jewel with just cold damage and 10% shock effect would already be an upgrade, get that via scour/transmute/alt spamming and regal the end result hoping for a useful third affix.

Since I assume you don't have a backup Inpulsa to try to spam fusings on to get a six-link, what you could do is buy a Jeweller's Touch prophecy, collect a lot of fusings and try to get the one you're wearing 6-linked (the odds should be better than average since you have 26% quality on your Inpulsa). If you run out and it's still not done, you have the prophecy to restore you to where you are now, basically. I just bought my Inpulsa 6-linked to avoid having to rely on RNG before I can wear it.

Your off-hand dagger has cast speed as the only really beneficial affix, the rest only provide circumstantial benefits. You can get one with two of >40% spell/lightning damage, >10% cast speed or 2-100 flat lightning damage to spells and an open affix spot to craft the third for 1-5c. You can worry about crafting your own later.

Throw some Blessed Orbs on your Bone Helmet, the implicit roll can't get worse than it is right now, and you might get a bit of damage increase for very little cost. Do the same with your rare ring if it doesn't mess with lightning as your highest resistance.

You should try to replace all your rare items one by one with better versions granting higher life and resistance rolls. Once you have a few and they're enough to keep your resistances overcapped, it will give you some room to get close-to-endgame upgrades without going below 75% in any resistance except chaos.
Hello everyone.

First of all, sorry for my poor english.

I started the game with the current league. And my first serious char was done following this guide and topic.

Thanks to everyone for this incredible help.
So funny and intensive gameplay.

I am a bit lost right now with gearing up.
I tried Uber lab 3 Times and failed at the last boss encounter.

What should I upgrade or replace in order to continue improving.

I have 80c in stock and I a bit confused with crafting, especially with beastiary crafts.

(I bought a good Sai dagger but I can't equip it since I miss some dexterity which I don't really know how to gain)

Thanks a lot !
Last edited by FalKeT66 on Jan 7, 2019, 3:23:30 PM
Is there anywhere that lists gear by slot which would be the "in a perfect world if you had infinite currency" versions of each item especially the rares for this build?

I'm at the point where I have good gear...even great in some cases but I want a bit more visibility in what the truly amazing choices are for each slot so I can save up and buy them one at a time
I read here that we are not supposed to check the enemy is shocked when calculating dps in Path of Building if our shock effectiveness is not 150%, I'm currently seeing my gear and I have 109% shock effectiveness, so, is there a way to increase it?
Thx very much @sny83 for the detailed reply!
Stryfex19 wrote:
Is there anywhere that lists gear by slot which would be the "in a perfect world if you had infinite currency" versions of each item especially the rares for this build?

I'm at the point where I have good gear...even great in some cases but I want a bit more visibility in what the truly amazing choices are for each slot so I can save up and buy them one at a time

Scroll through the forums, look till you find BlG_RealiZe, and there you have your infinite currency gear. His is about as good as you can get without mirrors.
The sheer amount of newbies coming in here with questions on how to survive more, or how to do T15-16 maps, should be reason enough to remove “beginner friendly” from this build. It is NOT beginner friendly, and requires considerable investment to complete the game. Self cast was relevant 2 years ago, have fun getting one shot by syndicates. Sadly, I fell for the trap then realized my error. Went to a new build and cleared the game with 10% the investment required for this. But hey, it’s very well written.
Last edited by Anointedone on Jan 7, 2019, 4:05:12 PM
Hey Folks

First big thanks for your very detailet guide!
So much thing's in the game are overwhelming..

I'm going further and further in your Guide with great benefits.

But im kinda helpless for now. Coud someone check my Charakter and take a look what shoud i switch. What shoud i do better. What shoud i go next.

Thanks for your help
Anointedone wrote:
The sheer amount of newbies coming in here with questions on how to survive more, or how to do T15-16 maps, should be reason enough to remove “beginner friendly” from this build. It is NOT beginner friendly, and requires considerable investment to complete the game. Self cast was relevant 2 years ago, have fun getting one shot by syndicates. Sadly, I fell for the trap then realized my error. Went to a new build and cleared the game with 10% the investment required for this. But hey, it’s very well written.

Almost first time player here, So far I'm doing T14s without much trouble (sometimes I do die, but mostly my fault, bleed always gets me), it may be not the cheapest or easiest build (more than 10 ex invested so far), but I got all that currency by simply playing with this char
Last edited by Tamino1701 on Jan 7, 2019, 4:12:08 PM
Hello everyone and thanks to Enki for the great build.
I need some help with my build.
I somehow managed to reach level 91 but I am capped.
I am not experienced in upgrading further.
Could someone take a look at my profile and give some suggestions?
I also have some mana sustain issues...

I used these dagger for most of the time:

but I switched to Doriani staffs because they gave a bit better damage...
Last edited by otolino on Jan 7, 2019, 4:23:56 PM

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