Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

How the hell do you already have an inpulsa? What do you farm to get that much currency? At this rythm I’ll get one at the end of the league^^
Mby monsters or bosses dropped.... who knows. :D Some guys/grills are just lucky.
You dear Sir are the reason why I although burned out from POE could find fun in going through the leveling ordeal again.
Awesome Beginner friendly build.
Taught me basics about the game as a newcomer.
And more to that, gave me a big start on learning the end-game content.
Thank you Enki!
The flask could be worth testing, not sure if it's ultimately better than the two unique flasks we already use or worth kicking out a valuable flask suffix for.

It's a solid start, should even have a suffix open for attack speed benchcraft.

Easiest way is a Hypnotic Eye jewel with Cold Damage to Spells (or -while dual wielding).

@sunderclock & @Spyder85 & @Balantakos
Whirling Blades is even faster than the Ahn's setup was, and we gain lots of damage from dualwielding even with just average gear.

Congrats on the Uber Elder kill! Really good to see what the build is capable of even early league :)

@xPeleusx & @Kopeeh
Yes, chancing Inpulsa's still works as it's not a league-exclusive unique.

@ksaldana1 & @nomoreagine
Check out both chars listed in the My Characters Section, that's what you want as flask setup depending if you have a Wrath Mana Leech Watcher's Eye or Mind of the Council, or not. I did play around with Lavianga's Spirit in SSF Incursion, while it does work I find that it sometimes wasn't reliable enough, and the other two sustain options should be preferred.

We want quality on golems just for the bit extra life it gives them, the damage doesn't affect us.

You seem to be missing the Leap Slam setup while having some gems in that you don't need. The "second" golem setup is what you're supposed to switch to after speccing into Liege of the Primordial, no more need for Minion and Totem Ele Res support at that point.

Yes, any affix with the wording "Minions deal #% increased damage" applies to us with Spiritual Aid.

Wands have no real movement attack skill to proc Fortify with.

Yeah, except for the one we use for the +1 Lightning Gems recipe.

Axioms should be fine until you can equip the Heartbreakers, which should last you into mapping.

I'd say yes, will also mention that at the top of this guide.

What exactly is oneshotting you? Would help to figure out how to work around it. One thing i'd recommend is try The Queen's Hunger, it's a pretty nice chest that i'll add to the guide later.

That's correct, enchants would override the implicit minion damage.

Wouldn't be enough damage to freezelock anything that matters, and for just freezing trash we already oneshot and destroy corpses of it's not really worth the opportunity cost.

The pathing change is intended, pathing through Lord of the Dead is only worth it once taking Spiritual Aid.

The helmet you're using isn't really worth it, some other pieces of gear also have no/low life rolls so that should be your next focus. Stacking different damage types on Abyss jewels doesn't synergize
well with this build, just stick with the stats listed in jewel section.

Looks alright, keep going!

Currently I have no real replacement for this, you could use another high level Enfeeble to manually curse dangerous stuff if needed.

They should, demand is currently high while supply is pretty low. 1-2 weeks and it should start getting cheaper.

You can get the filter by typing !filter on my stream chat, however it's just an edit of Neversinks so using that is fine aswell.

You can mix them as you wish, only thing that matters is that it's either two sceptres or two daggers.

You should have all skills on the skillbar that you actively use. Auras can be activated and then replaced on the skillbar, anything that triggers (such as the stuff we got linked to CwDt) doesn't need to be on there at all. Another neat trick is putting a golem on left click, this way it will still act as move-only but cast the golem if you hold shift.

Sell it if you haven't yet, that currency would be more helpful than the jewel is for this build.

The Queen's Hunger is nice, adding it to the guide later.

Early MoM mainly just for the mana nodes behind, they give great casting cost sustain and the little bit of damage we get can easily get sustained by a mana flask.

Please read the Beacon of Ruin explanation in Passives section, should explain it all :)

@Jasta & @alecs87
You could try out Soul of the Brine King if stuns become too much of an issue.

Daggers, the damage difference isn't that big and their movement skill is just so much faster.

I'd recommend Essence Worm and a good Stygian Vise first, then work towards Inpulsa's and a Watcher's Eye with Wrath Mana Leech.

Too inconsistent to be worth the opportunity cost.

ES sustain would be pretty bad as Elementalist and you'd lose the nice Inpulsa explosions. A Lowlife Occultist will work and you'd even get the explosions from Profane Bloom, but won't be able to easily chill and shock for high amounts anymore.

Just lower clearspeed and losing some single target damage and shock immunity, but all content is possible to do even without Inpulsa's.

Get the Alchemist cluster, Elemental Overload and Inspiration asap. Can't know your playstyle, but try to stay more on range and drop Decoy Totem and Storm Brand on potential threats.

Aside from what blackdeath101 wrote, replace that Sorrow of the Divine with a regular Sulphur Flask asap. The unique flask removes all your life regeneration and applies it to energy shield instead, which in return makes your char more squishy.

Yeah that's a really nice dagger.

No need to invest much at this point yet. Best you could do is get yourself 2x Lifesprigs, a Goldrim, Wanderlust and Tabula Rasa, and at Lv50 switch to 2x Heartbreakers. That'll be enough to last you into maps alongside with generic rares you find, and the chest and daggers can even be used into mapping.

Try to keep up Storm Brand more often and get yourself two daggers and the correct flasks. Losing MoM would be losing ~2k extra life, which you couldn't easily make up for at that part of the passive tree.

Daggers are definitely worth it, i'd recommend that and then saving for an Inpulsa's.

Random daggers are fine, with cast speed being able to craft on daggers now you don't really need shaped daggers until you go for really highend ones. Heartbreaker and Divinarius are solid uniques, however I find it's easy to beat them nowadays with just the spell damage recipe and crafting bench.

Yes, we gain more damage and speed from dual wielding than the Ahn's setup had, the life is made up by the two jewel sockets we can use rares in now and we could even reach around the same block with implicit dw block chance and two Sai daggers.

CwDt takes substantially more damage to trigger at higher gem levels, while the spells we trigger don't really gain enough or any effect to justify that, so we keep it low for easier procs.

Your Arc is currently in a 3L, that is one of the main constributors to low damage output. What i'd recommend you to do is fix flasks and passives first, no point in taking those jewel sockets instead of the shadow area yet, then get yourself a Tabula Rasa, a Heartbreaker + Divinarius (or rare daggers) and some solid life + res rares in all other slots and fix the gem setups.
FabledGumbo wrote:
Is there any easy way to make this build work without MoM? I'm really tired of losing all my mana to getting hit and dying because of it.

take it off for now if you don't like it for now.
it's simply more "life" so you don't get 1 shot easily.

Put it back on when you want more survivability

While this build is a lot of fun, it needs quite a good amount of damage to stay alive considering is so squishy. I haven't died so much since 2.0 It seems to heavily rely on golems and fast movement to dodge any incoming damage which makes it impossible to play with lag and higher ping. It's first time in many leagues that at lvl 85 I can't do Uber Izaro or pass T7. From my 30K dps to 1mil as per the POB link it's a loong way. Obtaining shaper items or 6L Impulsa is impossible without investing several ex. This is not achievable for a casual player within the first week. I will respec this into BV which is much cheaper to gear. Thanks for the build anyway.
alecs87 wrote:
While this build is a lot of fun, it needs quite a good amount of damage to stay alive considering is so squishy. I haven't died so much since 2.0 It seems to heavily rely on golems and fast movement to dodge any incoming damage which makes it impossible to play with lag and higher ping. It's first time in many leagues that at lvl 85 I can't do Uber Izaro or pass T7. From my 30K dps to 1mil as per the POB link it's a loong way. Obtaining shaper items or 6L Impulsa is impossible without investing several ex. This is not achievable for a casual player within the first week. I will respec this into BV which is much cheaper to gear. Thanks for the build anyway.

It's probably just not the right playstyle for you then. I've just done Uber Lab without issues, with still completely selffound gear from Day 2 except for the chest. Your DPS is also higher than 30k, tooltip is very meaningless with this build. Although looking at your char, there are some flaws like missing Cold to Spells for Hypothermia to work or benchcrafs on both daggers that don't work with Arc/spells in general.

Anyway, hope you'll enjoy BV more!
alecs87 wrote:
While this build is a lot of fun, it needs quite a good amount of damage to stay alive considering is so squishy. I haven't died so much since 2.0 It seems to heavily rely on golems and fast movement to dodge any incoming damage which makes it impossible to play with lag and higher ping. It's first time in many leagues that at lvl 85 I can't do Uber Izaro or pass T7. From my 30K dps to 1mil as per the POB link it's a loong way. Obtaining shaper items or 6L Impulsa is impossible without investing several ex. This is not achievable for a casual player within the first week. I will respec this into BV which is much cheaper to gear. Thanks for the build anyway.

You have 2x ele pen on your weapons despite having tons from gem and tree already, change that

I'm doing fine in red maps and did lab a good 20 times yesterday without dying once.

You probably die in maps because of negative chaos res which makes syndicate hell
Hi Enki91 loving ther build a lot.

This might be a noob question but when using hte wise oak in this build are we only using it for the penetration or using for defence too?? like do we have to get all our res the same?

cheers ;)

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