Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Goshawk2 wrote:

As for the foible, I thought the increased aura effect on wrath was pretty good. But I'll definitely compare without.

Yes, it's pretty good. If you can find one with quality and an annointment, I'd definitely recommend using it if you have enough mana regen! But losing both the quality and annointment for the aura is a bit of a steep cost. (Forgot mentioning the annoint in my previous post.)

I'd recommend you to find a better weapon first. Your dagger is servicable for a while as it is, but I'd not spend anything major on it I think.
Goshawk2 wrote:
Seem completely unable to down Maven's Invitation: The Twisted with this build. Just get one shot repeatedly lol.

Any advice I would be extremely grateful.

I suspect the build just isn't meant for end game content. But I hope I'm wrong.

Seem unable to directly link my character, but this is the characters link. Character is Shamsticles.


This build can absolutely do endgame content if you invest in it and learn the mechanics. I've got 7.5m DPS with this build and had no trouble doing the Twisted deathless. I did the Formed with 1 death (totally my fault, got hit with a Phoenix nova because I wasn't paying attention), and it was also pretty easy.

I will say I got absolutely bopped doing the Hidden, took me like 5 portals. I have a lot less experience with breachlords and was NOT expecting them to be level 83, so I'm pretty sure I could still manage it deathless with some practice. (Last league's necro version would have been better for sure.) Still have yet to do the Forgotten (not too worried), the Feared (somewhat worried), or the Maven herself (no idea what to expect).

Edit: sorry, you were looking for advice and I totally didn't give any, lol. Dreagation is right on, make his changes and report back. The best advice I can give at the moment is to learn the fight mechanics if you haven't. The guardians are all really dangerous if you let them hit you, but it's relatively easy to avoid most of the stuff that would 1-shot you. If you're not playing with the sound up, I highly recommend you do, as there are lots of aural cues that can help you with offscreen bosses.
Last edited by WorderMostFoul#7154 on Feb 19, 2021, 2:00:44 PM

I've been using this build with quite a success, doing t15 and t16 maps with little problems. But, there is a lot of random one-hit deaths (probably mostly my fault), fairly low boss dps and clearing things that are not random monsters takes quite some time. Where should I go with upgrades to get best gains? I'm sitting at about 20ex atm.

Gear (maybe switching gems for higher levelled or alternate quality?), levelling for one or two more passive points to invest in cluster jewel? I will be grateful for any suggestions.

Here is my link, character is the bottom one: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/farfast/characters
farfast wrote:

I've been using this build with quite a success, doing t15 and t16 maps with little problems. But, there is a lot of random one-hit deaths (probably mostly my fault), fairly low boss dps and clearing things that are not random monsters takes quite some time. Where should I go with upgrades to get best gains? I'm sitting at about 20ex atm.

Gear (maybe switching gems for higher levelled or alternate quality?), levelling for one or two more passive points to invest in cluster jewel? I will be grateful for any suggestions.

Here is my link, character is the bottom one: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/farfast/characters

You've done a really good job with your character. Looks to me like you have 3.9m sustained sDPS: https://pastebin.com/9KQdjMCG
And 5.4m with RF running (not sure if you're doing this regularly or not).

Overall suggestions (totally subjective on my part):
1. Additional sources of increased mana recovery rate will help you with both damage and especially survivability. Try to craft a belt with the Redeemer mod. If you don't know how, good advice is available here and probably with a quick google search, too. With your budget, I think it's time to upgrade Tempered Mind to Transcendent Mind, refund the Heart of Thunder points, and use them to path to the Templar's starting point.
2. Invest in a better large cluster jewel with 3 good notables and only 8 total passives.

Some suggestions for damage:
1. Most importantly, I bet your Elemental Overload isn't procking consistently. Keep an eye on it during mapping and bossing to see if I'm correct. If I am, getting additional increased spell crit--weapons with t1 affixes and/or running a secondary damage spell is/are easiest way(s)--will help your average sustained damage quite a bit.
2. Get to the point that your mana recovery can comfortably sustain regular RF in a neutral environment (i.e. without conditional buffs and detrimental map mods).
3. Ditch life flask, it probably wouldn't even save you at this point. An Atziri's Promise will give you a decent damage boost with no perceptible loss in survivability.
4. Mindfulness is trash, use a Scintillating Idea jewel instead.
5. Start working on some awakened gems for the Arc setup.
6. Leaving the numbers game aside, I don't think Sigil is great for this (maybe any) build. It's a 3L setup that requires you to restrict your movement drastically to get any benefit from it, making you sacrifice survivability for damage. I think you're better off with some kind of setup that gives you Culling Strike.

1. Keep in mind that having low mana is usually what leads you to getting 1-shotted.
2. I really think you need to aim for 3k life minimum--3.5k is ideal--to avoid frustration with constant 1-shots. Definitely take Devotion, since you're already there, and spend more points in the Constitution wheel.
3. Get your mana above 10k.
4. Swap in quartz flask for sulphur flask. It stacks well with Omeyocan.

Occasional 1-shots are a part of life with this build almost inevitably, but you can definitely avoid the vast majority with proper planning and playing. Upping your damage output and mana recovery will help a lot on their own.
WorderMostFoul wrote:

1. Most importantly, I bet your Elemental Overload isn't procking consistently. Keep an eye on it during mapping and bossing to see if I'm correct. If I am, getting additional increased spell crit--weapons with t1 affixes and/or running a secondary damage spell is/are easiest way(s)--will help your average sustained damage quite a bit.
An Atziri's Promise will give you a decent damage boost with no perceptible loss in survivability.

I was wondering about your thoughts on bottled faith over atziri's promise, Worder. It can constrain your movement a bit versus bosses (similar as the sigil), but I feel like you want to find moments where you can stand and burst your damage onto them a lot of the time anyways, so might not be an issue. And it adds a lot of crit chance and some extra damage taken.
I'm at the point now where any upgrades are very expensive.

How do i push my gear up to 10k mana? i'm at about 9.1 atm

Crafting mana regen on belt, do i max quality with fertile catalyst and then slam with hunters orb? If i miss can i try with a second orb?

Any other suggestions please? have around 10ex
Last edited by dark_nebula#6267 on Feb 20, 2021, 7:57:44 PM
dark_nebula wrote:
I'm at the point now where any upgrades are very expensive.

How do i push my gear up to 10k mana? i'm at about 9.1 atm

Crafting mana regen on belt, do i max quality with fertile catalyst and then slam with hunters orb? If i miss can i try with a second orb?

Any other suggestions please? have around 10ex

Relatively cheap suggestion:
A watcher's eye with mana recovery or the MoM effect.

I would also like to suggest to link righteous fire with the sigil of power setup. The increased duration makes vaal righteous fire last longer. (Though keep in mind it also increases the lockout for vaal skills).

The belt:
I've gotten mine a while ago and found it cheaper to buy a good one rather than craft it. Prices may have changed though. If you want to craft it: You would need a redeemer or shaper belt, not hunter. I would probably recommend you to get a lvl84 influence vise and then just spam lucent fossils until you hit good mana and mana recovery rate (and possibly life) and then look if you can harvest craft the rest on it.
Also see if you can get your hands on a cerulean ring with similar stats as your ring has.

Other than that, I guess you could improve your weapons for more mana. And you could go for another small cluster jewel with mana.
Dreagation wrote:
WorderMostFoul wrote:

1. Most importantly, I bet your Elemental Overload isn't procking consistently. Keep an eye on it during mapping and bossing to see if I'm correct. If I am, getting additional increased spell crit--weapons with t1 affixes and/or running a secondary damage spell is/are easiest way(s)--will help your average sustained damage quite a bit.
An Atziri's Promise will give you a decent damage boost with no perceptible loss in survivability.

I was wondering about your thoughts on bottled faith over atziri's promise, Worder. It can constrain your movement a bit versus bosses (similar as the sigil), but I feel like you want to find moments where you can stand and burst your damage onto them a lot of the time anyways, so might not be an issue. And it adds a lot of crit chance and some extra damage taken.
I believe you can use BF and then move, as long as the enemy is on consecrated ground you don't have to be but would lose the life regen buff. Regardless of consecrated ground you still receive a nice damage increase from the implicit.

It holds three charges so you can create more consecrated ground if you use more charges which can be good outside of boss fights. I used mine a lot last league in Simulacrum, run around dropping consecrated ground in a smallish area with a lot of enemies.

The reason it is so valuable for boss fights is that it holds three charges, for mapping that isn't of much help as you already have enough damage and can refill other flasks. In comparison you get one use of a Cinderswallow Urn or two uses of an Atziri's Promise. I might be wrong but I also think that BF lasts for longer.

Bottle Faith is extremely good and I intend to swap my life flask for one the next time I get one to drop. I sold the two I have found because at 8ex there were more significant improvements that could be purchased.
Hi guys, I'm playing my first league and found this build after some (short) research and I'm having a good time playing with it.

Now I'm at lv93 and looking for endgame content, I'm having trouble searching for items that can improve my resistances (they aren't all 75% and my chaos is still -40%). I have about 6-9ex to spend on better items but I don't really know the best way to spend my currency.

My character is public and any feedback is valid.

Thank you very much.
josexsoueu wrote:
Hi guys, I'm playing my first league and found this build after some (short) research and I'm having a good time playing with it.

Now I'm at lv93 and looking for endgame content, I'm having trouble searching for items that can improve my resistances (they aren't all 75% and my chaos is still -40%). I have about 6-9ex to spend on better items but I don't really know the best way to spend my currency.

My character is public and any feedback is valid.

Thank you very much.

I've made an example search for gloves, but you could alter the values depending on how strict you want to be. (I really like the nexus gloves, but you could take the implicit out) https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ritual/e6aVrrWcL The phoenix hold gloves for 50c seems like a pretty good deal, but idk if they'll be there when you open the link. :P
I'd probably suggest you upgrade your boots to decent life+mana and 30% movement speed and some resistances first. Then look to upgrade your gloves and belt.

On the nonresistance upgrades:
Also look to put some catalysts on your amulet and anoint it with mind drinker or mana flows. Get a watcher's eye with increased mana recovery rate while affected by clarity. And try to upgrade the abyss jewel in your belt, this one doesn't really add too much for us. Focus on life+mana. The same for any normal jewels you'll be using still.

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