WorderMostFoul wrote:
AlterCrash wrote:
hi guys,
another question,
i can enchant my boots, thought of going for 50+ mana,
but now i can craft the veiled mod "non vaal skills deal 51-60% increased dmg during soul gain prevention"
isnt this a crazy dmg boost for arc in some cases?
like when my vaal RF expires or when Ive used my vaal arc?
the numbers see so much bigger then a little mana!
thanks in advance
Well, for starters, you're talking about a crafted mod versus an enchantment--so you don't have to pick and choose. You can have them both!
Second, 70% increased mana regen is extremely strong in a build like this one that depends so much on mana regen for both offense and defense. It's applied to your flat mana regen, which we stack as much as possible via inherent 1% regen, Cloak of Defiance, Clarity, Arcane Surge, Mastermind of Discord, and Pure Talent (and probably other sources I'm forgetting to mention). Just the enchantment by itself would take you from regenerating 5% of your base mana per second to 8.5%. That's 12 seconds versus 20 seconds to refill your mana from 0% to 100%. There aren't many places in the game you can find that kind of boost in mana regen with practically no strings attached.
Next, 50% increased damage is good...but this game distinguishes between "increased" damage and "more" damage in its calculations. The difference is astronomical, and far from just semantic in this case. 50% increased damage is a little boost; 50% more damage is HUGE.
Finally, unless you're actively and frequently using your Vaal skills when mapping, which I personally don't, the amount of time you spend in soul gain prevention is negligible.
thanks dude!
i wasn't actually talking about the mana regen enchant,
but you did teach me about there being a big diffrence between increased damage and added damage. so cheers!
Posted byAlterCrash#5351on Feb 10, 2021, 5:56:54 PM
Noticed a lot of the top dps arc players are using Pledge of Hands 6L.
Eg. https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Elementalist&skill=Arc&sort=dps
Is this a valid option instead of the two wands? As it feels like we'd lose a lot of functionality (trigger socketed spell / double focus dmg).
Penny for thy thoughts
Posted byGoshawk2#3565on Feb 10, 2021, 5:57:44 PM
WorderMostFoul wrote:
The drain from Blood Rage pales in comparison to RF or Omeyocan, I guarantee you won't even notice it with Agnostic and strong mana recovery. You can put it anywhere, really: trigger, cwdt, even self-cast.
Storm Brand absolutely hits--both guaranteed and frequently. That's why it's so perfect for EO/Hextouch/Culling Strike. I think I'm going to just bite the bullet tonight and buy an Unnerve/CS cluster jewel so I can finally put Elemental Weakness in my SB setup and be done throwing my alts away. (You may have been thinking of Wintertide/Penance/Arcanist brand, as those do not hit the enemy they're branded to.)
Yes, but Blood Rage will only be a debuff on boss fights with nothing to add.
I'll probably go for Culling Strike with Storm Brand (or whatever fits good).
I got 3 Megalomaniacs atm (2 equiped and 1 linked in previous post) and would like to drop the one with the Culling Strike for the one linked since it has way better notables.
Posted byReechaani#7330on Feb 10, 2021, 5:59:03 PM
Goshawk2 wrote:
Noticed a lot of the top dps arc players are using Pledge of Hands 6L.
Eg. https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Elementalist&skill=Arc&sort=dps
Is this a valid option instead of the two wands? As it feels like we'd lose a lot of functionality (trigger socketed spell / double focus dmg).
Penny for thy thoughts
Pledge of Hands is a valid option and fits right into this build, if it weren't for the nasty side effect that it has.
With Greater Spell Echo support provided by the weapon you'll be casting 4 Arcs (1 from your action + 1 from the normal Spell Echo + 2 from Greater Spell Echo).
That seems nice, but it locks you into place until they are all cast.
Depening on cast speed you'll be locked into place for 0,7-1 sec, after which you still have to cast Flame Dash to avoid the nasty things coming your way.
Expect quite a few deaths due to being too late to dodge.
I also quite like the trigger wand as a QoL, but an extra 6-link is great too.
Not too sure about using it with all the golem gems though; there are better classes to appreciate a 2nd 6-link.
Last edited by Reechaani#7330 on Feb 10, 2021, 6:07:52 PM
Posted byReechaani#7330on Feb 10, 2021, 6:02:56 PM
Thanks for the uber quick reply!
May try it out and see how it goes. The 6L pledge will be easy to liquidate if it doesn't.
Posted byGoshawk2#3565on Feb 10, 2021, 6:07:12 PM
Goshawk2 wrote:
Noticed a lot of the top dps arc players are using Pledge of Hands 6L.
Eg. https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Elementalist&skill=Arc&sort=dps
Is this a valid option instead of the two wands? As it feels like we'd lose a lot of functionality (trigger socketed spell / double focus dmg).
Penny for thy thoughts
It's a distinctly different playstyle. I have not enjoyed it in the past when I have tried it, it just felt very clunky and it's extremely on the glass cannon side of things. I was frustrated dying constantly with Elementalist so I respecced to a Necro like last league. So far that is feeling pretty clunky itself with all the block stuns and to get the damage up it's going to be a very expensive build. I am also considering leveling a new character and giving PoH a try with a proper glass cannon crit build, already bought the staff and 6 linked it. I only had about 300 jewelers and 600 fusings and assumed that I would fail to get it linked. Now I have to choose between gutting my Necro, selling the PoH for a few ex, or leveling a new witch. I am leaning towards the latter as a good break between trying to drag my Necro from 95 to 96 which seems doable unlike the Elementalist but it isn't much fun. If you choose to try it you need to respec a lot of the skill tree as it won't work with just swapping weapons.
Posted byBuckFutter9#2398on Feb 10, 2021, 6:09:34 PM
Goshawk2 wrote:
Noticed a lot of the top dps arc players are using Pledge of Hands 6L.
Eg. https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Elementalist&skill=Arc&sort=dps
Is this a valid option instead of the two wands? As it feels like we'd lose a lot of functionality (trigger socketed spell / double focus dmg).
Penny for thy thoughts
Agree with Reechaani and BuckFutter here. PoH is definitely the easiest and most effective way to up your DPS, but it just feels horrible, especially for mapping. I did notice its popularity on ninja a few weeks ago and have to assume it's because of the potential for good boss damage. But seriously, I do not recommend it for Arc.
Reechaani wrote:
WorderMostFoul wrote:
The drain from Blood Rage pales in comparison to RF or Omeyocan, I guarantee you won't even notice it with Agnostic and strong mana recovery. You can put it anywhere, really: trigger, cwdt, even self-cast.
Storm Brand absolutely hits--both guaranteed and frequently. That's why it's so perfect for EO/Hextouch/Culling Strike. I think I'm going to just bite the bullet tonight and buy an Unnerve/CS cluster jewel so I can finally put Elemental Weakness in my SB setup and be done throwing my alts away. (You may have been thinking of Wintertide/Penance/Arcanist brand, as those do not hit the enemy they're branded to.)
Yes, but Blood Rage will only be a debuff on boss fights with nothing to add.
I'll probably go for Culling Strike with Storm Brand (or whatever fits good).
I got 3 Megalomaniacs atm (2 equiped and 1 linked in previous post) and would like to drop the one with the Culling Strike for the one linked since it has way better notables.
Yes, Blood Rage is useless in boss fights without adds...until you get your hands on the Anomalous version! I probably won't add it to my build until I've found one of those. Once mapping damage is as high as ours, the regular version really isn't that important for clearing. Big exception: delirious maps.
Last edited by WorderMostFoul#7154 on Feb 10, 2021, 6:59:11 PM
Goshawk2 wrote:
Noticed a lot of the top dps arc players are using Pledge of Hands 6L.
Eg. https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Elementalist&skill=Arc&sort=dps
Is this a valid option instead of the two wands? As it feels like we'd lose a lot of functionality (trigger socketed spell / double focus dmg).
Penny for thy thoughts
My buddy said it was fine when he put spell echo in it. Until he did that it was unplayable. As far as high-end meta usage, I'll yield to someone who knows more about the specifics of this build than I.
Posted bygmofosho89#7520on Feb 10, 2021, 7:11:16 PM
gmofosho89 wrote:
Goshawk2 wrote:
Noticed a lot of the top dps arc players are using Pledge of Hands 6L.
Eg. https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Elementalist&skill=Arc&sort=dps
Is this a valid option instead of the two wands? As it feels like we'd lose a lot of functionality (trigger socketed spell / double focus dmg).
Penny for thy thoughts
My buddy said it was fine when he put spell echo in it. Until he did that it was unplayable. As far as high-end meta usage, I'll yield to someone who knows more about the specifics of this build than I.
You can easily buy one and get two blue sockets on it to put in arc and spell echo. Try it out to see how it feels, if you don't mind the playstyle you can start a new witch or respec to make it work best. I can assure you that it is quite different then what you are playing now - move, stand and cast 4 times, move, cast, and on it goes. It feels very clunky but a full glass cannon crit build can put out the DPS, just expect to get one shot on a very regular basis. I like mapping with my Necro, I just run around blowing almost everything up and not dying often at all. The big issue is the low DPS in boss fights. My intent is to swap back and forth depending on what is needed.
Posted byBuckFutter9#2398on Feb 10, 2021, 7:19:43 PM