Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

woefulwabbit wrote:
So... arc arcanist brands?

With dual storm secret rings?
What does "getting rid of Elementalist" mean? Switching to another ascendancy? Or even another class? What are the better options?
Last edited by TarrasqueSorcerer on Jun 3, 2020, 6:27:08 AM
What does "getting rid of Elementalist" mean? Switching to another ascendancy? Or even another class? What are the better options?

Testing some setups as Occultist and Necromancer, i'd like the build to stay witch. Elementalist is in a really bad spot right now, too many rotating/conditional buffs and golems die too easily to regular game content such as Sirus or Al-Hezmin and his spawns even with heavy investment into their survivability.

Knowing that cluster jewels stay available and getting some timeless keystones added to the regular passive tree opens up many things. Next build version should be much better, which isn't hard because the current one just didn't synergize very well with league content or the economy.
When can we expect an updated version? Around league start, or later?
woefulwabbit wrote:
So... arc arcanist brands?
Is that the "sequence brand"? I thought that would be useful to apply buffs in a rotation for example curse + wave of conviction for exposure + blade blast for unnerve etc. etc. not for applying 1 spell on a 5-link... for that spellslinger could be better?

Enki91 wrote:
Elementalist is in a really bad spot right now, too many rotating/conditional buffs and golems die too easily to regular game content such as Sirus or Al-Hezmin and his spawns even with heavy investment into their survivability.
I'd hope GGG would buff Elementalist one day, personally I'd rid of (or condense together) shaper of desolation and pendulum of destruction because that are probably the "unreliable rotating buffs" you're talking about. Make mastermind of discord and beacon of ruin 2-point investment and put a more powerful node behind them in a loop (like on chieftain or trickster). And then add a defensive branch that isn't basically "play golem minion build or bust".

Tbh even the golem build suffers from the fact that it has nothing good to pick except that golem branch. And for every other spec that branch seems tacked on.
After sticking with this build to the end, I'm going to finally retire it for the delirium league and take a rest until next league start. Too many deaths, it pains me so much to lose 10% of hard earned exp =(

It pains me to see other classes doing T15/T16 (not even end game content) so easily while I struggle. It's so hard to watch my friend spin to win while I focus on dodging and using my life flask. The class was fun and enjoyable T12 and lower, but for anything above and for any boss fights, it was struggle.
yeah i feel that i started with the build i enjoyed it.
the power was there.
just whatever i tryed couldnt seem to make it better defencively
I feel the same. I am in ccurently playing T12 maps and I die in one-shots all the time. I don't even see the attack coming.

To my understanding I should have enough life and ES (though everything could be better) but I cannot kill several map bosses like the Lithomancer or Suncaller Asha (means I die 6 times).

Others I can kill but need to run away killing monsters to refill my flasks.

Any ideas on that as I like the build and the playstyle?

Now that glancing blows is coming to the talent tree and only ~4 points or so away from Sanctity this build was taking already, would it be worth to go into block scaling for defensive purposes? Afaik you can block with a staff already, or even swap to a shield with wand / scepter if necessary?
My experience has been pretty good
Gear investment was somewhere around 5-6 EX and no major issues with T16 maps.

I went hard on the defensive approach (5700 HP) and as a result my damage is pretty low ...but id rather stay alive and spam then die all the time

I'm happy to die here and there as it keeps the excitement up! and its not that fun for me to faceroll everything.

Although Sirus seems impossible with my setup but well what ever there is still heaps to do.

I think something that is often missing from the equation is what kind of game mechanics you enjoy? I absolutely love frying whole packs of monsters or chaining from behind cover but to me the spin-to-win game play just looks and feels wrong.
Last edited by jimzorb on Jun 5, 2020, 12:17:27 AM

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