Content Update 1.3.0 Patch Notes, Deployment Timeline and Official Path of Exile Twitch Channel

hmm cant find the after 2 years shock nova is usefull now part..... maybe i have to read again Join the fun.
SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
Hopefully, GGG will enjoy the consequences of their decisions. As for me, i stop information support for this game in Russia.
Good balancing idea for the devs; disable all item slots and passives. That way there's only one build and every char is on par!
this patch gonna robb all the fun i had in this game... nerf of exile, thanks GGG
IGN: Lawyne (Stream: [inactive]
100% Life Shaper in 1s
Practical Blade Flurry
So many people butthurt.

+1 to GGG, keep the leagues coming, hopefully this HC is as relatively challenging as Invasion was, Beyond was semi let down ]:

I still remember the key thing when they make a HC league "We look to find the best way to kill players, while creating a fun game" please keep up the new HC leagues ;) <3

IGN : @xxxxxxxxxDOCOMOxxxxxxxx
IGN : @Xx_______ZAKO________xX
IGN : @_________PEPE_________
I know I had mention it before, but I had spend all of my currency in my only character I could really afford in my playtime. Now it's nerfed to shit.

I planned another char for the next league already, but one of the skills I planned to use was changed, too (and I think this change is a nerf also), and the other skill was mentioned in this thread to be also OP several times.
So I#m not sure if this char is it worth to be played. But what else? Which build should I play to be sure it won't be nerfed to shit by the next patch?

GGG, this is not the beta anymore! This game needs at last some continuity and some guaranty that the build a player spend his whole time and currency will survive the next patch.
Otherwise, the intermediate players had no impulsion to spend in items - and in microtransactions also...
My two cents: maybe too much of a nerf hammer in a 'short amount of time', but most seemed necessary/justified and what was op before and therefore almost obligatory use may now lead to greater variety of builds and/or more difficulty and tactical play which for me is the most important thing.
CoC+block+CoD etc was excessive before, maybe now there will be more balance.

It was a pity there were no real buffs to lesser used skills, or changes to them that would make them more viable. There is a lack of things to get 'excited' about, especially if you're not bothered about pvp, but maybe during the course of the first month this might change. This is, for me, the main 'problem' with the patch, not the nerfs. I wasn't a big fan of beyond but I think I'll be back to HC rippin it in style :)
Both main toons seriously nerfed (or to put it more aptly: destroyed).
Very disappointed, duelist was already weak, now it's downright laughable...
I created three theorycrafts and somehow they are all safe from nerf O_O

Love the new Templar area nodes :)

Love GGG

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