The Spectrel Gods ( A Summoners Guide ) [Updated 4/22][Now with video!]

mattc3303 wrote:

temporal chain is a two in one. defensive and offensive. It lets you slow mobs down and makes debuffs last 2x longer. shock, freeze, burn

it actually grants you more damage (over 8 seconds)

its like comparing 50% more damage vs 40% more damage

Overall temporal chain wins out in usefulness.

Makes more sense when you put it like that. I'm sorry if I'm asking 'Obvious' questions. So here's another; I play mostly with a friend he's running a FP Shadow. Should i run Conductivity and Frostbite (for him) Or use Elemental Weakness + Enfeeable/Temp chains. I don't currently have Temp chains, So any other suggestion would be great.
hm what do you think of putting life leech on spectres to increase their survival? might help against reflect mobs etc
Yeah its what I have been putting in my 5th link. Lets you keep your good spectre longer
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cool thats what i thought, on the issue of tankiness what do you think of IR vs HP nodes from templar and marauder? to me every character i have IR on pretty much take the same amount of dmg as not having any when it comes to big hits AKA golems\rhoas\vaal, so armour = useless?
I use molten shell in combination with a granite with a armor multiplier. Its enough to tank if you see a rhoa charge or golem roll.

1296 armor

I believe this is multiplied by inner force?
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Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Apr 23, 2013, 8:36:28 PM
First of all great guide.. been having a blast with my summoner
At late-mid, early end game right now and deciding which route to take.. any advice would be greatly appreciated.

The only difference between the two paths I have planned out is the flat HP vs % HP nodes
(5 Points relocation difference)

Path 1:
Diamond Skin: 15% all resist
Heart of Gladiator: 30 flat HP, 20 strength (eqv to 10 life) = 40 Flat HP total

Path 2:
28% HP increase

(The 5 skills points in path 1 used to obtain diamond skin % heart of gladiator is relocated to the center of the tree for the % HP nodes.)

Which is the better solution?
Any suggestions on what skill is most important to put in a 5L first?
The silent majority.
You have Flame Sentinel in both the God, and Tier 1 tiers. ;)
(Main) Softcore IGN: BuzzBuzzYo
Warbands IGN: ZyliniaYo
PanicAK wrote:
Any suggestions on what skill is most important to put in a 5L first?

Summon Spectre + GMP + Life Leech + other things a spectre needs. Is this even a question?
Luna's Blackguards - a guild of bronies - is now recruiting! If you're a fan of our favourite chromatic marshmallow equines, hit me up with an add or whisper, and I'll invite you!
IGN: HopeYouAreFireProof
summon spectre - minion dmg - life leech


since every spectre gains from minion dmg

i know voidbreader/carion queen need gmp but flame sentinels have it already
so u can go for minion dmg +2 other support gems

Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner
pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language

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