The Spectrel Gods ( A Summoners Guide ) [Updated 4/22][Now with video!]
Forgot to mention this is mostly a softcore build. I fear the lag this build may create would inhibit both yourself and your party from performing at max. Also the hundreds of projectiles flying through the air and tons of zombie and skeletons may confuse your party mates as well.
Build: Summoner Dischord: Youtube Channel: |
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I am using a similar build, but the one you listed is too squisjy for lv67+ blue/gold maps (i play solo). I actually get 1-shot being full defense build, but not too often. Spectres from act3 are quite weak and gets 1-shotted too, i use spectres from lv67+ maps with minion hp gem and spam minion flasks + rejuvenation totem to keep them alive. I use enfeeble to avoid being 1-shot by white mobs (atm i have a sum of 3k hp + shield, 4.2k def + 75% res).
My preferred spectre is undead incinerator, it does 1-shot large groups of mobs, also i keep lv67-68 tentacle miscreation to kill bosses fast. If lucky - can get incinerator golem, its same as undead incinerator but has more hp and damage. I use arc to debuff mobs for 120% more damage, it cost 53 mana while i have 95 mana / sec recovery. Imo going into the right side of the tree is a waste of points, those 20% extra minion hp doesn't add much while i can re-summon a zombie fast. I am aware my damage is miserable compared to minion damage, but summoner obviously doesn't need all those talent points lv70+ character has. Currently i am looking for a good idea where to place them. Thinking of either getting 300+ hp/s reg (to counter chaos damage) or crit chance/damage (800 dps on arc atm + 120%).
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Thanks for your input am only level 63 interesting information for higher level content. If you just used my core build and stopped there yeah you would have no defense. This is my build ATM I have more survivability then you do, I have access to numerous resist nodes + chaos nodes I speced nothing into lightning damage so all the points you spent there will all go into defense on my tree. From there I plan to go into the templar side and grab all of the hp and energy shield nodes. Maybe even eldrich battery if i felt like stacking auras. Necronomicon:
Build: Summoner Dischord: Youtube Channel: |
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Im using something similar in hardcore.
I went more defensive with many ES nodes and speec CI. Currently level 73 as HC, playing alone and clearing maps easy with 3 fireballs spectres. I find temptation misscreations are great, but died more than flame sentinels. Both are great imho, so you are right. nice guide btw. IGN: Gonorreitor Last edited by Valmar#3550 on Feb 9, 2013, 7:54:37 PM
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" My resists are capped , i think about removing several res nodes. My build glitched a bit when i linked, i have fitness and all hp nodes there (21 points remain). Your build: hp: 108% es: 34% Minion hp: 20% more My build: hp: 86% es: 88% armor: 88% Lightning damage: 86% (additionally 130% from wand + shield, but i am looking for a better shield + wand atm (20% + 60% + 30% lightning)) = +216% * 2.2 (debuff) = (for lv19 arc) should be (30 + 563) / 2 * 3.16 * 2.2 = 2061 avg aoe damage without crit. My damage is far behind spectres though, i see i should get some more hp nodes and probably the narrow ones crit chance and crit dmg, unless i get a better idea what to do with points. Also i think running with 0 def is a bad idea because things hit hard, especially charger type mobs like guardians, ostriches and flickers. 24% chaos res probably solely wont help, my flasks are insta recovery when low hp and still i die when mob gives me bleed dot, i think i need heavy hp recovery and very high hp to counter it, so thinking about marauder area. By removing ele dmg nodes into this build i would get: +42% energy shield, +16% armor, +60% hp, but would loose: -120% minion damage from debuff i do to mobs, -all my own damage. I have to say energy shield is something what should have low priority for non-CI builds since all chaos bleeds and dots go through it killing you very fast (also you cant heal shield from flask), so the real increase from going solely defensive build be 60% hp. I am not sure if 60% hp (after 86%, so the real increase is 32%) is worth loosing lots of damage (because arc must hit hard to apply debuff). Also getting too many minions doesn't seems good since they all use single target skills and act as a meat wall while aoe spectres do all job, so i think about removing two +skelezombies nodes. Another idea - use blackguard archmage spectre (arc users) + fireball/incinerator and link elemental proliferation rune to it, but i don't know if they can actually shock, i only have been shocked by elite archmages, not by whites. Also this variant is heavily random-dependent since must be lucky to get lv66+ map with archmages. Last edited by ixthUA#3364 on Feb 9, 2013, 10:39:05 PM
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Thanks for your input. This is all valuable information for me. Am now thinking about grabbing es/armor hybrids and swinging to the templar area.
Also have you tried the enfeeble curse and also conversion traps to take out the hard mobs in Maps? Necronomicon:
Build: Summoner Dischord: Youtube Channel: |
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" I know you are not refering to me, but from my experience in hardcore, Im playing with enfeeble as a curse. Temporal chains is also good, but I prefer the first one. Very good for survival, imho. In default you can choose another any one, just vulnerability maybe for extra damage. IGN: Gonorreitor
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Enfeeble should reduce chaos and spell damage, its a great way to make minions last longer. I try to use enfeeble as soon as i see any elite (especially flickers and bleed users) or caster mobs (which deal ranged chaos/fire area damage).
I don't use conversion traps because the way minion AI works - minion will always stay near, which results in letting an enemy into the close range. Currently my zombies has 8000 hp and die within 2-3s from caster aoe (after enfeeble), so i think about a build which does not use zombies. Instead a strengthened skeleton totem, since skeletons are spammed directly in front of mobs and keep them busy, while i can start doing damage too instead of re-summoning zombies. Last edited by ixthUA#3364 on Feb 10, 2013, 3:03:08 AM
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How does your zombies have so little hp, mines approaching 15k.
Build Update: SandSpitters are GREAT. They cause ZERO lag. I been using these whenever i party with friends. So go my fellow summoners you can actually join a pt without getting kicked lol. They shoot such small projectiles that it is almost invisible they also do plenty of damage. Necronomicon: Build: Summoner Dischord: Youtube Channel: Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Feb 10, 2013, 3:32:38 AM
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My zombie gem is lv17, with +70% hp from passives and +45% hp from gem, so +115% hp.
8000 / 2.15 = 3700 (base hp). Assuming you have 46% increased minion hp from gear and talents - its 3700 * 2.6 = 9600 hp. Imo its resists problem, double more hp still means they will die very fast. Good idea making a list of spectres. Incinerator golems are very good too, i think their damage is the highest and they do very large burning ground patches where everything will burn. Also they have the highest hp, can tank well where other spectres would die.
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