The Spectrel Gods ( A Summoners Guide ) [Updated 4/22][Now with video!]
" Cool, imma try sell it then :P thought it was vendor item ^^ It is exaltable and can roll mana or es ar 100% Ranger Phys ST Guide |
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" how much are you selling the helm for? I'm interested :) |
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How to be a badass:
1. Get a 3 linked melee weapon 2. insert: dom. blow - faster attack/multistrike - increased duration 3. Wait for mobs to agroo your minions 4. Start whacking away 5. Watch as your army gains op auras from yellow boss mobs 6. Watch your army get bigger and bigger I was running around with 11 auras at one point. It was really fun lol. General requirements to use dom. blow effectively - have a decent hp/es pool - have instant hp pots on hand - have good judgement as to when to go in and melee away I have to say this play-style is much more entertaining than sitting back and arcing. * I'll be adding a dom. blow section to the guide. Its a very viable(sometimes dangerous) alternative to shock stacking with arc + elemental prol * Things to test out Does melee splash make the affect splash as well? AOE domination? * New build for arc summoner New build for arc/summoner more flat hp, more regen less % hp should have better survivability Necronomicon: Build: Summoner Dischord: Youtube Channel: Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Apr 9, 2013, 12:52:05 AM
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" As I have discovered through giving it the good ol' college try, the AoE from melee splash is horribly gimped. You pretty much have to be surrounded to have it work efficiently, and even then it seems to not affect mobs to the side of you. How well it may or may not work with Dominating Blow is still something that can be tested... I was simply done with the skill by that point (hope for a buff sometime in the next few patches). |
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Question about Spectres:
If you take a Spectre from Act 3 normal, will it remain as a normal mob? Or will it's power increase as you go into cruel or would you have to summon a cruel mob? Or does this not work at all and the spectres are the same power throughout the difficulties. |
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" Ive seen this question asked a lot around the forums, there seems to be a lot of confusion, I'll explain Spectre stats are based on the moment of death. A level 30 monster will have a lvl 30 amount of stats when they die and when they are raised with raised spectre. So a level 77 spectre will have the stats of the lvl 77 monster, ect. Spectre at based on that moment of raising so you can actually remove all of your spectre support gems after you raised the spectre that you wanted. They will keep all of the support gem stats since they are added the moment they are raised and will remain that way till death. A good way to cheat your self more slot spaces if you need it. Necronomicon: Build: Summoner Dischord: Youtube Channel: Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Apr 10, 2013, 10:51:48 AM
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Since i've started doing 68-69 rare maps as summoner i've faced the problem that most powerful spectres, such as Tentacles or Sentinels are very fragile, so they need high constant life regen during the battle, so i've decided to use Rejuv totem instead of Skeleton totem.
Actually, Rejuvenation totem perfectly synergies with Vitality aura, making your Minions regenerating near 2-3% of their life per second. This is very solid boost to spectre's and zombies survivability, if only they are not get one-shooted with guys like goatmen or other same shit. Now my gem setup looks like: 4L head +2 minion: Zombies + Skeleton + Minion Life + Minion Damage 5L body: Spectres + Minion Life + Minion Damage + [2 support gems depending on situation] 4L boots and 3L wand: auras with reduced mana (i am very lazy to perform dirty tricks errytime) 4L gloves: Arc/Incinerate + Culling Strike + Rarity + Quantity (not necessary) and some curses in the 3S shield I found this combination very comfortable to do crab runs on rare 68-69 maps with God tier spectres from Lunaris/Solaris. Again, i am very lazy and i'm using only one curse atm, Elemental Weakness (most of time), Vulnerability (if all of my spectres dead) or Temporal chains (if shit goes serious) Only one thing currently disappointing me: boss drop bug that sometimes happens to summoners I've made a thread in general section, and after some discussion i've made a bug report also. You can take a look: ---- Ah, and after all i have to say big "thank you" to the guide creator, this guide is really very inspiring, helped me a lot to make some decisions about my own build. Last edited by silverthorne#6135 on Apr 10, 2013, 8:01:24 PM
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Hmmm can't you just use both a rev totem and a skeleton totem. You can insert the rev totem in the link that you use for reduced mana after you cast your auras.
Since skeleton last for some time after the totem finishes casting you can just set your rev totem than. I agree that the rejuv totem is a great skill, especially for maps that have the "take x chaos damage a sec". Unfortunately spectres will die. Especially when I face cinder elementals, incinerators, and other high aoe damage mobs. Also no problem. I always had a lot of interest in Summoner classes in general, all the inspiration to create a poe summoner came from playing and enjoying the necromancer from diablo 2. Necronomicon: Build: Summoner Dischord: Youtube Channel: Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Apr 10, 2013, 8:38:16 PM
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" I decided to keep some free slots placing both Skellies and zombies to one +2 minion hat, without any spell totems (really don't like it with skeletons on summoner) And in this case skeletons are receiving huge bonuses from gem's level without totem's penalty. As for chaos damage maps, I have one Templar's 1.0% life regen node, high level Vitality with Inner Force and near 5% chaos resist, so i can handle it as an ordinary map and even have positive life regen. |
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" Bonus comment on this one: If you raise a L70 spectre and then zone into a L66 map, your spectre will be temporarily decreased in power to match the L66 environment. If you then do say a L68 map, your spectres will be L68. If you then go to a L72 map your spectres will increase to their current maximum level of 70. I found this in a Dev post a while back, it's to keep people from jobbing the system. Example: I am L80, I zone into a L70 map and slaughter things lie crazy. After I'm done I then invite my much lower level (let's say L60) necro buddy to join me, and they raise some L70 spectres. They then go back to try and farm the Docks, which are a L62 zone. The Spectres will drop to L62, matching the zone, thus preventing the lower level necromancer from just crushing everything with overpowered L70 spectres. |
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