[1.1] [1.2] [1.3] [2.0 RIP build]. Maawk Firetrapper
" Doryani's belt give fire leech from fire trap? or its just for fire damage and res? |
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" No, the leech doesn't work with fire trap. It's just for the damage and resistance. I will probably get a belt with the same resistances and life on it. I also got rid on the foible yesterday. Using this now: | |
this build is so awesome.thanks for providing an insane one shot non laggy build.its one of the cheapest build.
if u can play this build like hardcore player does .u guys will feel this is the most safest build.it can easily level from normal to merci in a flash(if u had saering touch)(if no searing use 1 flametotem setup with level 1 culling strike.thats what i did.i leveled so fast and cleared till merci level (without searing) to ppl who getting hit real hard 1.u should play this build like the player who did boss montage video. that is to place decoy totem 2.have cwdt setup 3.have molten shell 4.frost wall third and fourth point is for the ppl who cant run arctic armor.but if u do this u wont get 1 shot and it will be tedious but it will make the game interesting and safe
these are all my self found gears except 6l carcass
this is my slightly tweaked passive tree for my future
+133 to Strength +74 to Dexterity +385 to Intelligence +252.5 to maximum Mana +152.5 to maximum Life Evasion Rating: 53 +3 Maximum Endurance Charge +3 Maximum Frenzy Charge +3 Maximum Power Charge 4% Additional Elemental Resistance per Endurance Charge 4% Physical Damage Reduction per Endurance Charge 5% Attack Speed Increase per Frenzy Charge 5% Cast Speed Increase per Frenzy Charge 50% Critical Strike Chance Increase per Power Charge 160% increased Mana Regeneration Rate 74% increased Elemental Damage 40% increased Radius of Area Skills 20% increased Area Damage +17% to all Elemental Resistances 183% increased maximum Life 2.8% of Life Regenerated per Second +20% to Chaos Resistance 75% increased Burning Damage 20% chance to Ignite 26% increased Effect of Buffs on You 6% increased Effect of your Curses 12% increased Radius of Auras 15% increased Curse Duration 14% reduced Mana Reserved 119% increased Fire Damage 56% increased maximum Mana 12% increased Radius of Curses 45% increased Skill Effect Duration 40% increased Ignite Duration on enemies Enemies can have 1 additional Curse 10% increased effect of Auras you Cast +1% to maximum Fire Resistance +8% to Fire Resistance Damage Penetrates 2% Fire Resistance +20 to maximum Energy Shield Converts all Energy Shield to Mana 28% increased maximum Energy Shield 12% increased Spell Damage 12% increased Melee Damage 45% increased Damage over Time 20% increased Critical Strike Chance +5 Life gained on Kill +77% Energy Shield +26.6% increased Melee Physical Damage +148 Accuracy Rating 14.8% increased Evasion Rating 1.if u really want to invest in armor.then u need to have more than 250 armor base on all items and have determination aura then remove purity auras(just my opinion) 2.the above passive tree is for hardcore players(since players they cast manual enduring cry and with 5 charges and imorrtal call with duration passives/gems u can be almost immune for more than 10secs 3.u can still push the defense by getting the flask effect nodes (if u can get dex on items and with aztri amulet u can refund the dex passives and ele passive to flask nodes)flask effect is really op passive with right flask effect and flask management skills 4.u can get EE ,dual totem 5.u dont need any trap passives .since its not a pure trap build/ everything dies with 1 trap throw. leveling: dmg overtime , reduced mana reserve nodes,inner force,dual curse nodes,duration,shadow(dmg area) passive why inner force? since we dont have high armor items. we need to increase our defenses through 1.arctic armor(more dmg reduction) 2.molten shell(increased armor) 3.vitality(to out regen the chaos effect) 4.purity auras (so that in end game u can remove discipline and can run purity of fire) 5.rejuvination totem from these u can almost become immune to dmg from fire/phy. why increased skill effect duration passive 1.for vaal immortal call/immortal call,molten shell(to avoid dmg by flicker boss/mobs). 2.face tanking/doing dmg boss using vaal molten shell(only if u have some kind of leech effect skill to use 3.burning area duration.so that u can throw trap.go away from the vision of boss and wait for 3mins and then collect ur loots(during the 3 mins go for restroom.or browse ur internet.have a sip of tea) 4.frostwall(extra precaution)(tried with cwdt in my pewpew infern mantle inci build.this setup was insanely effective against hooks of brutus/kole/tentacle missile monster) (fun fact: u can almost cover an area with frost wall(if u had quality gem) 5.firestorm gem links:
firestorm,conc,firepen,ele weakness. flammability,warlod,moltenshell,vaalmolten shell. cwdt,enduring cry,immortal call,incr duration. reduced mana,clarity,vitality,discipline/purity of lightning,frost wall/decoytotem armor,arctic armor(6th socket)(if have 5sockets). ring with socket:arctic armor(if u dont have 6s carcass). :frost wall(if u have 6s carcass/two rings with socket). off hand:rejuv totem,lightning warp setup,smoke mine,vaal immortal call. :if u have another searing u can use firestorm and replace the main hand setup with rejuv,lw,sm setup. play-style:for ppl who think they are hitting very hard
1.cast molten shell
2.cast decoy totem in front 3.cast dual curse 4.1 fire trap 5.collect the loot boss :use off screen fire trap(since we know where the boss be ) if not then place totem ,let the boss come near the totem,go out of the boss vision and place trap and curse if its a flicker boss,then cast vaal motlen shell/immortal call.cast flammabiltiy and warlod.then cast 3 firetrap and firestorm around u and go berserk use firestorm to finish off curse immune golems [/spoiler] planning to push this build to 100level and do the atzri map,jungleboss map.feedback/criticism are welcomed. i am at level 75 everything dies with 1 trap,2 trap if rares are resist/not ignited.3 traps for boss.3.4k health 230mana regen.unreserved mana 400 Last edited by gokulnath#3553 on Oct 8, 2014, 5:54:19 AM
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im glad u liked, some peoples dont agree with the "safest build" because i think they dont know about hit and run builds, this is our best advantage against everything.
im not playing this build right now, because i ripped 3 templars in beyond lague, the highest level was 82. i keep checking this post eveyday, and for everyone who liked playing this build, for the next league, ill be working hard to make this build even better. This world is an illusion, exile!
Totems for life! |
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" hehe. But anyway love fire trap and want to play it again, have you considered EE and Cold snap/ice nova traps? Too bad curse on hit doesn't work with traps though :( Mark_GGG 2012 If you put on your full plate mail, and I throw hundreds of toothpicks at you, you'll basically not feel it. If someone catapults a whole tree at you, don't expect the Armour to prevent as much of the damage. Last edited by Auxion#3183 on Oct 12, 2014, 8:44:02 AM
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" yeah i tried use EE, but not worth. the cold snap you can use just a 2link cold snap + ele prolif This world is an illusion, exile!
Totems for life! |
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yeah I did enjoy playing it, Next league for sure I'm going to start with it again, easiest build to pull off, I eventually dropped it because GGG doesn't appreciate build diversity and force us to roll specific builds for atziri since shes immune to ignite.
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build going strong
1.did torture chamber boss-no death 2.did zana map of courtyard double boss(6boss)haste mods-no death it was easy actually. 3.did museum boss -scary ,throw 3 traps and ran away.frost wall helped a lot-no death 4.mevriel lvl 75-damn tough boss-most of the time freezing,chill.fkng hard but managed to kill her without dying.after killing her my hand was trembling for 5 mins 5.lvl70 mevriel did multiple projectile mods-damn 5 ice spear covered the whole area.but killed her after 3 deaths . 6.TEMPLE DOUBLE BOSS min resists-going near them and got 1 shot by the storm call-cant kill them. cwdt frosT wall,arctic armor inner buffer OP OP. |
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lvled with it - used thousand ribbons 3L up to lvl 62 when I could switch to a 5L carcass jack, which means a 4L right from the beginning (elemental prolif)
now at lvl 70 switched to crit trapper because I wanted from teh beginning to build around jaws of agony. TBH I dont see why you would want to use fire trap without crit, it's inferior to Havrd's chin sol burning arrow trapper's dmg (played it in beyond till I ripped at lvl 88, it's FAR stronger, it's not even funny) and flameblast too. It was fun playing that way though! |
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" fire trap non crit build is the old classic poe style . this is op then crit builds.for crit trap ur trap should crit.but for non crit throwing one trap it is 98%will all get ignited. for crit builds u have to invest more in passive/gears(to cross 50 crit chance limit).for this a searing/carcass is the end game.this is the real discharger. |
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