[1.2] BorWoe Max block + acro Supertank-build - 25k or 45k dps - Beyond (HC) - Affordable - [Ranger]
BorWoe - Supertanky melee using Wings of Entropy and Bringer of Rain !
Updated 19.08 again! I'll be using my 34k dps 204% hp instead of my 25k dps 244% hp alternative, but i'll leave all builds up in case someone wants to build alot more %hp. Beyond league update: Leauge has started, and I've had alot of work to do, so I havent been able to no-life this week sadly. Currently lvl 63 in Beyond, so I'm not totally behind. So far it's been a breeze, lvl 20-40 were a bit slow, but once cleave + faster attacks get together with some hp items, it gets much easier. Survivability has been great so far (in a HC league after all), and the dps was ok at times, and good at times, but nothing amazing. Just got my Wings of Entropy, i'll keep you posted. :9 at 62: 4,2k dps, 3,5k hp, 38% block, 40% dodge, 30% spell dodge.
34k Dps take
34k dps with Blood Magic gem, 204% life, much more evasion. https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgIAAF4Zju2DCC6bjdN-_rp9dQOHcHIbre4O73qNfSP2o4pNkjB8BbWNv1FHnapirLTFwuxsjDpCS3jdqDBx1CNW-vzF3Q1brxjbOu1ttDXvgUHBi9P8XLAJWNunSn2HdmegSsg_JypNFSAs6f4K2L01krXybqqmV03j_o_yRTrhtz7E9jwtxq6HGWwW_Esn7ayqtkFOKu_jY3A0k76nhNluaUd-FFJlTZkrvYEdyijb3-982XKp3eekOdCBR-Ii4sAP0k3miIO91op_KzGeWf72VeW9TjJZ82XwdU6mjQ==
40k+ dps take
Mana based (Added fire instead of BM). 40k+ dps, same layers of defense, 199% hp vs 244%, BUT has much more evasion. https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgIAAF4Zju2DCC6bjdN-_rp9dQOHcHIbre4O73qNfSP2o4pNkjB8BbWNv1FHnapirLTFwuxsjDpCS3jdqDBx1CNW-vzF3Q1brxjbOu1ttDXvgUHBi9P8XLAJWNunSn2HdmegSsg_JypNFSAs6f4K2L01krXybqqmV03j_o_yRTrhtz7E9jwtxq6HGWwW_Esn7ayqtkFOKu_jY3A0k76nhNluaUd-FFJlTZkrvYEdyijb3-982XKp3efAD9JN1op_KzGeWfNl8HVOpo360maewBrjajbpFm8kqlXWZOcXL4Ck I'll first run the 34k with Blood Magic, and at some point respec to the 40k+ mana version that has added fire instead of BM. The tree has changed to reflect this: https://poebuilder.com/builds/Krilox2-krilox-borwoe-ranger I'll give up 700 hp or so, for 9k more dps. If it gets tough etc in Beyond, and the hp is needed after all, it's easy to respec the few nodes needed. And that's worst case. Here is the 244% HP 25k (mid-tier rings) build in case someone is interested in being even tankier: 1. Introduction: I've built HC-characters since Onslaught, and have pretty much had several 85+ each league, but have rarerly shared my builds figuring they're mediocre. This time I'll share my planned build for the Beyond league; The BorWoe evasion/block tank! Special mention: Thanks for the great feedback and helping me tinker the build! It's now updated once again! :) 2. Why ranger ? Made a duelist version originally when the 1.2 tree was released, and tinkered on a ranger lately to see if it was viable, and it was! I've made a 244% hp version with 25k dps, a 34k dps version with 204% hp and more evasion + ondars, and a 40k+ dps version mana-based. You can find the duelist version here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/994481 I did a RF (lvl 89), summoner (lvl 86), bino's crit slaughter (lvl 86) in Invasion, but have always wanted to utilize Wings of entropy. Was inspired by Zivko's approach, Bringer with WoE is a cheap and lethal combination, getting a 7l efficiently very fast, with somewhat high hp and very high block. I'm however fond of evasion builds (yes even on HC, thank you entropy!), and have done my approach to a acrobatics max block, high hp, ok dps tank. 3. The Build Key stats: - 204% Maximum Life (considered high in 1,2) - 75% Block / 75% Spell Block - 40% chance to dodge attacks - 30% chance to dodge spells - Resolute Technique - Double chance to evade projectiles - 30-40% evasion chance on the top of that (in addition to the dodge provided from Acrobatics) - Blind giving even more evasion by lowering mobs accuracy. - 2% life leech - Chance to avoid elemental status: 8% - 34kish dps, can be upped giving up some survivability. As you can see, most of the hp nodes on the south side of the tree are picked up (now that mara's aint hugging them all) Blade barrier is still excellent and the road to it is great. Acrobatics and Phase acrobatics are in place, and there are several high hp nodes on the way/nearby + DW blocking nodes. Making it an 30-40% evasion, 40% dodge, 30% spell dodge 75%/75% block/spellblock build with 5,4k+ hp.. Overcapping res isnt easy anymore, so i don't see the point of going near the mara start. I've chosen RT in order to be able to ditch accuracy nodes, even though RT will make reflect a bit harder due to the fact that we can't dodge it. On the other side, our dps isnt that amazing, so reflect shouldnt be a problem, and leech, block and dodge mitigates it as well. Bandits: Oak -> Kraityn -> Skill (or Oak if you want longer IC). 4. Auras Purity of Fire and of Lightning will be even more important imo now that the max res nodes have been removed. I'll have to see when 1.2 hits if Hatred is still the best aura (as it currently is for almost all phys builds), or if the new Heralds will take its place, or even be an addition. Will have to wait and see. 5. Random thoughts All gems will cost overall less mana in 1.2, in addition to new uniques and perhaps new item bases being released. Skills will get buffed that might be an alternative to DS imo (still eager to see how Cleave turns out!). Best case scenario is a 4l Cleave imo. I'm also very excited to see the new heralds, they're supposedly added elemental damage (%) with a splash effect. Would be fun if 2x Dyadus ele cleave would be a thing.. We'll have to wait and see :)
* Great survivability. 40% dodge, 30% spell dodge, 75% block, 75% spell block, high hp and evasion of 30-40% on top of that! * Very high damage for a tank build. * Quick and agile character, able to move fast. * Easy build to grasp and follow. * It's affordable, estimated cost would be 4-8 ex in a temp league. * Doesnt require a 6l. A 4l will get you a loooong way! * Can have very high resistances with purities on. * 2% innate life leech. * Should be able to kill Atziri easily. * Can be altered to remove BoR and get a 6l Lightning coil or belly of the beast instead + alpha's howl! * Can't miss
* Great damage, but not a pure dps, but still very high considering its a tank. (34k dps) * Can be stunned, but it's unlikely due to high defenses and high hp pool, and Heart of Oak helps. * Can't miss, but this also means you can't evade reflected damage either. * Very low armor, keep Enduring Cry + IC up when in dangerous situations.
The Skill Tree
The Gear
(I'll get some links up, will need to buy a BoR and WoE) - Bringer of Rain - Is usually affordable, even in the 3-month leagues, makes an item a 7-link, and adds the oh so vital Blind to our dual strike. - Wings of Entropy - 2hander that counts as dual wielding, getting bonuses from both camps, oh yes. - Stone of Lazhwar- The spell block is crucial. - Rainbowstrides - Movementspeed, all res and +25% block chance to spells. - Int on rings in order to use lvl 15+ purities and rainbowstrides.
Lightning coil or Belly of the Beast 6linked combined with an Alphas Howl for more oomph, but much more costly, more details later.
In the Bringer of Rain, making it efficiently a 7link. Bringer of Rain: Dual Strike + Blood Magic + Melee Splash + Multistrike. 4-Link: Purity of Lightning + Purity of Fire + Reduced Mana + Hatred 3-Link: Faster attacks + Leap slam + Blood magic 3/4-Link: Immortal call + Increased duration + Blood magic (+ Blood rage). 3-Link: Enduring cry + Spell Echo + Blood Magic (I prefer self-cast). I'd suggest using the boots for the purities (BRRG), Gloves for the IC combo (RRRG), and 2 x 3Linked (6socket) Wings of Entropy. or Leap slam + Culling strike + Blood Magic + Enduring cry in a 4linked WoE and Cast when damage taken + Enduring cry 2linked in the same WoE.
A brief introduction to different leveling tiers, which skills I'll use and how the skill trees will look. I'll level primarily using the newly buffed Cleave combined with Searing totem until i can afford/wear Wings of Entropy. I'm usually going with the best 2h axe and molten strike, that works well, but I'm really eager to use Cleave so.. :) I'd also recommend Pohx's leveling spots guide highly; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29jfidj6xBk&list=UUgv2_w0HveLN_JgFGTqwmTw .
Level 20
Dual wielding with Cleave, pretty straight-forward. I'm assuming fresh league start, so no multistrike or uniques unless im superlucky. Alternatively, level with molten strike.
Level 40
Still using Cleave (or molten strike), but i've picked up Searing Bond at 24 keeping it up while im cleaving them down. Decent life, some block and early acrobatics + phase acro.
Level 60
More life, life leech and more block. Should have been able to save up to buy Wings of Entropy by now with some luck. Farm the docks until you can afford a Bringer of Rain. After you've BoR farm Piety for Rainbowstrides and rest of the gear, getting ready for maps.
Level 75
Map ready with RT and maxed block, hopefully with Wings and BoR.
0.1 Added alot of text and ideas. 0.2 Revamped skill tree (was brand new, found hopefully the most efficient routes) 0.3 Formated it to be actually humanly readable. 0.4 Revamped skill tree once again based on feedback and several hours of tinkering. 0.5 Added a ranger version Last edited by krilox#5739 on Aug 25, 2014, 12:11:32 AM
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Like the build! Here I was sitting on two WoEs trying to find a way to use them. Fucking 7,000 dps Level 1 Dual Strike haha.
Last edited by _StoneWall_#5914 on Aug 17, 2014, 6:24:33 PM
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" Cheers, i've done similar in HC, and they're surprisingly efficient. Melee splash 20/20 has a pretty good AoE, killing many mobs near you. The damage is 25kish, which is good for a tank, especially when the build is focused around very high hp, max block and acrobatics :) Haha levels help, but 7k omnom :P |
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The skill tree for the leveling section is done as duelist, kinda doesn't match the Ranger. :)
I'm interested in this, so if you could fix that leveling section so it's the ranger tree instead of the duelist, that would be awesome. EDIT: Unless this is the new tree and they changed what the icons look like.. I might be dumb so there is that, too. :) Last edited by Hrofr#3966 on Aug 17, 2014, 8:19:18 PM
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" Looks like the new skill tree on PoEBuilder |
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looks good
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" No you're completely right, i'm reworking the whole leveling section and havent updated it with the ranger side yet! I'll get it done within a short while, thanks for noticing that :) PS: It is the new tree :) |
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Leveling guide is now updated, added Pohx's leveling sweet spots guide, added some more advice, and tailored the tree for Rangers now.
Seems to me that the ranger path is smoother than the duelist progression-wise in HC. :) |
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Cool! I plan to use this in SC first, because I've lost about 10 characters in the last week because of things I hadn't seen before. So, yeah I plan to do SC for awhile with this build then maybe move to HC at a later date.
Thanks again for this build, it looks to be pretty cool. |
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" Thanks mate! I've added two variants of the build: 40k dps with added fire and mana-based, and a 34k blood magic-based. Both have less hp (204%), but much higher evasion, ondars and higher dps. More suited both for HC and SC really! |
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