New upcoming unique.

I agree with those that say it should only have 1 drawback.

Only getting the movement speed at full ES seems fine. If you ever take any non-chaos damage, you lose the benefit for as little as 6 seconds (or ~2.5 seconds or so if you use a soul strike), longer if you keep getting hit.

There's an item that has a better mechanic out there that has only 5% less move speed than this. Shavronne's Pace. It's much easier to stay at full life when you have high investments in Energy Shield than it is to stay at full of any amount of energy shield.

Seems like too many drawbacks for a bit of move speed.
PsionicKitten wrote:
I agree with those that say it should only have 1 drawback.

Only getting the movement speed at full ES seems fine. If you ever take any non-chaos damage, you lose the benefit for as little as 6 seconds (or ~2.5 seconds or so if you use a soul strike), longer if you keep getting hit.

Ghost Reaver + Whirling Blades?
level 16 item .. great for speed leveling , can be swaped in and out for diffrent zones while leveling ..

Deffinaly not end game but seems solid for what it dose .. not all items are ment for level 90 character.

P.S. would love to have this item drop while in a short race.
Just a sec let me grab a beer...@#*@ Ok how did I die this time

Learn the rules, it's the only way to exploit them.
Damn shame. I hold hope for changes for the item because it is actually a pretty damn good idea.

If it was something like Darkray Vectors lite at level 15-20 with +5% move speed per Frenzy charge, 35% movement speed, Gain a Frenzy charge when life reduced below 50%, 30% increased physical damage taken, nothing else, it would be pretty good. You could try to abuse multiple Frenzy charge procs at 50% life using seething flasks or some other fiddly way until Blood Rage happens but risk dying very easily trying to maintain that 40%+ move speed at low level due to difficulty of obtaining extra charges and steadying your life around 50% with increased incoming damage. 35% move speed is decent for the drawback if you don't want to play around it that way. Meh.

True, it less about making the item good but what the item creator wants, so I can only offer my saddness and my brain fart suggestion.
I heard there would be a new skill tree posted today only to find this (and no skill tree).

GGG you aught to be ashamed of yourselves. You would be nothing without these enthusiastic supporters who have been with you since the beginning. You can't go and be forgetting that! You need to put the institutions in place to make sure that the hallowed privilege of designing a unique goes very well for every single one of your supporters, every single time.

If you have to make use of forum "interns" in order to cheapen the cost of this, then you just might want to do that. But it is inexcusable to allow this man/woman or another other man/woman to walk away with even 1 ounce of regret from the unique they had their hearts set upon.

I say allow this person the right to do their unique properly, even going so far as to allow them to redo their claw that they were not satisfied with.

I will post this in GGG's defence, having worked with them several times now: it's easy to mistake resignation for compliance, and compliance for contentment. It's SO important that if a supporter isn't happy, they speak up about it at the time, rather than after the fact. You'd be surprised how many Diaternals don't want to be a bother during the process but then go 'crap, this didn't turn out how I wanted' and by then it's possibly too late.

Be a bother, guys. It's the only way you'll get what you want. In the long run, it'll be better for everyone -- GGG will be able to service your needs/desires, and you won't be left dissatisfied.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Hodari wrote:
Ghost Reaver + Whirling Blades?

Are you doing enough leech to top out? If need to leech to top out, then you're already moving slowly. Any hits are going to drop your speed too.

very very situational. It's more move speed than you can get at level 16 but that's all it is. I'd prefer wanderlust, or wanderlust + karui ward.
Last edited by PsionicKitten#1513 on Aug 13, 2014, 6:58:51 PM
GGG, please remedy this situation.

Quite frankly, this item is a travesty. I'd rather not see a diaternal be attached to something like this on the wiki when s/he is so dissatisfied. Just look at the first page of this thread to see how people react when they find out that somebody bought this unique when they don't know the full story about the balancing process.

If you remedy it, provided that one of my characters is viable after the release, I'll buy grandmaster like I had planned. However, I need to know that I'll get the end result that I desire, and this leaves me feeling rather uncertain of supporting at the "personal touch" level.

IGN: Fiona_Falconstrike, Geldar_the_Barbarian, Natalie_Fellshadow
Charan wrote:
Mmmm...damage based on movement speed would be very cool.

Very Spiritbreaker'esque.

Just for fun:

Spirit Breaker's Smoking Lantern
Gems in this item support level 30 Shield Charge
Gems in this item are supported by level 30 Added Fire
+30 life
+20 movement speed
+5 movement speed per endurance charge
+50% stun duration when at full endurance charges
Bonus movement speed also provides more melee damage.
Player can only do damage with shield charge.
Shield charge cannot be evaded.
Shield charge is not obstructed by obstacles.
Thanks for all the fish!
Last edited by Nubatron#4333 on Aug 13, 2014, 8:10:27 PM
Now imagine if you could make life take damage before es...
The damage penalty is still there, but gotta go fast

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