Ball Lightning Unnerfed: A tale of Hyaon's Fury
Get 4%+ life regen, and 0%+ chaos res into here and run blood rage instead of having to use frenzy constantly to recharge your frenzy charges. Without any physical damage you wouldn't benefit from its leech, but would from a more consistent DPS using only Molten Strike, and then you could set up a second CWDT set, or a totem.
However I find one glaring, fundamental flaw with this build; You get all that % increased lightning damage, but it only benefits a small portion of your damage, the flat lightning that's on your weapons and gear. You also don't get the conversion to fire damage from molten strike to double dip in different increases. I'd think you'd get better results if there was a better melee + lightning skill, or simply using lightning strike (though the tool tip DPS will be a bit lower, I think the actual DPS may be higher w/ the charges up.) It also seems like it might be a decent idea to try something like cast on crit or cast on melee kill + arc or + arc and stormcall or Shock Nova. Overall still a nice build for quite cheap, just wondering where its true potential might lay if you had, say, 100+ EX to build it into a power house. IGN = Dellusions_Duelist
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" and " Yes I try Flicker every couple of levels. It has issues that keep the build unstable. I lose 2 of my damage multipliers (PB and Conc Effect), which doesn't break it, but doesn't really help either. " The chaos degen is affected by the %inc damage taken from the swords, and without being able to max that resist it becomes a little bit hairy. The life leech does nothing for me. I could run with Blood Dance, but loss of attack speed and loss of Spell Dodge and loss of +max life... Whereas the life regen keeps BR from hurting me, it doesn't keep the toon alive. When she gets hit, its much too hard for regen to keep up. And anyway the DW swords provide 320 life per kill, or ~ 1k life/sec in packs (highly variable of course). I understand what you saying, stopping my MS to Frenzy does lower my dps, but I feel that the CoH + Conductivity and greater life stability makes it more of a QoL issue. I would if I could, but it's a low priority. " Rejected CI out of hand. Acrobatics doesn't mix well with CI. And throwing away such a large portion of, what I feel, necessary defense for a slight dps/QoL boost is not worth it. " HP is ~4400, Mana ~600 Survivability is hard to gauge. There is absolutly no reflect threat. My accuracy is ~82% and more dps is projectile so Ondar's lets me laugh at them. Scepter of God with the phys damage chucking bastards... stay away. I cleared Mr. Dom ~lvl 72 easy enough (no death) by whirling/Leaping through the tower. I would absolutely not play this build HC. No way. But then again I'm not a very savvy player, someone else may be able to do it. For mobs that give me grief, think of Perpetus boss of City of Sarn. Bear Trap, Etheral Knives. Bugger gives me almost as much trouble as Dom till I way over leveled him. |
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I am always attracted to cheap builds since I don't really have the best luck when it comes to RNG. It's also interesting to see builds that has a unique idea to it. Hope to see some videos, your build has me intrigued! I will be watching over this thread for future updates too!
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" Thanks for the response. Neat character, all in all! The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.
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Your projectile damage is no where near what you think it is.
"With Point Blank, Concentrated Effect, Weapon Elemental Damage, and Lightning Penetration it should do +9k dps single target AND 42k dps projectile." If your base tooltip damage is 9K (which I'm not sure if that is an actual 9K or an estimated 9K) then you would be lucky to have 9K projectile damage per molten strike ball. Three molten strike balls do not hit a single target in the normal course of events. So your single target DPS is less than 18K. I'm not sure how your lightning penetration would play into things, but going against a lightning resistant boss would probably be a wash and not increase your DPS much. Molten strike and lightning strike projectile damage has been discussed in several builds and is usually estimated to be less than tooltip DPS per projectile due to the fact that not all DPS is calculated in projectile DPS and only 72% of weapon DPS is converted into projectile damage. I use molten strike with a single Bino's. My tooltip DPS is 15K with Hatred and I can guarantee you that I am not doing 60K DPS to a single target. I'm not sure why you are dual wielding as it does not improve your DPS with Molten Strike. Each weapon will hit separately. So you get single weapon DPS. You would probably be better off with a different weapon or different skill set. I'm not a dual wield expert, but all in all I think you need to rethink what you are doing. |
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I think Reave is a pretty good choice for Hyaon's.
*It is AoE by default (saves a support gem) *You can leave it at level 1 to save mana (as you cannot leech mana, this is very helpful) *gem quality is attackspeed (what you desperatly need) My setup was: Reave + weapon elemental damage (obviously nice "more" multiplier) + lightning penetration (100% required) + multistrike (painfully slow sword) + faster attacks (painfully slow sword) + concentrated effect (another "more" multiplier) I didn't use any charges (as I find frenzy charge generation inconvenient, be it through Blood Rage, Blood Dance or Frenzy as secondary attack), instead I stacked around 300% lightning damage on tree and gear, added wrath and some aura nodes and ended up with around 17k pure lightning DpS on a pretty tanky character. Link to Guide 3.5 build:
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Nice build, would be nice to see some videos
" i think dw speed buff, new dw dmg buff and the extra unique hyaon's effect is more than enough to justify dual wielding |
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" They both have advantages. Reave is faster, there is no time delay on the projectile travel, and you always know where your AoE is going to hit. However, it is missing that projectile tag (free on tree PB 42-47% multiplier) and the fact that the AoE balls is a multiplicative. 1 reave is 1 reave. 1 MS is 1 MS + 1MS * 3 * 0.6 (simplified of course). |
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" Please check my math. I know i forgot to factor in %inc phys damage, so the numbers will be slightly (minuscule) higher. Toottip in game with charges is 9303 dps. I know this is wrong as it doesn't have DW 10% more asp. But for argument and simplified: 9303 * 0.6 * 3 = 16745 That's without any other bonuses. And yes that DPS does tend to fly out everywhere. But they are not usually wasted, they themselves are AoE. Unfortunately we do not know the projectile's radius. " Lightning Pen and/or conductivity are damage multipliers. Penetration while slightly weaker numerically and the fact that it takes a socket, is slightly better. It Penetrates resist. So a max (75%), overcapped (150%), resist boss is hit with normal attack of 1k. Takes 250. If cursed with conductivity (-49% light) boss = 75% (101%) laughs and still takes 250. With penetrate 33% of 75% or 42% effective and do 420. 420 / 250 = 1.68 Or a damage multiplier (in this case) of 68%. End game there are a good number of overcapped bosses. I have found (subjectively/anecdotally, this is tough to prove empirically except by comparing multiple clear times) that Lightning penetration (lvl 18) has a greater effect on my clear speed than Concentrated Effect (lvl 18). " Single weapon hit yes. But 96% additional lightning damage and 10% MORE aps. The entire witch area does not contain that much %inc lightning. As for a different weapon. These are cheap and effective. Doryani's would be better, but then it'd be a different build. |
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" No life on hit? I find it a must on reave builds for end game |
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