Ball Lightning Unnerfed: A tale of Hyaon's Fury
Going through forums I have stumbled across threads pertaining to Hyaon's Fury; It's obvious power (self buffing dps, dps like a 2H) and it's great drawback (with great power comes great damage taken). So I undertook to make a build using it.
Defense Thoughts
First and foremost, I looked at the drawback of 6%inc damage taken per Frenzy charge. Most obvious solution was to stack block. After that is to utilize an evasion based defense. Lastly, and with no downsides paired with eva, was to incorporate Acrobatics. In short, a ranger build
Offensive Thoughts
I wanted to use frenzy charges to really max the potential of the Hyaon's Fury. Of course this coincides with the evasion/acrobatics. But to REALLY give it the beans, I went for dual wielding Mr. Hyaon's swords. This would yield 24%inc lightning damage per charge and obviate the need to spec any offense on the tree (or very little). This could be done at a steep cost though. A loss of ~15% block (depending on shield) and a total of 12%inc dam/charge.
Skill Thoughts
The most obvious skill to use would be Frenzy, as it grants the charges I so desired. However, Frenzy is a skill that buffs melee and physical damage exclusively. It has a place, but not as a main skill.
None of the elemental skills buff elemental/lightning damage either. So my thoughts turned to projectile and AoE attack skills. Spectral Throw was an obvious choice, but a slower buzzsaw held no appeal for me (see Mathil's for an excellent build). Lightning Strike, while a decent skill was even more limited. However, Molten Strike really fit the bill. It combines projectile and AoE quite well. Absurdly well. With Point Blank, Concentrated Effect, Weapon Elemental Damage, and Lightning Penetration it should do +9k dps single target AND 42k dps projectile. Disclaimer: the 42k dps is somewhat delayed by projectile travel, and conc effect does *not* guarantee single target hit, result will vary for small hitbox mobs. The Skill Tree @ lvl 81 (1.2 tree tentative)
Current build on the new tree has a bit of innovation around the Revelry (2 mana gained on hit). This mechanic works, barely for my current gear setup. In know that the Lore master Elron has craftable mana mods that would tip it over the edge into wonderland. How viable it is to rep/level him is unknown. But assuming it is, or that proper attention to gearing mod fixes the slight tendency to 'shoot blanks' (make unskilled lame attacks) then it has the potential to give the projectiles another huge boost. Removing the Blood Magic support will allow the slot be used for Conc effect. Other master mods based around life leech could allow the substitution of Faster Attacks or quality added lightning to the 6L. The future of the build is wide open.
This is my Ranger build currently and is not perfected quite yet.
This is perhaps a better all around build using a Scion start for a touch more potential block, but requires more +int on gear.
The Gems and Links
4L Frenzy + Splash + Curse on Hit + Conductivity
Frenzy, while the damage is not trivial if properly supported, works best this way as a support skill. It builds charges and curses. 4L Molten Strike + Multistrike + Blood Magic (alt mana leech) + Life Leech (alt WED) 5L + Weapon Elemental Damage 6L + Lightning Penetration If using Doryani's Invitation or other %lightning leech gear substitute Concentrated Effect for life leech. The Molten Strike Skill itself doesn't really need to be leveled for use with Hyaon's Fury. If you do, you see a slight increase in damage and a slight increase in mana cost. 4L CWDT + EC + Inc dur + IC Pretty standard. I've also had good results with Temporal Chains or Enfeeble. 3L Increased Duration + Vaal Haste + Vaal Grace + Conductivity Personal preference mixing emergancy/boss DPS/Defense. 3L Whirling Blades + Leap Slam + Faster Attacks Moar Move Option 3L Reduced Mana + Wrath + Grace The Gear
Comparatively cheap. With a bit of shopping you can pick up two of them for under 1exalt. Between Darkray Vectors and Atziri's Step, I choose these, as physical spell damage is the major weakness. Every bit of %Spell Dodge is worth it. Also a lot less hassel than Darkray charge duration nerf. Good value, as they only cost ~3 chaos more. Low cost is doubly good since you'll want to corrupt them for +1 Frenzy Charge. Nice, more spell mitigation. Cheap as chips normal or corrupt. Corrupted 4% block is very pricey, however, the +1 Frenzy Charge isn't. I got mine for 9chaos. The rest of my gear. Not bad, but nothing that'd fetch more than 5-10 chaos (aside from the 6L chest which dropped blue and 6L. Scour'd alch'd chaos'd for this beauty. My pride and joy.) I'd like to get my hands on a corrupted Atziri's Step for +1 Frenzy. I'd also like a Doryani's Invitation lightning model so as to socket Concentrated Effect. A hybrid Armor/Evasion chest would make life a bit easier for the evasion. Hybrid because all the gems are str of course. The ring has %mana leech for the Frenzy Utility. Before I had that, I used Frenzy with mana leech socketed and without the curse on hit. You'll notice that my gear has a decent amount of intelligence. The tree has very little, but Wrath requires quite a bit. Leveling
Level 1-19 in whatever fashion you like best.
20-34 equip dual Ungil's Gauche and laugh your way to 35. 35-low 50s Lie, cheat, steal, or beg a pair of Mightflays and EZ-mode to Merci. They will begin to struggle here, so keep you eyes peeled for short term upgrades, the Hyaon's Fury are just around the corner. 61-68 Game play is kind of rough. 69+ Atziri's Step makes a difference. 16% spell Dodge is suprising. Videos + SS
I'll make and post some if there is enough interest
Damage Calculation (current build and gear)
Single Target = 11,146dps
Wall of Math
Dl = Sum avg. lightning;gear;aura;support * Molten Strike damage effectivness * (1 + %suminc elemental;lightning;generic + .12 * Frenzy * 2) * WED * Multistrike Dl = (1 + 600 + 15 + 241 + 6 + 15) / 2 * 1.2 * (1 + .2 + .3 + 1.92) * 1.57 * .64 Dl = 1810 Dlt = Dl * Lightning Pen Dlt = 1810 * 1.33 Dlt = 2407 Df = (Sum avg fire;gear;aura;support + Sum avg phys;gear;aura;support * 0.6) * Molten Strike damage effectiveness * (1 + %suminc elemental;fire;generic) * WED * Multistrike Df = (0 + (1 + 4 + 56 + 84) / 2 * 0.6) * 1.2 * (1 + .2) * 1.57 * .64 Df = 63 Dft = Df * Fire Pen Dft = 63 * 1 Dft = 63 Dcld = Sum avg. cold;gear;aura;support * Molten Strike damage effectivness * (1 + %suminc elemental;cold;generic + .12 * Frenzy * 2) * WED * Multistrike Dcld = (6 + 15) / 2 * 1.2 * (1 + .2) * 1.57 * .64 Dcld = 11 Dcldt = Dcld * Cold Pen Dcldt = 11 * 1 Dcldt = 11 Dphys = (Sum avg phys;gear;aura;support * (1 - 0.6)) * Molten Strike damage effectiveness * (1 + %suminc generic) * Multistrike * DW phys damage mod Dphys = (1 + 4 + 56 + 84) / 2 * (1 - 0.6) * 1.2 * (1 + 0) * .64 * 1.2 Dphys = 27 Dphyst = Dphys * Phys Pen Dphyst = 27 * 1 Dphyst = 27 Dt = Dlt + Dft + Dcldt + Dphyst Dt = 2407 + 63 + 11 + 27 Dt = 2508 %Acc = (Accuracy * (1 + %inc acc)) / ((Accuracy * (1 + %inc acc)) + (Mob evasion @ lvl 81/4) ^ 0.8) %Acc = (662 * (1 + .56)) / ((662 * (1 + .56)) + (4391 / 4) ^ 0.8) %Acc = 79.23% Da = Dt * %Acc Da = 2508 * .79 Da = 1981 Dca = Da * (1 - (%crit * %Acc) + Da * (%crit * %Acc) * (1.5 * (1 + %inc crit) * crit multi) Dca = 1981 * (1- (.05 * .79)) + 1981 * (.05 * .79) * (1.5 * (1 + 0) * 1) Dca = 1902 + 117 Dca = 2019 APS = Waps * (1 + Sum %incAPS;tree;gear;FasterAttacks/FrenzyCharges) * Multistrike * Dual Wield APS = 1.31 * (1 + 0.47 + 0 + 0 + (8 * .05)) * 2.05 * 1.10 APS = 5.52 attacks per second Dp = APS * Dca Dp = 5.52 * 2019 Dp = 11,147 [with Light Pen] Projectile = 29,990 Dps The balls fall where they may, this calculation has no Conc Effect so the spread is large. Hypothetically, if I were able to substitute Concentrated Effect for Life Leech (Doryani's Invitation or some Forsaken Master Mod %lightning leech) then this number would be 51,806 dps. Wall of Math
Dl = Sum avg. lightning;gear;aura;support * Molten Strike damage effectivness * (1 + %suminc projectile;elemental;lightning;area;generic + .12 * Frenzy * 2) * WED * PB * Multistrike Dl = (1 + 600 + 15 + 241 + 6 + 15) / 2 * 1.2 * (1 + .16 + .2 + .3 + 1.92) * 1.57 * 1.42 [1.47 if ConcE 1.42 without] * .64 Dl = 2691 Dlt = Dl * Lightning Pen Dlt = 2691 * 1.33 Dlt = 3579 Df = (Sum avg fire;gear;aura;support + Sum avg phys;gear;aura;support * 0.6) * Molten Strike damage effectiveness * (1 + %suminc projectile;elemental;fire;area;generic) * WED * PB * Multistrike Df = (0 + (1 + 4 + 56 + 84) / 2 * 0.6) * 1.2 * (1 + .16 + .2) * 1.57 * 1.42 * .64 Df = 101 Dft = Df * Fire Pen Dft = 101 * 1 Dft = 101 Dcld = Sum avg. cold;gear;aura;support * Molten Strike damage effectivness * (1 + %suminc projectile;elemental;cold;area;generic + .12 * Frenzy * 2) * WED * PB * Multistrike Dcld = (6 + 15) / 2 * 1.2 * (1 + .16 + .2) * 1.57 * 1.42 [1.47 if ConcE 1.42 without] * .64 Dcld = 24 Dcldt = Dcld * Cold Pen Dcldt = 24 * 1 Dcldt = 24 Dphys = (Sum avg phys;gear;aura;support * (1 - 0.6)) * Molten Strike damage effectiveness * (1 + %suminc projectile;area;generic) * PB * Multistrike * DW phys damage mod Dphys = (1 + 4 + 56 + 84) / 2 * (1 - 0.6) * 1.2 * (1 + .16) * 1.42 * .64 * 1.2 Dphys = 44 Dphyst = Dphys * Phys Pen Dphyst = 44 * 1 Dphyst = 44 Dt = Dlt + Dft + Dcldt + Dphyst Dt = 3579 + 101 + 24 + 44 Dt = 3748 %Acc = (Accuracy * (1 + %inc acc)) / ((Accuracy * (1 + %inc acc)) + (Mob evasion @ lvl 81/4) ^ 0.8) %Acc = (662 * (1 + .56)) / ((662 * (1 + .56)) + (4391 / 4) ^ 0.8) %Acc = 79.23% Da = Dt * %Acc Da = 3748 * .79 Da = 2960 Dca = Da * (1 - (%crit * %Acc) + Da * (%crit * %Acc) * (1.5 * (1 + %inc crit) * crit multi) Dca = 2960 * (1- (.05 * .79)) + 2960 * (.05 * .79) * (1.5 * (1 + 0) * 1) Dca = 2843 + 175 Dca = 3018 APS = Waps * (1 + Sum %incAPS;tree;gear;FasterAttacks/FrenzyCharges) * Multistrike * Dual Wield APS = 1.31 * (1 + 0.47 + 0 + 0 + (8 * .05)) * 2.05 * 1.10 APS = 5.52 attacks per second Dp = 3 * APS * Dca * 40% less Projectile damage Dp = 3 * 5.52 * 3018 * 0.6 Dp = 29.990 Projectile Damage per second [with Light Pen, w/o Conc Eff] TLDR; The wall of math shows that Molten strike, by using multiplicative buffs to the projectiles can reach shocking high numbers. Not shown is that I forgot to add the %inc phys damage from the multistrike support. The numbers are a touch low. Final thoughts. This build is nice and cheap, and pretty fast. It is not HC viable. I will be respeccing to shield (maybe) with the new tree. As it currently stands the build loses ~25% dps and gains ~15% block. It's hard to calculate for sure. Still wouldn't be HC viable (probably) but maybe Atziri viable. If you've looked at this and thought about Doryani's Catalyst, well you're right. They are better. Faster, more %inc ele damage, no drawback, and still decent dps. If you have one and are interested in using it melee, check out the Molten Strike Community build I've already mentioned. v1.2 I haven't leveled a HF DW in 1.2 yet. Yet I think it is more viable now than before. There is more DW block on the tree. The high efficiency life clusters, while altered, are still available and the build in general uses them well. About halfway through the patch I would have said that a Scion would be the best start for the build, but then Red. Mana was distributed evenly. There is going to be some future experimentation with a 1H + Shield Shadow build. There is enough +%inc ele, and new block clusters to justify the loss of a sword, 10% more asp, and efficient DW block nodes (not to mention the loss of a 6%damage/frenzy charge drawback). Last edited by Seicar#1681 on Aug 22, 2014, 10:46:00 PM
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just one thing in your tree u play with BM why use Primal Spirit then?
looks solide have u tried to get your hands on a lightning coil this would maybe enough midigation and u dont need block with it nice build cant wait for some vids Last edited by Ninj#4117 on Aug 12, 2014, 4:11:36 PM
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" Primal Spirit is taken for the +20 str/int primarily. The natural pathing from the tree doesn't provide enough str/int for the primarily str (Leap Slam/Molten Strike or Conductivity/Wrath) gems used. The 20% mana regeneration does help slightly with using Frenzy. But, with with better gear this would be the first optimization I would make. Also related would be the use of Lightning coil. Another slot taken by a no resist (in fact negative resist) unique is unbearable gear-wise at this time. That's in reality. Expanding the build a few levels to include the Influence cluster (current tree possibilty, maybe not for the future tree) and including an Alpha's Howl (another resist slot loss and +max life loss) would enable a 40% aura (PoL) and a great boost to physical damage mitigation. With enough wealth/GG ring * 2, belt, and gloves might be able to fill the gap. As a side note, Vagan teaser just posted and it mentions specifically mods such as adding DW block mods. Hype and direct relevance. Edit: I haven't thought about replacing one of the existing uniques (boots, ammy, sword) with the L.Coil. I came at the build primarily as a budget build. I don't know if I have the math skills to calculate the true values (or even realistic ball park figures), but my gut feeling is that spell block and spell dodge will be granting more mitigation. Please feel free to prove me wrong (shouldn't be too hard). Last edited by Seicar#1681 on Aug 12, 2014, 4:48:32 PM
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Have you tried going for flicker strike? This would kinda help in terms of enemies cant even attack you and frenzy charges are perfect for flicker. With blood rage and a life leech gem it shouldnt be much of a problem except that you kinda need a 6L.. Flicker-multistrike-meelesplash-wed-lifeleech-bloodmagic
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" i thought the same already and i came to the answer, does not work very well i think flicker stricke cost way to much life , cuz of the high atkspeed, that u can nicely sustain it even with life, and its wrong minions still can hit you easy | |
" i think 1 sword is enough dmg and takeing a shield would let u wear a LC mb u can manage run Wrath-Grace-Purity of Lightning this would help too you even thought abour CI so you dont need the Frenzy link and can run with Blood Rage this can be insane i think but this all need to be tested sadly keep in mind just ideas no orders from my side | |
I like the pathing you took on the skill tree.
What is your HP/mana like? How is your character's survivability? Would you recommend this character for hardcore leagues? What type of mob gives this character the most grief? My guess would be mobs that use spells like Ethereal Knives: i.e. physical based spells that cannot be dodged. Anyways, well done man. The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300. Last edited by Daresso#3599 on Aug 12, 2014, 5:54:01 PM
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I'm really interested in a video of this in action, seems interesting to say the least.
I might mess around with it and see if I can make something like this in a the shadow tree. |
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Need video footage...
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