MTX turns item into a wearable skin [Kotao and Lyralei]
" This move would be VERY unfair to everyone who ignored race rewards because they were pointless in the leagues we played. Even HC players that did race sold them cheep already because they dont play standard. If GGG sells mtx in their store that cost what? $90 or so for some of them? its obvious that people would pay that much or even more for rare custom item art they could apply safely in any league. This kind of 'turn item art into mtx' would be a MASSIVE GIVEAWAY of added value to optional art items. I'm sure some of the people rooting for this idea will make out like bandits? hmm? This move would be VERY unfair to everyone who ignored race rewards because they were useless in the leagues we played. Even now, how many HC players have built up wealth in standard to even BUY the damn things? assuming most old/rare ones ended up there. |
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Come on Cris! The community is asking this for such a long time! What is your answer, What are you afraid of? Or we need to bump this post weekly?
Even 70-100 points is fair price for per transactions. I have more than 500 points and I'm not going to buy all these last awkward MTX armour packs(and to be as all community - having the same look on Tempest) 3.0 IC Elemental Facebreaker Ascendant (HHC) - 2.6 Burning torpedo BLS Berserker(HC) - 2.5 HoWA BF Elemental Raider - Hybrid 800+int - Last edited by Damac0101#4648 on Aug 25, 2015, 11:38:10 PM
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" Most alt art is still sitting in the Remove Only tabs in people's stash (which can be removed on any difficulty), not to be removed until there is a reason to use them that lasts longer than 3 or 4 months. The higher point reward items are always going to sell for higher amounts but what people are asking for is to turn an alt art item into a permanent item on their MTX tab, which can't be sold, traded or given away after it's turned into an MTX. They just want a permanent way to use their items. I don't blame them, some of the alt art items are absolutely awesome and should be able to be used forever on whatever character they want. GGG could make some cash on the skins to turn them into perm MTX. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks! My beloved pets.... ![]() |
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" Then how about the new "make item into removable MTX" only allow you to use something that is in a remove only tab? That actually would be much more fair - the players wearing the optional art would have had to earn it themselves instead of showing off how rich they are in standard league. " The problem I see here is that this would make many of the old race rewards sitting in standard suddenly worth 1000x more in trade value - that's REAL NICE for people sitting on all that stuff or who have vast wealth built up there. plenty of them are just collectors and not even racers anyway. Seriously, think - just me for example: I personally have written to Chris on more then one occasion about how the race rewards suck for HC players because all rewards end up in standard league (because HC characters die), and so many of us NEVER EVER play there - WE DELETE our characters that go there. I have personally deleted and given away race rewards on my dead HC chars. BECAUSE I DONT PLAY STANDARD Lastly, This would be the ultimate in wealth transfer to the challenge leagues. you are correct they could not be traded AFTER made into MTX - but BEFORE they are made in to MTX where can you buy them? what economy? are you telling me that someone could pull a race reward out of their remove only stash two weeks into the NEXT challenge league and sell that item for 100ex because its a super rare item with alt art? Big problem. If anything, the NEXT set of race rewards should be the ones able to use as transferable - not this 'retroactively' making all this worthless standard stuff suddenly worth a fortune to the temp league players. |
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"Its not really unfair. Its a choice you made yourself, if you said "oh the race rewards arent worth it soo im not going to race", that was your choice. You dont have to race, the only reward to racing is getting the race rewards, which are wanted for their alternate art, not for the actual item itself to be used. That intensive is gone when you realize "I dont want to use this in a temp league, i just want to skin transfer it but i have to pull it out to do that". People who play in temp leagues make retarded amounts of currency that they never end up using on standard. This would put some money into the economy. I have a bunch of friends in temp leagues that have probably hundreds of exalts worth of gear and currency from previous leagues that just rot in standard. They make a ton more currency when the leagues end IF they decide to take the time to sell their stuff, which most dont. That 6L GGG chest you bought for 15 ex in a temp league ? Oh thats 200 ex on Standard. That Volls Devotion you bought for 5 ex in a temp league ? Oh thats 30 ex on Standard. You must be joking when you say people cant afford to buy at standard prices. The entire reason alot of people even bother playing temp leagues is because you can buy things significantly cheaper and sell them for a shit ton on standard. Edit - Also, you can cross league trade standard and hardcore. Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in! Labyrinth salt farm miner. "But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years. Last edited by Tin_Foil_Hat#0111 on Aug 26, 2015, 11:50:16 AM
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" NO! Its unfair as it could possibly be. In my post above I made several points about exactly why and even suggested ways it could be done that would be more fair. This is just simply a FULL ON GIVEAWAY to anyone who is holding alt-art items, those items are ONLY valuable in standard league right now. players who only play temp leagues and HC don't bother with them, they are USELESS to us. but with this one simple change they become more valuable then any of the MTX we can buy from GGG! Excuse me while I vomit! Why in the flying FUCK am I supporting GGG if they are going to give control over (even better then what they sell) exclusive MTX to players? WHY am I buying GGG gold when I should be doing RMT in standard league to get better stuff? Some items would be beyond exclusive after a short time as people will use them to make the MTX that they cannot trade, thus making scarcity of what remains causing the prices go through the roof for the last remaining ones. |
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" What is your concern? Using your standard league currency to buy items in standard is fine. If you can skin those items over to items you own in Warbands or what? The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300. Last edited by Daresso#3599 on Aug 26, 2015, 6:48:38 PM
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"Lol nice contradictions. "Its a giveaway to anyone who has them" - Um nope, just because you dont have them doesnt mean you can complain. I bet you didnt complain when random items went legacy and you suddenly had an item worth 200 ex. Thats how this game works. "Theyre only valuable in standard league" - Nope, cause cross league trading exists. There are people just as rich on HC as there are on standard willing to buy. "Players who play on temp leagues and HC dont bother with them because theyre useless" - Nice contradiction. If theyre useless and you dont care why are you complaining ? It has nothing to do with what league you play whatsoever. "Why would i support GGG when theyre giving control over exclusive MTX to the players" - They wouldnt be, they already give out exclusive MTX rewards. "why am i buying GGG gold when i should be doing RMT in standard to get better stuff" - This doesnt even make sense. "Some items would be beyond exclusive after a short time" - Soo what ? They do exclusive MTX all the time. "The price would go through the roof for the remaining ones" - Soo what ? The same thing happened after everyone Vaaled their legacy items in perm leagues. Youre just complaining to complain because someone else has/can get something you want and cant get yourself. Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!
Labyrinth salt farm miner. "But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years. |
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" I will summarize. 1. Game supporters spend thousands of dollars for what? GGG gold. That can buy what? MTX items for our characters. Thus = many of us spend piles of money on our characters appearance. a) Consider what happened with the race to first 50 Atziri kills – people paid sickeningly ungodly amounts of currency to get these. (paid to the players with powerful enough characters early in the league) – for what? A helmet MTX? Why? Because it was exclusive/rare. b) Will people AGAIN pay ungodly amounts of money for some rare equally scarce MTX? YES, FOR DAMN SURE THEY WILL! And some will even be much rarer then the Atziri helm. c) This time, instead of a helmet it’s going to be dozens of different items that people ALREADY OWN that are ONLY VALUABLE OR COLLECTED IN STANDARD LEAGUE that will suddenly be worth fortunes 2. HC players complain to GGG because racing rewards are useless to us. GGG does nothing about it, so HC (and challenge league only players) DONT RACE - or if they do, it is not for the rewards why? - Because they are only collectible in standard league. a) Almost all HC players delete our standard characters, because (can you guess?) WE DON’T PLAY SOFTCORE b) Players who NEVER play in standard league DON’T HAVE CURRENCY there at all. (it is customary to ‘burn’ all our currency before the league ends on maps/zana mods and YOLO exalting etc) c) Many of us deleted or gave away custom art items because they have no value to us at all - yes some players do cross-league trading but that is FORBIDDEN in the challenge leagues where most of us play. (trading from standard league to HC challenge league is NEVER allowed) ... So, we first get left out of racing rewards all together because the items are useless where we play, and NOW after that fact, after YEARS of standard league players piling up these items – NOW you’re going to tell me these items are now INSANLY valuable to EVERYONE in ALL LEAGUES? That’s some outrageously unfair BULLSHIT right there. NOT GONNA FLY. ... This also brings up some other very serious side issues: 3. What happens when someone pulls one of these mega valuable items (say for example an old Demigod worth 50ex+) out of their reserve stash a few weeks into a challenge league and puts it up for sale? a) They could always do it before, sure but the items would have not been worth that much or very helpful, but if GGG does this, the value for 'impossible to ever get again' items that could be made into permanent skins? they would be priceless and coveted. b) Having 50 EX or more even early in a challenge league would be an INSANE advantage. I bet you anything, after a while they would only be priced in mirrors anyhow, at least the older rare ones. 4. Suddenly, and for the first time, as a HC only challenge league player – players in the standard league will have something I want, that I can’t get, that I cant afford. And, it’s an MTX, that I can’t buy from GGG no matter how much cash I give them. a) This will leave the door WIDE open for RMT – D2JSP will probably set up a whole trade section just for them. b) Impossible to trace – how would GGG know if I paid someone $300 via paypal for an alt-art item? All I would have to do is tell the seller to trade it to me for a few chaos orbs and suspicion gone. (because the price/value of these items is defensibly relative to the holder) c) As it stands now – GGG can see powerful items or masses of orbs being traded, but these alt-art items? Some could end up being worth MUCH more than the rarest legacy items, but to everyone across all leagues, even all future leagues. d) I'm sure this is one reason why the Atziri helm and challenge league rewards are locked to ACCOUNT ONLY. These alt-art items used for skins are NOT locked and can freely be traded at their full value before being made into reusable MTX skins after. This is a *HUGE* distinction. Okay I’m done. I don’t have time to go on, but I feel that if I did I could find many more problems with the 'transferable skin mtx'. but I think there is enough here already. In general it IS a pretty cool idea (there still may be ways to make it work to a degree) and I truly DO have great respect for the players who are bringing this idea to the table. I don’t think they are motivated by greed either. But no doubt greed will be coming out of the woodwork if this suggestion gets implemented, I bet prices on rare alt-art items are already on the rise just because of the prevalence of this suggestion and Chris’s comments. |
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