MTX turns item into a wearable skin [Kotao and Lyralei]

Info graphic by sexcalibure.

Fantastic suggestion by Kotao and Lyralei.
KoTao wrote:
A mtx that permanently turned an item into a skin.

Lyralei wrote:
We're asking for them to be skins instead of items so we can reclaim them and bring them across leagues which is the whole point of race rewards - "alternate art". I have four seasons worth of uniques sitting in my remove only tabs because there is no situation where I'd find it worthwhile to take them out.

If you were a standard league only player then yes, fantastic. But for every other player in hardcore or challenge leagues, you risk the chance of losing the art or otherwise the longest period you can show off the cool art is 4 months.

Why shouldn't a racer be able to permanently show off his 1,000 point reward from Season 1? The winners of the Atziri challenge got their hat MTX. Throw us racers a bone maybe?
The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.
Last edited by Daresso#3599 on Aug 12, 2014, 4:34:22 PM
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The idea is simply that the selected items skin becomes a permanent mtx, identical in function to the skin mtxs from the shop, with the original item itself being permanently destroyed in the process.

Perfect alternative to the consumable skin transfers for those wanting to use race reward or unique skins in temporary leagues (where theyd otherwise not be available for a month, or until found respectively) and in hardcore (where they run the risk of getting sent to default with the item they were transferred onto).

Also +1 to the majority of Lyraleis post, excepting the 1000 point reward from season one- the top season one reward was 480 points. Insert relevant bling here!

An item-to-skin mtx would also justify increasing the amount of resources devoted to adding 3d skins for uniques of all sorts, which benefits everyone whether they purchase item-to-skin mtxs or not.

And for a rough suggestion on coin costs: Perhaps about 100 or so for weapons and armors (chosen as this looks to be around the shop average) with half that for accessories (unless accessories are also getting 3d skins eventually, in which case one price fits all).
IGN: KoTao
KoTao wrote:
Also +1 to the majority of Lyraleis post, excepting the 1000 point reward from season one- the top season one reward was 480 points. Insert relevant bling here!

Will commit sudoku for making this grave error.
Last edited by Lyralei#5969 on Aug 7, 2014, 8:46:17 AM
Devils advocate: people have enough trouble finding mtxes as is. Mtxes that happen to be actual valuable items? Support nightmare. I imagine this already happens a lot with the skin xfer mtx.

I agree with the league issue, however. Alt art is only safe on standard, and the sorts of players likely to hit high race rewards are compulsive HCers.

*Charan casts: Summon Chris!*
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Aug 8, 2014, 1:18:17 AM
This would be very nice.
This is a cool idea - I'll discuss with the guys.

(Note for people quoting this post in the future: This may not happen, but I wanted to say that we're keen to encourage people to take out and use their alternate art. This may be a good way!)
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Chris, what are you doing here?

Haven't you heard? You don't read the forums or even consider community suggestions!
Quit providing evidence to the contrary!


As for the suggestion. I like it.

As for the qualms Charan brought up...I hope hope hope this is addressed SOON with a reclaim all or tweaked MTX screen.
"I would have listened... I would have understood!" - Scion

Have you removed Asus ROG/GameFirst yet?
MaxTheLimit wrote:
Chris, what are you doing here?

Haven't you heard? You don't read the forums or even consider community suggestions!
Quit providing evidence to the contrary!


As for the suggestion. I like it.

As for the qualms Charan brought up...I hope hope hope this is addressed SOON with a reclaim all or tweaked MTX screen.

LOL! +1 Max, +1.

+1 to the suggestion too.

GGG has made it clear the leagues are the main part of the game, second only to trading, and making alternate art a skin rather than a rare item seems like a good way to make their customers happy.
This was suggested in a podcast with Chris a long time ago with myself and Hegemony. I would love to see this happen so all these cool looking items can be put to use instead of rotting in old stash tabs and forgotten.
IGN: Aux
Last edited by Aux#2409 on Aug 7, 2014, 7:14:58 PM
I have wanted this for awhile. I just can't commit to the one-time skin transfers because 1) items are to ephemeral in ARPGs and 2) I rarely play between leagues right now, so skin skin transfers are wasted when the league ends.

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