[1.3]Two Dragons build (crit arc: freeze everything+high dps, 1.3.0 buff! )

Hi, just wanted to say I haven't tried this, but holy cow, this looks amazing. Starting this now. I've thought about the various pieces of this build but I'm really excited to try them all together in one piece well thought out piece. Thanks so much for sharing this, it's like discovering the music in your head you wish you could hear but rarely ever do.

Just wish I'd done some more research before I started my current league character and starting a low life build before realizing the endgame is a shav's I'll never own.

I'll check back in with my progress, but again, thanks a lot. This looks completely reasonably attainable in a new league and has a lot of the things I've really wanted to do but never been able to assemble.

Next time you're in Austin I'll buy you a craft beer.


So I'm very new to the game but I've been following this build for my first character and it is a lot of fun! I have obtained all of the required skill gems and most of the gear including 3 dragons helm and infernal mantle but I am having a rough time getting my damage anywhere close to yours. I'm currently LVL 63 and Arc is only around 3600dps. How do you get 26k? What am I missing? Any help is appreciated. :)
Last edited by EtherealDiablo on Aug 28, 2014, 5:07:53 AM
Heyo. Sorry about answering so late, got discouraged from playing after a big reeeeep in Beyond :/

Thanks for the kind words TheMerchantOfVenice & EtherealDiablo (I'll let you know when I'm in Austin :P). I'd definitely like to hear more about your progress on the build.

@EtherealDiablo: What lvl is your arc? Arc scales very well with each lvl. I lvled 6 arc gems in my second weapon slots and was able to vaal one of them into a lvl 21. Your crit chance/spell dmg% should be similar to mine (unless you don't have a similar dagger), but what is your crit multiplier? That's the stat that will vary the most with gear. You could get a nice 30%+ crit multiplier on the dagger/ammy to help you out. The new crafting system is great for adding whatever you're missing. Good luck and let me know if I can answer anything else :)
Last edited by perkar on Sep 8, 2014, 1:17:45 PM
I just stumbled across this build, and it looks very interesting. I've always wanted to freeze but never liked Cold Snap very much.

One question though: It's possible, with both the Breath of Rime cluster and all 4 nodes in the Fingers of Frost cluster to get 20% increased chance to freeze with Arc. Your build only grabs the 10% from the Breath of Rime cluster. Is it possible to use the total available 20% freeze chance
1) instead of
2) in addition to
scaling via crit nodes?
Finally updating the build. We got some major freeze chance buffs in the skill tree. Took some hits on crit chance/mult, but gained the ability to grab all the freeze duration nodes.

Most notable skill changes:
Dropped AA, Pur of Fire, Clarity
Picked up Herald of Ice. <-important

@malboro - yes :P

I also posted a new video showcasing the build. Check it out! :P

Last edited by perkar on Feb 4, 2015, 9:24:20 PM
Instead of picking up Frost/Lightning/Fire Walker, you could instead spend 4 points over by the Shadow start and get 42% elemental damage instead of 26% for each element and 15% resistance. But it looks like you don't really need to improve damage output so it's probably not a particularly helpful suggestion.
Unlimited Blade Works - Illya (Animate Weapon Ranger)
Finally got a 6L! New vid showcasing what this build can really do. Don't mind the scrub in the boss room running for boss instead of clearing trash (got excited :P)

Updated guide :)

Updated build guide and added a new video. Coming to a close on how good this build can get :P
at what point did you start using the actual build and it working
Why did you spec out of Arctic armor
Last edited by Vitt4300 on Mar 2, 2015, 9:35:28 AM
Pretty much as soon as I could wear Infernal Mantle is where the build started coming together (lvl 62ish). That's in terms of freezing things, but I was using Arc from the beginning.

I specced out of AA because the mana drain was too high and made going low mana almost constant (bad with infernal mantle). Reflect packs would then be a problem as we'd take double damage from reflect. Also, Dom kinda hurt at that point.

I kept EB even without AA because a 6L arc draws quite a lot of mana.

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