[1.3 VIDEO GUIDE] PoE Beginners Build The Carpet Bomber, Fireball Witch EB, AA [HC/SC viable]
" Sorry, that seems to be a misclick on my part. I do have another question, why don't I want to level the cast on hit gem? |
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" No probs! This is a question I get all the time. I am gonna make a video about it explaining it in a few days :) Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting |
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My current Gear
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What are your thoughts on using the three dragons helm for the crit build? Also I have a somewhat noob question, what exactly are we suppose to be using to be generating power charges.
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" I am not experienced enough to answer your question on the helm, but I can answer the other one concerning power charges. To get power charges for the crit build you use the support gem Power Charge on Critical. It is an intelligence based support gem. |
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One thing you should mention is that it's possible to replace Discipline for another aura for even more efficiency if the player is willing to invest the currency, I managed to replace Discipline with Haste thanks to the vaal mask and a ring full of dexterity:
A shame this doesn't seem to be Atziri viable, but it's a great build nonetheless and I have a lot of fun with it, will definitely use this a lot until I get dem swagz on those lvl 74+ maps for more expensive uber-viable builds. |
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I have been having fun with this build. But atm I am having trouble finding gear and would like to try trading for gear but need some help. I am currently level 70 and I will post both build and gear along with flasks to make sure that I get all of the aid that I need to be able to see the full potential of this build.
Right now even though my gear is crap I am still able to do level 66 magic maps as long as I don't get any crazy mods that I know would kill me in an instant. The only map that I haven't completed yet is the Dungeon map due to the boss being tough due to high damage and my inability to use both AA and the Cast When Damage Taken setup due to my gear. That is primarily where I need the most help. I have all of the skill gems needed for this build. I either got them from quests or found them in drops and I know that will save me some currency right there. So some here would say that I have been lucky as far as that goes. I even have the Cast When Damage Taken setup leveled where it is needed as far as CWDT (9), EC (10), IC (9). Now here is my current build. Here I am trying to go for the extra mana regen from shaper. Now here is my gear, yes I know that I need to upgrade it, with flasks.
Since I am still new to trading I need help on how to use the poe.trade to be able to get the gear that I really need in order to be able to have all of the resists that I need. Along with getting all of the energy shield that I need to be able to run AA and have what is needed to be able to use the CWDT setup. How do I go about doing just that? How can I get better gear in trade that would help me see the full potential of this build? I know that this build is great but I am only able to see a small percentage of it's full potential? How would you go about upgrading the gear? Which piece would be first and what would you look for if you were going the route of getting it in trade? I need basic information, because with enough basic information I can get the job done. I included flasks to be certain that I have decent flasks. Although I am not sure about that either. Any suggestions that would be of assistance in getting the gear in trade using the website would be appreciated. |
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" First thing I would do in your shoes is try to get a good 5L for your fireball/GMP/penetration/echo/concentratedeffect combination, a 5L Carcass Jack should cost around 2-3EX, a 5L rare that fits this build will mostly depend on the seller's humour. As for the gear, I would try to make sure that every single piece of gear has at least life, mana regen and energy shield/armour, as the author of this build stated (mana is also nice, I personally don't care about chaos resistance that much). Your wand is also very basic, try getting something with some extra casting speed and spell critical chance for extra DPS. I am using mostly uniques, but if I were to gear up this build with only rares this is what I would try to get on each item (where your elemental resists will come from is up to you): Armour: 5L/Life/ManaRegen/ES Boots: RunningSpeed/Life/ES/ManaRegen Helmet: Life/EnergyShield/Mana Shield: SpellDMG/ManaRegen Gloves: Armour/Life/RRRR sockets < I personally prefer the "warrior-like" gloves in this case because they're easier and cheaper to RRRR and you can get some decent armour that would be hard to get from the "mage gear" you'll probably wear on other slots. Belt: Armour/Life/EnergyShield Rings: CastSpeed/Life/Mana Amulet: Atziri's Foible, so cheap there's no excuse not to. Wand/Dagger: CastSpeed/SpellCriticalChance/IncreasedSpellDMG Just make sure that you don't forget about elemental resistances while browsing for items with these mods, most of your fire resistance will come from Purity of Fire and Arctic Armour so you can focus more on cold and lighting resistances. Most people might want to rip you off on rares simply because you showed interest in it, but if you "Bro Deal" most of that gear you should waste less than 20C on modest gear and around an EX in good gear that'd easily bring you up to lvl 80+ And don't forget about Master Crafting, sometimes a certain cheap rare you found on poetrade might have life/EnergyShield but no mana regen, that doesn't stop you from crafting some mana on the item (usually crafted values are not as high as common mods in rares but a bonus is still a bonus). Uniques are also something to consider, if you can afford to grind for 1-4 EX (the vertex, for example, would make your life a lot easier when sustaining auras and arctic armour, allowing you to focus a lot more on armour and life) without major sacrifice but they are not required if you found good rares, especially if you're just playing this build to gather currency for builds you actually want to play with. |
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Thank you LukeFerreira for your response I will use your guideline along with what I see in the OP's gear in order to piece together a rough outline as far as how much of any of the important stats that I will need in order to see the build at it's full potential.
Now all I need to do is find a good guide on how to be able to sell some of the uniques that I have found. I have one unique that I would love to sell even though it is not for this build. It is a near perfectly rolled Aurseize, and a shield both of which I show below. If I can get a few chaos for each one then that would go a long way in helping me get enough chaos for the gear that I need in trade. But I have no clue as to how to advertise my gear in a way that is best for everyone. Both me and those that would be interested. If there are any really good guides on trading please clue me in on where they are. |
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" Hey man! Glad you like it and are having fun. I would suggest out my video that shows how to use poe.trade. Hopefully that will help you out :) Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting |
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