I think GGG made the perfect choice.

In regards to the 1 month league thing. From what I can tell there were three options:

1)Introduce HC and SC right from the get go. People would complain that SC players have an unfair advantage over HC ones for getting the prizes. No real solution to complaints.

2) Introduce HC first. The amount of SC players outnumbers hardcore, similar effect to what happened in this instance, but more pronounce. SC league would be added. HC people then complain about same thing in #1.

3) Introduce SC first. HC people complain, as they did. Add HC option. HC people so pleased they forget to complain about "unfairness" in any real force.

A+ to GGG
Last edited by HasuKishi on Jul 7, 2014, 10:25:02 PM
GGG confirmed for genius. But there's the fact that almost all races until now were HC ones, so if GGG had announced the 1 month race to be HC exclusive, almost nobody would've complained. Still, both scenarios show how sole expectations play a large part in the amount of fun and satisfaction players have :D

Btw I think the 1 month league was planned as a HC only league, but then GGG realized they didn't want another "Invasiongate" with an unbalanced overtuned league, so they decided to make it SC. They didn't reckon the HC player outrage though :D
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion on Jul 7, 2014, 9:46:02 PM
Whatever it was, the world may never know, unless some bloke from GGG decides to spill the beans. But that's about as likely as me getting a mirror XD
Certainly an A+ to GGG

But an A+++ to Mr. HasuKishi for spotting this genius move.

Bravo, sir! :)
I just hope this means in the future when they have 1/2 week races that they will have an option for softcore as well, since I'd be really interested in doing those but prefer to play sc over hc.
IGN- FrOArrow
yep and ppl that gone into the HC part, desync'd in onslaught + fleet map + bad invader, will not be able to complain :D
HasuKishi wrote:
In regards to the 4 month league thing

erh... this is 1 month special event. Here, I'll quote chris post about development timeline made a while ago.

Chris wrote:
In this news post, we outlined the current development timeline that we are working towards. I'm reproducing it in the manifesto and will update it in the future as we announce more information.

The following times are in the NZ timezone:
  • Very early July: Content Update 1.1.5 deployment
  • July 6: Ambush/Invasion four-month challenge leagues end
  • July 12: One-month special event starts (details currently unannounced)
  • Mid/late July: Details of Mini-Expansion start to be announced
  • August 9: One-month special event ends
  • Mid August: New Challenge Leagues and 1.2.0 Mini-Expansion release

EDIT: and honestly, I do not agree with the "unfairness" part. this could all have been avoided. And the league doesnt even seem hard, just fun! and Im pretty sure I've seen a post recently about them thinking of balancing achievements after the ones in invasion/ambush (which were extremely unfair to for HC players due to requiring several uber atziri items)
Last edited by Disrupted on Jul 7, 2014, 10:12:58 PM
fixed post, i feel dumb XD. 1 month, not 4 month, der
HC players don't care about "fairness". That's clear if you ever have spoken with any of us. We play under a stricter rule set by choice. We don't claim that it should be made "fair".
I want to see onslaught and invasion together. It will be lots of fun.

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