Dominion's Hardcore Dual-Spark CI Witch - UPDATED for 1.0.1
" I don't mean to be rude, I try not to be critical of standard builds (they have a different scenario that incentivizes different playstyles), but there is a reason the title includes the word "hardcore". The objective of the spec is not strictly to do as much damage as possible - the objective is to do as much damage as possible while removing the risk of death as completely as possible. I fully understand this is not optimal for standard league. It will work on standard, but the best application on standard would probably on a level 90++ character doing endgame maps, since the 10% exp loss actually starts to hurt at that point. Good luck. IGN: Dominion / Clamor
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" dude you should start a new thread and make your own build there is none since 1.0 which is 1 month you will become ultra popular ;p SHOP :
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"makes eveyon think its oudated... (wich is true) so make a enw thread with Sporker CI witch Mf 1.0.1!! cant wait fo you to post updated pasive xD cant wait to see thsi change : " been 3 days :( still waiting xD SHOP : Last edited by xenochaos1#4153 on Nov 21, 2013, 7:55:57 AM
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Heya, i'm lvl59 already having CI, think i got little lucky with my gear.
just wanna share my gear/skillchoice=) i'm at 4883 ES @ lvl 59 with 66%fire/75%cold/75%lightres, which is really really nice i think. the breakpoints are the lvl59 req chest and helmet i think, because vaal regalia needs lvl68(though can go up to 9xx ES like OP mentioned). the spirit shield with lvl48 req and already 22x ES was also a nice upgrade for my crest of perandus buckler. the items are not perfect ofc, and as you can see i took ES nodes first and took also whispers of doom for triple curse. im only playing in grps and have the choice between 7(need to chrom my moonsorrow for a G-color) different curses(proj weak/ele weak/crit weak/vuln/cond/enf/temp chains). next i'll take overcharge to faith and steel. i dont know atm whether to go for celestial walker+prestidigitation or starting with crit nodes(doom cast, assassination, etc.) another option is also shamanistic fury, but i dont know the maths what gives more dps ;D my skill-links: Spark-Fork-Faster Casting-Spell Totem-Lightning Penetration Reduced Mana-Clarity-Purity-Discipline Reduced Mana-Ele Weakness-conductivity-crit weakness (i change blue curses depending on grp) Ice Spear-GMP-Faster Casting-Power Charge on crit other gems have no links, just took curses like temp chains, enfeeble, vuln and proj weakness another idea is to get freezing pulse-LMP/GMP on moonsorrow for blind |
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Any update yet?
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I'm using this build in Nemesis and I absolutely love it, currently level 68. I've never really had a problem leveling or with survivability after picking up CI. You just have to be ready with gear for the transition. If there's anything you guys want to know about it ask away.
Edit: I'm going to end up not running purtiy and run determination instead for armor since my resistances are all capped without the aura and it doesn't raise max res anymore. Also 700 DPS on totems in a 4 link. Gear: Gotta 5/6 Link this: Currently at about 4.2k ES. Last edited by NuLLxD#3706 on Nov 23, 2013, 9:55:16 PM
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My question is about power charges generation vs. dual totem thing that, in theory, disables your capability of spellcasting damaging stuff like ice spear/freezing pulse and that. May be all the question is wrong cause I'm a bit new in this and I've missed many posts :P |
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" I have the same question , can someone show me please :D |
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late crue and early cruel are the same skill trees?
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Just because you cannot do any damage due to ancestral bond, doesn't mean that your ice spears cannot crit and gain power charges. They will stil crit thanks to ice spear's high crit chance in the second form even though they aren't doing any damage.
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