Tanky and affordable quill rain CoC! (Updated to 1.2.0)
i fiddled with your edited tree... lemmy know what you think? |
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Get piercing shot if you go so close to it. If projectile pierce they hit more targets, meaning more coc proc and more spells. Seems op if you get drillneck (didn't try it myself but there is another thread with coc drillneck somewhere in this ranger forum).
Throatseeker might be very strong too. Charisma is not always needed (depend on the auras you wanna run). I was planning to get at least 4, but that would require some other mana reservation nodes (there are 2 closeby). You can get +10 int -10 dex to get to depth perception, probably makes gearing easier. Probably a good idea not to take the full lethality wheel, because it only applies to bows, not to your spells. And it's a 100 level tree if you take +8%as and +1 power charge, a bit heavy. I still had it but I was thinking to spec out of quickstep cause i was already fast with my queen of the forest. Didn't test it though, saves 3 talent points by linking on the top side. Just a few random ideas, totally sure I don't know the perfect tree, there are really plenty of options. When it's saving 4 points just by changing route it's easy, when it's piercing vs crit vs crit multi vs evasion vs life vs bow vs projectile... I did not crunch numbers that hard, you'll have to see for yourself. |
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If I may chime in:
-Your tree doesn't have a lot of life (and it's level 100). You won't get anywhere close to level 100, and likely not even close to level 90 with only 120% life. -You are wasting a skillpoint south of shadow area. There's multiple ways to fix that, for example like this. -Lethality wheel is really good. Your damage scales directly proportional to your bow crit chance (and quadratically with "all" crit chance). Do not take points out of it. -Quickstep is indeed meh imo. Tree suggestion And to bring some actual experience to the table: You don't need to scale your spell crit. You don't actually need to scale your dps much at all in the first place. You'll be fine even in high level maps anyway. I mean, if you don't care about dying and just want to build a glass cannon, sure, go ahead. But you won't be able to make leveling progress past a certain point if you don't balance survivability and dps a bit more. Last edited by MauranKilom#5019 on Nov 10, 2014, 10:03:28 PM
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While I'm technically no longer playing this exact build (using a windripper instead of quill rain), the new skill tree update still means there's huge improvements! Tree suggestion: http://poeurl.com/y7FL6uL (Currently this only works with the tool you can find here. It will not work with the tree on this site, you need the passive tree tool! Just copy the url, even the shortened one, into the bar on the bottom.) We reach the scion life wheel in the same number of points, but by then we already accumulated 167% life instead of 146% life. That's so huge. Additionally, the duelist area takes us right through projectile damage, increasing that from +36% to +78%. Wow. We take a bit of a hit on the armor side though: Increased evasion rating: 112% -> 112% (no change) Increased armor and evasion rating: 40% -> 20% Increased armor: 54% -> 0% So in effect, any armor gear you wear will only be increased by 20% instead of 94%, while any evasion you get from gear (and grace) gets increased by only 132% instead of 206% (check the wiki on Iron Reflexes). The reason is mainly that the great duelist armour cluster (12%/12%/30%) that we pathed through before got completely removed. I'll take 23% increased life and lots of projectiles damage over that any day though. Minor things: Shadow had the crit multi in the big crit cluster nerfed by 5 percentage points. Meh. Last edited by MauranKilom#5019 on Dec 4, 2014, 4:13:58 PM
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U can put the new completed build? thx
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Aaaaand this build goes straight into the dumpster.
CoC cooldown from 0.01 seconds to 0.05? GG 80% less damage. |
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Rip in pieces I just started mapping with this last night
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Note that you can even use the disabled ring slot for gem leveling with an unset ring!
It dont work no more ...... Sorry IGN: __Marion__
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i think you're wrong Herculex. just checked and gems still get experience...
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Hi MauranKilom !
I tried your build but experimented a little bit with gear and skills. Here is what I came up with: 6l quill rain with tornado shot/barrage (depending: large group = tornado, small group or single target = barrage, cast on crit, chain, GMP and Ice Spear/Fireball(depending of the mob resist) Since I managed to cap my resis with my quiver, my boots and my amulet, I use Maligaro's Virtuosity with Cast when damage taken (level 16 currently), Discharge, Cold Snap and Desecrate At a time I thought I was very squishy so I searched a replacement for my Tabula Rasa and ended up buying a nice 5 link Cherrubim's Maleficence which give me roughly 1900 armour and 96 life (plus 30% life leech rate which is nice with the cold doryani's invitation) since my resis are already capped, this chest is really nice. Inside there is a Reduced Mana, curse on hit, herald of ice, assassin's mark, grace and I have an herald of thunder that I would love to link if I had the money ! My boots have a cast when damage taken (level 4), Enduring Cry (level 7), Immortal Call (level 5) and Vaal Haste. In my Rat's Nest I have Frenzy, Cast on crit, Ethereal Knives and Power Charge on crit (this is mostly what I use against bosses since a lot of them are very resistant to elem damage and it allows me to sustain my charges which allow me discharge when I'm being hit hard enough, I'm not so sure about this setup but so far it's not too bad, I think it could be better though) Of course I use Thief's torment and the same flasks you use. I am now level 77, my passive tree is not filled yet. I have 3574 life and 25767 armour if I use my jade flask. So far my impressions: an insane clear speed when it comes to large packs of mobs ! The ultimate diamond flask + frenzy/power charge + vaal haste combo can exterminate about anything. What I like with my setup is the counter-attack part. if I take around 2000 damage, I discharge, which make me leech a huge amount of cold damage (thanks Doryani) while hurting everything around me, I also cold snap for a chance to freeze my opponent, and desecrate because I had this green socket and since my chaos damage is boosted by my chest... Yeah. A maligaro without any green socket is kinda hard to find ! What I'm struggling with is when I have to attack a very few number of mobs. Like one or two. It takes a bit of time but since I use my frenzy CoC ek setup, it's a little bit better. It's nice to have a physical source of damage against elem resis opponents. Plus my charges are constantly refreshed and I discharge again and again. I can't decide myself between using Tornado shot or barrage, so I have both in my inventory and I switch to which I think suits the situation better. For exemple: when tornado shot crit, the knockback is far more impactful than barrage against large number of enemies. But barrage hits more reliably against small groups which is important for the tankiness. So my few questions: - Why Arctic Breath over Ice Spear ? I know AB has a little more damage but does it really compensate the +600% crit chance of an Ice Spear ? (Maybe for you it is better since you managed to hit 100% crit chance like you said, but I'm at 34.7% so...) - If you use Windripper over quill rain, is Thief's Torment still worth wearing ? I mean, what makes it good is the insane attack speed of QR, so is Windripper good enough to make you regen sufficiently ? Or do you use another way to heal yourself ? - Right now I feel like I've hit a wall in term of power. Obviously with some 6 links over the two 5 links gear I currently have I could add Fireball to the CoC setup like when I had Tabula but I really think that tabula is simply not enough defensive power for my level. Any advice maybe ? - I love to experiment with new spell on the CoC setup ! I tried Firestorm and Lightning call when I had the tabula, it was really funny ! The sky litterally crumbled over my ennemies ! If you're in the bêta of Awakening, can you tell me if there is some potential for the future of this build or just for the fun of experimenting ? ^^ I thought about Voll's protector too for the easy power charges and the ability to discharge super easily, but I feel like Voll's is not offering enough defense. Also, I tried some drillneck/pierce(over chain) I wasn't convinced. First I need my quiver to hit the resis cap, secondly the chaining make you regen far more than the piercing. I tested it. So far my biggest achievement with this build was taking down Tzteosh, Hungering Flame (with the not-so-great single target damage power of the build it was quite a challenge !) Anyway ! I really enjoy this build and it give me a lot of rooms to try different things which I love ! I hope you will find my experimentations interesting. See you ! Last edited by Noadasi#2189 on May 8, 2015, 7:26:55 PM
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