Tanky and affordable quill rain CoC! (Updated to 1.2.0)
Oh hey, didn't think anybody would still reply to this build I thought dead :D
> Why Arctic Breath over Ice Spear? I haven't run the math over which does more damage given my crit chance and multi, but I tried it out early on in the build and AB felt superior. It also has the chilled ground, the splash on explosion and higher base damage going for it. > If you use Windripper over quill rain, is Thief's Torment still worth wearing? In my eyes, it totally is. It solves all your mana issues, the life gain on hit is not just as insane but it's still very substantial. Reduced curse effect makes temp chain maps quite harmless. I like it, but of course the stuff you could get on real rings is a real alternative. If you can deal with your mana. > Right now I feel like I've hit a wall in term of power. A 6L will double your dps. I've run on a tabula for a very long time, and I didn't feel like it was an issue. However, you'll probably have to give up on e.g. the Mali gloves to still cap your resists (and have decent life). Especially when using Thief's Torment, you can't go all-out on offensive with your gear (unless you have a lot of cash). > I love to experiment with new spell on the CoC setup! Yep, I tried lots of stuff myself. In the end, what matters though is clearspeed, and both storm call and firestorm deal damage only after quite a bit of delay, during which mobs can move (or get pushed) out of the aoe. Especially firestorm is quite harsh on graphics, too. Also keep in mind that the strength of CoC is to double-dip from supports: Both GMP and Chain improve AB and FB, as well as the main attack. Firestorm and storm call don't get anything. I really love that you tried out this build with a Quill Rain after the CoC change, and I'm surprised it still seems to be effective. Maybe I'll reboot this in a temp league... Great to see you're having fun with it! :) |
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Is this build still viable? I want to try something like this in Beta.
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Is it still viable? It's not just as good in lategame as it used to be, but it's still a fun and cheap build to get you started in my eyes. I haven't actually tried it in a new league, but people reported here that they liked it very much, so feel free to give it a shot :)
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Has someone tried to play this build in 2.0 yet? Because I think with some "of Rejuvenation"-Jewels this build could really rock now. Will try these days...
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If you can get some jewels with those "on hit" (life/mana), maybe bow crit and life, that would be ideal, yeah.
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