Anu's Self Found Gang.


Casually casual.

Good luck! :)
The Bother progress: 11%

You don't even imagine how much harm you've caused. I'm not sure I'll live long enough to finish "The Bother". You're one of my murderers. You will never get my forgiveness unless you make up for what you've done.
Iangyratu wrote:
Good luck! :)

He doesn't need luck, they buffed the Xirgil's Crank build.
Bring back minion damage values please
Casually casual.

I don't believe how elder trolls me.

There's 3 awesome discipline eye mods for my Xirgil's SR Occultist.

(5-8)% chance to Block Spells while affected by Discipline
(20-30)% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate while affected by Discipline
(1.5-2.5)% of Maximum Energy Shield Regenerated per Second while affected by Discipline

and there's 2 bad ones
Casually casual.

Did you vaal your leg kaoms’s
Bring back minion damage values please
NomadGSF wrote:

Some men just wana watch the world burn
Casually casual.

What's happening in the world of the anuhart?

I really enjoy reading these posts and seeing someone minmaxing everything they can. I would also love the atmosphere of your stream, but I can never catch you streaming, if you still do at all.

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