[1.3.] DPS-Melee 100k+ XxHighSocietyxX -ATZIRI(video) NEXT UPDATE at ACT4
Suggestions on a dps boost? Currently only around 16.5K with Hatred and Anger both running and doesn't allow me to run grace. I know the rings and belt are on the weak side. Should I be looking for elemental damage on gear too or purely physical since hatred is based off the phys damage? I had to improvise some parts on the skill tree since im using bor and soultaker. Aegis aurora to come later if i can get the damage higher. I'd be happy around 25-30K. Right now the 16.5K seems weak on even 75 level maps and the clear speed suffers.
Another trouble item is that with bor and no chest my life is coming mostly from passives and just a couple gear items so its only in the 3000's. For melee I normally don't like less than 5000 or so. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQAAdwFLQY5C2ETTBRSFy8aPhpVG_ol3ykuKaUwTzIJNuk9_ECgQXRDY0ZpR35OKk99UWBT31RJVdZXDVhjWK9Y21j1WfNbr18_YEthIWTnZU1mnmegah5qk2xGbmlxTXJscql07XYreA15aHnAeu98uHzZfuKAVoCkhNmE74cph3aLT4zPkAqRzpkrms-bg53EoLSkGagYqW6sqq5QtkG3MbvtvYG-ir6nwA_AGsEEwaPG2Mzb0iHSTdXt3B3dDeNq7tnxrPIv8wb2SPcy90360vzF Last edited by njohnson#6577 on Sep 23, 2014, 9:09:08 AM
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" Ty for your Question! I can tell you a few things to boost your DPS. I watched your gear and gems, and 16,5 are still very good. You must first max out your gems, that means lvl20 or higher! and Q20 Multistrike and other gems give much more dps on 20/20!! - 2nd thing you have added fire dmg, take melee dmg on fulllife 20/20 that gives much more dps - for single targets switch meleesplash with added fire dmg - Dont run Anger.. notmuch dps boost, take HERALD of ASH!! same as Hatered x% of phys dmg as extra-dmg - with hatered+herald ash you easy can run grace as well - your BOR isnt legacy so youre faster attacks is only lvl12 thats low, try tobuy a legacy BOR or switch to 6L armour+alphas whole and last but not... your shield iscrapfor that build. buy a cheap aegis aurora , non legacy you can get for 1-2 ex Atziri Farm-Service http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/941670
MY SHOP -> view-thread/923903 MY BUILD: DPS Melee (duellist/marauder) -> /view-thread/938691 |
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" Thanks for the help! Most of my gems are at level 19-20 but not all are 20% quality yet. I do need to do that with multistrike. I have some gems that I put to 20% quality that I am leveling on passive gear. I'll try the melee damage on full. I guess the trick with this gem is to make sure my life is full as much as possible. Good idea with Herald of Ash, I haven't used it yet and will try it. Yeah I was back and forth on the BoR. The legacy ones are expensive so probably can't do that and I don't have a 6L. I do have an Alphas though. The question about the aegis aurora shield is what is the most important element that it's giving, is it he energy shield regen? The other stats are sorta meh. I know the shield I have is pretty mediocre though, just didn't have a good replacement. Most of the non legacy Aegis I've seen at 6-8ex which is pretty steep and I didn't want to spend that without knowing this build can get me to a decent level. Thanks again for the tips. |
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Is possible to make this build with aegis aurora no legacy? How much ES we need in all the equip to not die in 1 hit or 2 if we cant block enough?
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how does your build deal with chaos damage? sometime i feel atziris promise isnt enough.
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" YES non legacy aurora works to, its then 2% not 4% but works fine! the Shield is a KEYSTONE, you need it! if you have it you wont die at 1hits :) only at Vaal-hammerpunch :D ES should be at the end around 1,5k more is better life isnt that important, i have currently 2,2klife 1,5k ES without disci " Chaos is not so othen, if there is chaos dmg, becareful and jump out of chaosclouds. thats what i do, you can push chaos res as well, if you feel better so :) Atziri Farm-Service http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/941670 MY SHOP -> view-thread/923903 MY BUILD: DPS Melee (duellist/marauder) -> /view-thread/938691 Last edited by Decept1on#0912 on Sep 25, 2014, 8:17:40 AM
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@decept1on Hi, I'd like to say thanks for the advice you gave me before. I did get all my gems to 20% quality and I am now working on leveling them. I was able to get a new weapon nothing like yours but, its pretty good for where I am. There is no way I am gonna get a 6L anytime soon I just don't have the money for one but, I got a 5L Carcass Jack that is working well. I recommend it to people that have it available to them; there is one problem though. RRRGG is pretty hard to get so I went RRGGB with conc effect and took out melee dam on full. This means that my double strike for single target is pretty crap(I think I am gonna level a added chaos dam and see if double strike works well with it) but for Reave I sit at 29.8k dps and with no 6L I think that is pretty good.
My auras are hatred, ash, and Grace. I switch hatred to haste for some reflect maps or if someone is running hatred but its not that crazy of a boost. There is one more problem with Carcass Jack and that is the low amount of ES you get compared to something like decept's chest which is very nice tank wise. For example I only get like 1.1k es compared to decept's 1.5k es which could be the difference in getting one shot which has happened to me a few times. I have some problems with chaos damage but I took decept's advice and grabbed a Atziri's promise and got another ameth flask that gives armor the combination works pretty well(I know they don't stack) and I don't usually die from chaos unless I'm not paying attention. I have a lot of problems with maps that limit mana reg and avoid them I don't know how to fix this at all. Even in a group with someone who ran clarity I was running out quick maybe it desync I really don't get it. O and to people who cannot afford a stone of laz with block chance I suggest getting one with a good int roll and to use the 2 points, that grab hard knocks(30 int), on shield block and Born to fight. It's two less block chance which really sucks but at least you can get a little extra damage.
I guess I did a good amount of nagging but I really like this build a lot and have been having a ton of fun. Thank you Decept. ign: Ricmorn_Reaver
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Please update the soul taker skill tree soon.
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" Hello, first of all, if you cant afford a 6L chest, i would play with a BOR, Please read the linked gems for doublestrike Best choice at 5L is Doublestrike-Fasterattacks-Multistrike-Meleephysdmg-Meleedmgonfulllife Concentrated effect doesnt not realy work with Doublestrike, its for Reave! I looked up your flasks, take a better mana flask, lookmine... gives 1.xxx mana over 21secs then you never have mana probs. you dont need 2 life flasks! your life is the ES, the HP are just youre last backup :) Hatered maxed brings best dmg boost! 2nd is ASH, then haste. but yes on elerefect put them off. But i never have probs on reflect :) depends on leech Btw when you can run reave with 30k dps, run it, better then double strike! because of AOE especially with herald ASH awesome! The atziri flask is not only chaos protection its a huge dps boost, klick the flask allthe time :) look tolltip when flasks runs how much more dps it gives. " doing now :) sry Atziri Farm-Service http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/941670
MY SHOP -> view-thread/923903 MY BUILD: DPS Melee (duellist/marauder) -> /view-thread/938691 |
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With Soul Taker you can max out your mana with Auras, due the mana insuffecience. You should take 2% manaleech and some increased manareg + 2% lifeleechon your gear. For high Spell Block use Lapis Amulet (if possible corrupted + 4%block). " HOW-TO
If you have enough res, enough armour and the needed gear, you are able to jump into any kind of mobs, maps, and bosses. But you should know or remember you dont play a "i survive everything tank" its a little tank yes but maintarget is Killspeed(DPS).
So think about when you go farming. Example. farming Atziri you need to push res nodes (fire/lightning) if you have flasks onboard and both pureties running you can easy survive small stormcall and flameblast attacks. But on Trio (2ndboss) you need cold res and Phys block/reduce. So ever switch auras or flask to get smooth survivability.
farming maps, bosses, you have basicly 2 choices.
1st you take mf gear + linked IIQR gems to your mainattack. Thats very nice to kill mobs with MF and bosses aswell. 2nd you take mf gear and IIQR gems linked to seperated Frenzy+CullingStrike. With this way you have more killspeed but less IIQR at mobs, frenzy attack you use then on bosses or raremonsters
in groups my experience is iam a fucking real tank, boosted by many auras around i run for example nearly 30k armour, overall res 81%+ and amazing DPS up to 93k (93.870dps). When i run groups i take normal dps gear + the frenzy attack for the bosses. Auras i take hatered as ever and grace if i split from group short. Thats amzing to farm XP map by map in groups with realy high survivability + huge DPS-pool.
What's important gear?
For this Build you must have an Aegis Aurora Shield.
A Lapis Amulet gives you the Spelldmg block together with Rainbowstrides boots. Rest of the gear you can chose by yourself, whatever you like to do and what you expect of the build (more dmg/more defense). MY CURRENT GEAR
" My current PASSIVE-TREE AXE-Soul Taker Tree *If you use Soul Taker or an Axe i would take this tree, to be able to run more auras. Due the Manainsufficience of Soul Taker you can run Hatered+Grace+Disciplin+Purety or for more DPS Hatered+Haste+Anger+Disciplin or Grace. here some pictures
Offensive Stats (running Haste+Hatered) can be up to 85k+ in groups ![]() Defense - running Grace + Purity Fire (can be grace+deter+ 1 purity(light/fire) or only puritys ![]() Skills & Gems for Axe " Skills & Gems for Sword + Bringer of Rain " Skills & Gems for Sword + 6L Chest " Questions & Discussion
Its simple, Axe can not use Reave gem for Aoe dmg you need to use meleesplash!!! But with Axe you can use Soul Taker for the Mana insufficieny.
With Sword you can use Reave - changing Concentrated effect to area effect for AOE or DMG depending on gamesituation. But you dont have the mana boost like a Soul Taker provides.
1st fact DoubleStrike provides more Damage!!! But Reave gives more AoE. Chose what you like. I prefere Reave while farming enough DPS and Aoe for mobs without using Areaeffect-gem, at Doublestrike you need to keep Meleesplash for AoE, thats bad if you want use Itemquantety + Itemrarety gems on Mainattack! Example: Reave-Multistrike-MeleePhysdmg-FasterAttacks-Itemquantety-Itemrarety (reave gives AoE + 3 DMG-boost gems) DoubleStrike-Multistrike-FasterAttacks-MeleePhysdmg-Itemquant-Itemrarety (you ever attack singletargets but more dmg as reave) DoubleStrike-Multistrike-FasterAttcks or MeleePhysdmg-MeleeSplash-Itemquant-Itemrarety (to get AoE we are missing FasterAttacks or MeleePhysdmg... bad choice for mobs) Videos & More coming soon ! VIDEOS!!! after uploading i saw bad quality, ill make better ones in HD sry for low quality atm!
Atziri Kill(regular)
Dominus at Palace!
Vouches " " " " " " " [/quote] Atziri Farm-Service http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/941670
MY SHOP -> view-thread/923903 MY BUILD: DPS Melee (duellist/marauder) -> /view-thread/938691 |
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