[OUTDATED] Zivko's WoE + BoR build - Seems like the build is dead
Are these 24% increased physical damage with weapons when dual wielding nodes this bad so you skip them straight away or you just had not enough skill points?
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Just hit 80 and planning on attempting atziri in the next few days after a couple more lvl's.
I just wanted to ask a few questions about my gear and how to gear for the boss fight as well as what flasks to use and at what times. This is my setup so far. Is there anything that needs to be upgraded or changed out. I need to get a cold flask but I am not sure of the pre/suff i need on it. what other flasks am i going to need? The anvil amulet i don't have one yet and i am not sure why its on the gear list can someone enlighten me on when it is used and why? Thinking about getting better rainbow's. If I see a better pair that I can afford I will pick them up but I don't know if that is something I really need. Passives http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQAAecDhwUtFCAYTRiRGNsZhRo4GlUabButHcoj9iSbJKonLyjbKaU0kzboNulDnETnR35KfU4qUEdUSVb6Vw1Z81n-Wkhbr18_YEthIWNwZKNlTWaeZ4BnoGoebmlwcnKpdO14SXrvfNmAioN8hNmE74dqh3aQCpBVkGyRzpkrns2krKcwp4SoB6gYqZSrxayqrOq2QbvtvJ-9gb6nwBrBi9Ih037T_N0N3-_jauOf7g7vDu967-Pv8PIv9zL3Tfe--tL8xQ== I believe i have 2 out of place points that can be changed they are for DMG Bravado/fell the weak. Bravado can be dropped but i like the DMG and armor gain of fell the weak. Should I drop them both? The gems I have may need some Q and or lvl upgrading. Witch would get me the best results? Fighting Atziri and the switching of melee splash to life leech. Should I pick up a Q life leech? I have one lvl 18/Q6 not sure if that will cut it. Thats it for now. Thanks for reading and any help is much appreciated. |
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why not take as starting passives down the atk speed and dual wield passives instead of the melee phys ?
start like this instead of the path creator has chosen for more dmg Last edited by MrZimz#7722 on Jul 23, 2014, 12:47:10 PM
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I managed to get my Wings of Entropy to 5 socket, Should I keep it at that, or should I risk the 40-60 Jewelers I have in order to 6 socket it?
Edit: so I was looking at the tree and you mentioned that the build could be improved with 2% leach rings and gloves, But getting that on actually high roll res/life gloves/rings is quite difficult. also there's an alternative to aspect of the Panther which is probably the main passive that could be swapped for something else, via this small respec route http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQBAecDhwUtFCAYTRiRGYUaOBpsG60j9iSbJKol3ycvKNsppTSTNug26UOcROdHfkp9TipQR1RJVvpXDVnzWkhbr18_YEthIWNwZU1mnmeAZ6BqHmo7bmlwcnKpdO14SXrvfNmAioN8hNmE74dqh3aQVZBskc6ZK57NpKynMKeEqAeoGKmUq8WsqqzqtkG77byfvYG-p8AawYvSIdN-0_zdDd_v42rjn-4O7w7veu_j7_DyL_Pd9zL3Tfe--tL8xVn-HcoS4fZIjM89_FhjGNsXL1XWgKQksB0Uj0bQ0M9lVcYWb2Tn705AoJ65 I think connecting at Golem's blood and Bravado and grabbing Diamond Flesh could be an option. Instead of those 2 STR passives above it by vigor(endurance charge). Once super nice rings are found Diamond flesh could be dropped for aspect of the panther or another passive. The only real difference is 2 str passives versus 1 str 1 dex passive, and access to Diamond flesh if needed. Granted if looking at a single passive exchange with Aspect of the Panther, the competition is Diamond Flesh, 1 of two possible 6% attack speed passives at the duelist start, 8% chance to avoid being stunned(Avoid Stun), Wisdom of the Glade for +30 int because rainbow strides and purity of lightning are dumb, 15% block and stun recovery near Finesse, 6% life/armour near bloodless, Some dmg options but highest is 12% from Axe and Swords, one of the elemental dmg nodes near shadow, Lava Lash, There's 2 40% block recovery nodes, one in the original path through those 2 str nodes (don't know if they work with Dual wield), and the other above Warrior's blood. So once again, you actually don't even lose access to a 40% block recovery passive with the respec, Up by Resolute technique there's an axe dmg and armour node, or Buff Duration (15% increase duration of Buff's and Debuffs you create from skills) - I assume this sadly doesn't effect potion duration :( but maybe it helps IC, also Stun Recovery (10% increased Block and Stun Recovery) Personally I like the Int or Diamond Flesh options as I don't have super rings with 30+ int each on top of leach, res and life. But that 15% block and Stun recovery by Finesse could also be neat to help out on the Cloth Belt front. You did mention there aren't any block/stun passives that work with dual wielding but I can't find info on Stun Recovery not working with Dual wielding. (Fingers crossed). +10 life and 4% mvt speed versus any one of these. Tough call. Last edited by ಥ_ಥ#5406 on Jul 23, 2014, 11:15:13 PM
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" Because of the amount of life and Regen it give. |
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are the rainbowstriders essential or can i take rares instead too ?
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" They are for increasing spell block i believe. See if you can manage without them first. |
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I have a question, are we meant to have all 3 auras active?
When i run Purity of Lightning + Fire and Hatred, I have 10 mana left. (I'm using a lvl 20 Reduced Mana) The cost of Enduring Cry is 23 Mana, so I can't cast it. This is my gear for the moment, started the build 3 days ago, equipped BoR and WoE today.
MY Tree http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQAA4cFLQ48FCAUcRjbGYUaOBpVGmwbrSSqJy8ppTSTNug26TpSQ5xE50d-Sn1OKlb6Vw1Z81uvXz9gS2EhY3Bko2VNZp5noGoeajtuaXBycql07XrvfNmE2YTvh2qHdpBVkGyRzpVmmSuezZ_LpKynMKeEqBiplKvFrKqs6rZBu-28n72BvqfAD8AawYvSIdJN037T_N0N42rjn-4O7w7veu_j8i_z3fcy-tL8xQ== Last edited by FireSword5#0559 on Jul 25, 2014, 12:11:25 PM
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Immortal Call (i guess you mean IC and not EC which is on CWDT) should be with Blood Magic
The best way is to put Leap Slam on the WoE and change your gloves to RRRG Last edited by Floleb7#1409 on Jul 25, 2014, 3:13:05 PM
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" they're good, but at lvl82 you just need survivability for atziri. check lvl92 tree in first post, i take a lot more dmg nodes there. " dont have time toread entire post 1st, i dont recommend attempting atziri on hc with low lvl char, even if you killed atziri before. flameblasts tend to crit a lot and are very dangerous in split phase when combined with stormcalls... id recommend waiting for at least 5k life before going in and some practice on standard preferably, get dispell frozen and chilled flask for vaal if you want to, but i just do it with health pot with dispell frozzen. they dont freeze that much. you must get anvil for triboss, it makes fight so much easier and is a life saver if for any reason you fail to cast immortal call. use lazhar till you kill tentacle miscreation, then leap away from the other 2 bosses with ic on and switch lazhwar for anvil. get quality increased duration, immortal call, melee splash and lvl20 reduced mana (to be able to run all pof, pol and hatred with no aura nodes). inc duration and ic quality are more important, melee splash is not as important, but should be 3rd gem you upgrade. you dont need quality life leech, but if you can get one, it will definitely help. " survivability " keep it 5S if you're low on currency, just drop culling strike from leap slam setup " path of exile is an 'item progression game'. in ideal scenario you want to take only life/es/crit nodes on the tree, and skip all the armour/ev/res/dmg nodes since you can upgrade gear to get more of that. i dont recommend taking res nodes ever, unless its the shortest path to nodes you need more. " check the gem setup, you need blood magic gem for casting EC and IC, you shouldnt even attempt casting them on mana. |
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