Amazon Mayhem Promotion and Path of Exile

Thanks guys for the US address tip. Had already heard about it, but never bothered trying this little trick.

And now I have a new scorpion and, apparently, $5 to spend on android apps and $1 for mp3. Now all I need is an Android phone to replace my Nokia 5200 :P (just kidding, won't happen).
Use Fake Name Generator to create an Amazon account, gives you all the details you need ;)
Available from Amazon Digital Services yet only available in the US.

That SUX!!
ABM Dr Morbius
Chris wrote:
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
We'll see. I'm sort of regretting my Kiwi donation, but it was fun at the time I guess.

It was an amazing gesture, though. The kiwi charities get very little help in NZ so it was a really big deal for them. How much was the kiwi donation in 2012? I'll deduct it from the threshold for shaving my head so that it's much closer for people to reach :)
Ive been tempted to donate the remainder, but at the same time, do I really want you to shave your head?
So ive managed to purchase the pack even though im in Australia. However, im pretty sure im having one of those moments... i cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to enter the code in-game. Can anyone help haha?

Edit: as i posted this i just realized how to enter the code. Dont mind me everybody, im just losing my mind.
Last edited by Surfyy#0594 on May 23, 2014, 4:56:10 AM
Thanks for the tip about US address, just took the 20$ pack.
Nice timing, btw ! :D
1.1.4 when?
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
can these packs be upgraded to supporter packs just like the points can?
U.S. only.
why GGG dont wanna money from the rest of the world.
i´ll not create an extra fake US amazon account.
cant uderstand
whrsmycoffee wrote:
can these packs be upgraded to supporter packs just like the points can?

I'm going to guess no. These aren't just points they are in effect their own Amazon packages and come with bonus MTXs that are basically free.

Email for an absolute answer but I'd bet anything I am correct as they should not be upgradeable.
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—Leo Buscaglia

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