fireball CI crit high dps Not for newbs.
I had used the 1339 fireball shotgun build for a while and used it for leveling with same set up just used a 6link infernal mantle since it was cheaper and im poor and couldnt afford a high es armor. But then with great help from a friend with gear and help with a better tree for more crit damage since that is what you want for more damage since your supposed to be shotgunning them and melting there faces even more. The tree and gear has been changed highly.
My gear is of crit damage I really on my gear for stat points, so I save tree points. I did grab the bandit quest in cruel that gives faster cast speed, because of the old build and not wasting 20 more respects for the point back. Also I grabbed the power charge one in merci for more charges giving it more damage. my tree
my gear flasks People will say why not the frozen ring or the amy that doesn't stun. Again why run suicide maps and for the fact my flasks keep me good I crit a lot and when i have my power charges up I crit at 70% of the time litterally everyother shot and at 50% when I don't have charges. Wands and shield I sometimes switch between dualing and using a shield depending on how i feel like playing or if the map needs more block and ES. I do more damage dualing wands, but survive more with a shield. Gems I use the lightning warp and the other I just use for leveling so anything goes. Helmet I mainly put reduce mana clarity and Discipline I just started testing out different auras purity are helpfull and the fire one at higher levels gives max res to fire resistance, so when reflect hits it wont be to bad. Haste is another but reserves more mana and if you go to zealots oath you can use the vitality gem. Armor I use 6 link mantle, because I cant afford a high ES armor. The gems in the links I chose them because of damage and mana cost. Fireball main skill. Life Leech to get life leech and with the ghost reaver tree node you turns it into ES leech. The other is power charge on crit and simple to get your charges up. The Lesser multiple Projectiles gem reduces damage, but allows to shoot 3 more chances to crit plus more damage overall. I use it over greater, because of the mana cost is less. Faster Projectiles over faster casting is simple at quality it does add faster cast speed projectile speed and damage. The last one I used to use fire Pen and probably would on a es armor or to test out without the chaos bonus, but the damage is more and you just melt there face. with the increased critical damage gem. Belt high strength and resist. Gloves maligerous dex stats and crit damage is great for gloves. gems artic armor for reflect, Increased duration for the Blood Rage and blood rage for frenzy charges and since your CI you won't take chaos damage, but your bonuses for lowlife won't effect you, because your always at full life. Boots are Rainbow Stride for many reasons a few is res, mana, es, Get a legacy pair its worth it. The gems just put a set up you like either cast when damage taken or cast when stun. I like cast when stun most use enduring cry for endurance charges, but any will do. I just been messing around with the others. Rings and amulet. good stats and resistants just to hit the 75 and to use gems and gear. and if you can get crit or spell damage then thats a plus. Flasks are a great setup you need the ones that stop frozen chilled burning bleeding plus with the resistant ones you will get 87 all res. Plus when you crit you get those charges back and since I crit a lot I get them back fast. I know people will be like if you dont use vaal pact then your shit. well at lvl 89 I should have it and im at level 80 now and yes you lose the instant, but the damn thing is to far away if they move it up higher in the tree then I would grab it, but again not a noob build gotta pay attention. maps I been able to do upto the gorge map. only ones I do have problems with are sucide maps reflect no regen. things you shouldn't even waste time on. do maps that your character can do its simple and just don't bitch and say well you cant do these mods. I havent tried the queen. Also the scion would be a better starting point and get vaal pact earler just go get intense zeal and it will work its way out even plus you will do more damage only reason i haven't done it yet is because i am lazy and dont have much time to make a new character. All critism is taken into consideration. Please leave out the slander and stupid stuff thank you. I hope you all enjoyed this. so please be nice lol and a big thanks to HOMASS AND KOEZ FOR THE HELP ok this will be going when new tree comes out but i did a build on poebuilder for a rough draft and its pretty the same. rawrawr Last edited by Phish#0612 on Aug 14, 2014, 1:49:42 PM
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I wouldn't use faster projectiles. The cast speed and projectile damage bonus is rather mediocre, whereas the projectile speed isn't needed for fireball as that has a very good range already.
Get concentrated effect instead. It has a huge MORE multiplier; probably one of the best support gems for fireball. |
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ok thank you and I will test it out.
tested it out and it increases fire damage by 100 and lowers the total dps by 500 and the mana multiplier is way higher so overall faster projectiles does help more unless you have a 20/20 concentrated effect. dont have one but will probably switch it when i get one speed does slow down alot though. from a 19 conc rawrawr Last edited by Phish#0612 on May 7, 2014, 11:07:58 PM
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When using Concentrate with Fireball it doesn't show up on the tooltip. It is there and it will add 65+% more damage. However it is a huge mana hog. In a 6L, I don't think anybody has that type of mana regen.
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" ok but i still gotta find a 20/20 to test it out better. i have a 17 but no quality. im just trying to get high dmg when using dual voidbatteries i get 18k dps. ik its low but thats not includding the crit multiplier wich mine is 491.53 at a 40% chance to crit but when i do get 9 charges the crit jumps upto 70& chance to crit. but still working on it. i love the fireball skill so i been working on it trying to get it great compared to other builds that do alot and can do atziri. i need to get more dmg somehow and if a 20/20 helps then its what i will do. i tested out other ideas but always thought conc effect was using to much mana. but still messing with it. if anyone has any other tips let me know but it is a good build so far i can do maps upto 74 gorge is fun. so im almost there just need other outlooks from others to see what i can do to improve rawrawr
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You made the mistake a lot of newer players make, you aim for the highest tooltip DPS and mostly disregard survivability (probably why you're still 72 and only doing Gorge). First thing is to completely disregard what your tooltip DPS is. That number means absolutely nothing. Not convinced? Here's an old video I recorded awhile ago with a 5L setup against Dominus. The tooltip DPS on that was around 2.5k. You have 7 times more DPS than me - can you kill him as fast?
Concentrated Effect is a must for any fireball user. You're talking about ~70% extra damage. No other support can give you this much. Fire Penetration is also a must for almost any Fire user. Penetration does at least 35% (@lvl20) more damage against enemies, and more than that if they have resists. Again, no support can approach that number. The two obvious supports I'd remove are Faster Projectiles and Increased Critical Damage. Lastly, GMP is worlds better than LMP for fireball. Problem is that you probably attack from afar due to low survivability. If you can figure out a way, gear-wise, or play-style wise to get up close to enemies, you'll notice that shotgunning with GMP does a LOT more damage than LMP. All of these will make your fireball more mana intensive, and that's something you may have to resolve. As an example, my fireball costs 179 mana to cast. Good luck. Last edited by j0zef#4035 on May 13, 2014, 8:12:16 PM
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" Increased Critical Damage is not that bad for support for Crit Fireball. Of course FP and CE are slightly better. And I completely disagree with you on GMP part. From post you've made I see that you run life based build with Eldritch Battery. Easy Mana and Mana Regen. So you can run GMP without problems. But you suggest GMP to a person with CI and Infernal Mantle? And of course... Why is GMP better that LMP for Fireball? It's only for huge packs mobs. Which are easy kill for both. But for bosses i think higher damage is better, of course in total 5 GMP projectiles have more damage than 3 LMP projectiles, but you wont hit them all. 1-3 will only hit the target. Thus higher damage LMP projectiles are better and cost 25% less Mana. And with lower mana costs you can spend less passives on Mana/Mana Regen nodes and on gear. Thus more damage or survivability. Either way, in my opinion life based build with Eldritch Battery should only consider use GMP, for everything else LMP is better. And yes, you should never suggest GMP for a guy with CI and Infernal Mantle. I use them both so I know situation with low mana and costs of solving it. Thats why I know your suggestion for GMP is horribly wrong. |
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ok made some changes to gear.
ok the tooltip may be broken. then they need to fix it, but nothing in your video proved that it is broken lmfao but Im going crit so yes i want the crit multi in there lmp works better for lower mana firepen does help. but i switch it for faster casting. I have done and tried many changes with fireball this suits this build i only need to get the faster casting and the crit one higher. i crit at 543 multiplier. so if anything the firepen would help. but not doing Concentrated effect. it was slower and more mana usage. and since it didnt change the damage then untill the tooltip is fixed i wont bother with it. adding vaal haste and the belt and the vaal discipline while using the shield i can have more defense also. i wasnt just going for all out attack i switch depending on which area im in. and for the new player comment I laugh at you.if the tooltip is broken then I havent heard anyone i know who plays this game say it. I have a friend who has a set up that can kill anything ingame. im not 72 lol im lvl 84 now and was 80 when i wrote this. and can do higher maps. also i dont die at dominous lol, but i still dont think you can just jump in a post and call someone new when the guy your calling new has a way earlier account date and has been playing since then lol. i may not pay attention to forums and just play the game, but still dont just assume people are new or like new players lol hahaha omg my mana only uses up 100 per cast lol thank you for all the imput. it does help me figure out what im lacking and used to run a 20/20firepen, but switched it for a crit multiplier and with the faster casting now i do faster damage. rawrawr Last edited by Phish#0612 on May 23, 2014, 12:47:00 AM
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To complain about the higher mana cost of concentrated effect and then switching to faster casting is hard to understand. Without mana leech your mana regeneration is per second, not per hit, so you have to compare the mana costs per second. Due to casting more often the mana costs of faster casting are ~11% higher per second compared to using concentrated effect (and that is with a CE without quality that would further reduce the mana costs). You also get more damage with CE: 69% more vs 39% more.
Another factor is that faster casting is lowering your burning damage as that is calculated on basis of the initial damage. A fireball supported with CE will give you 69% more burning damage compared to the "light" hit of a fast casting fireball. That's also the reason why fire penetration has a slight edge over faster casting: The damage per second is roughly on par, but the burning damage with fire penetration is 30+% more due to the higher initial damage. As for tooltip: The tooltip has never shown aoe components or effects on enemys that result in higher damage (fire penetration). Talked about and confirmed by GGG in countless threads ad nauseam. To still ground the gem setup decision on what the tooltip shows is ... odd, to say the least. |
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" Then they need to work on the tooltip. Tf they dont have support skills showing then it just turns people away from using certain ones. mana is low so i need lower spell cost. my mana is 511 and is sustainable with faster casting then with CE. my fireball cost is 100 and When switched with a 20/20 CE it goes to 165. only auras i run are CLarity and Discipline. so my mana goes from 1092 to 511 using 581. so since it doesn't show change im not really going to use it. it is slower and if GGG wants people to play the game and not actually have to do math for adding certain support skills then they need to fix it. simple. so why should anyone keep playing a game where its broken. and about the burning damage is weaken from faster casting it doesn't show in the character panel when you hit c and look at the fireball offence the fire damage doesnt go down only up. so i dont see where it would be lower unless its just a hidden mechanic. so if its broken they need to fix it. because it increased my damage than using CE also. the only thing CE shows is me losing -30 area of effect which really isnt that big of a deal since its broken and it doesnt show it. it shouldn't take a genius to play this game. if theres areas which don't work then they need to fix it. Because no where does it say 69% more area damage. so that means it really can't be doing anything if the tooltip broken. then they need to fix it. simple rawrawr Last edited by Phish#0612 on May 24, 2014, 1:05:10 PM
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