1.3 Blitz Diarrhea | Static Strike | Feb 3. Major Update!

Do you prioritise ele damage or phys damage on a wep?
When it comes down to base damage I definitely prioritize physical as my melee and projectile damage scale off it (both physical and elemental). But, when it comes down to multipliers I focus on elemental damage as it increases my DPS remarkably. And last but not least, attack speed, a very important factor for this build.
I highly recommend getting mana leech on gear. I recently got 2% on a ring and it makes a huge difference. With 1 mana flask you won't need a mana leech gem at all.
IGN: Dmillz
I'm definitely intending to drop Mana Leech, haven't done it yet because of too low physical damage. But now that I got some nice gear I should be able to swap it with Concentrated Effect or maybe something else... was thinking about trying out Added Fire, would have to see if it's gonna give me some nice dps boost.

edit: it's not gonna work out, the only items I could potentially replace at reasonable cost are jewelry. And except of mana leech I'd need to get 42 int (otherwise I won't be able to use Doryani's), 31/60/40 ele res, not to mention I have 136 life on my rings and some nice damage (except the Amethyst one). Maybe if I had a 2nd res on my chest and my belt, but I don't, so I'm not gonna spend only God knows how many exalteds to get that 5th socket free of Mana Leech.

But, if someone else has the means to get enough res/life/dmg off items to afford extra mana leech, then definitely go for it!

edit: I tried out a 2% mana leech amulet, I ran OOM within 1-2 seconds. Will have to see if 4% would be enough, but I'm afraid with my aps it's not gonna work. Especially considering that we're talking about adding another gem that would increase my mana cost.
Last edited by Dzwonsson#4696 on May 9, 2014, 1:54:56 PM
That weapon looks familiar :P good to see its been put to good use, may have to try your build out!
Dear OP,

Does this Build work with dual wielding? Im interested int his build but I dislike shields.
chainest wrote:
Dear OP,

Does this Build work with dual wielding? Im interested int his build but I dislike shields.
Well, it'd require some remodelling when it comes down to the tree, but I don't see a reason why it wouldn't. But you'd need to keep in mind, that trading shield for DW makes you less tanky, you'd lose a huge chunk of your life, armor and block chance. On the other hand you should get some more offense as DW offers you 10% increased attack speed. IMO going for DW is only profitable if:
- you're going for a main hand skill only and choose Ungil's Gauche as your off hand weapon. You'd get additional 20% block chance, which makes it easier to get anywhere near 75% block chance while still getting the DW offense bonuses;
- you're going for a skill that uses both hands at the same time aka Dual Strike which grants a huge bonus to your dps.
Let's take a look at this tree:

Compared to 1h mace + shield you'd get:
- 10% increased physical damage;
- 6% increased attack speed (inc. 10% DW bonus and frenzy charges)
- ~1500 less base armor (average Lioneye's Remorse roll);
- 8% less armor/evasion;
- ~100 less life (Lioneye's Remorse)
- 8% less block chance;
- 42% less fire damage.

But again, it's a very quick remodelling. I'd have to spend a bit more time on it to come up with something better. Let me get back to you tomorrow, however, I still believe going for DW is not worth it in this case.
Okay, here's I think the best DW tree you can get for this build:

- 202% increased life, depending on your gear that would be anywhere between 4,200 and 4,500 hp (while the 110 1h/shield tree has 208% which translates into 5,000+ as you get +/- 100 max hp off shield);
- 192% increased physical damage, which is a 19% bonus compared to 1h/shield build, how much is that in dps numbers? My safe bet would be 300-500;
- 94% increased attack speed = 9% bonus, which is probably another 300-500 dps increase;
- 45% block chance, compared to 54% of the 1h/shield tree;
You also wouldn't get 42% fire damage the 1h/shield build includes... and 48% increased armor off nodes. If losing that much tankiness (life, armor and block) for that additional 1,000 dps is worth it in your eyes, you should go for it. I wouldn't. But, if you wanna play a nice fast pace DW build I have a Ground Slam + Blood Rage DW build in the works, around 300% increased physical damage + 100% attack speed + 75% block. Will probably post the build once my toon is around lvl 60, so that there's anything to evaluate.
Dual wield 2 doryani for 200% wed
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.
So, when I see the numbers you calculated, I think it really isn'tworth it to go DW. Thank you very much for your effort I will checkout your other DW build as soon as its online.

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