1.3 Blitz Diarrhea | Static Strike | Feb 3. Major Update!
It's all up to you. 1h/shield gives you much more defense, higher block chance, armor, life and makes it easier to get your res capped. DW gives you much more offense, not only base more attack speed and damage, but also 100% more elemental damage (2nd Doryani's) and a bit more pdmg off nodes. I played 1h/shield in Ambush and it was awesome, not leveling DW and it's fun as well.
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what about 2-hand weapons for this build? also, i edited my last post and asked about leech or LoH gems and why they arent used....but was prob too late for you to see the edit
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Sorry for reposting, but I would like to know your thoughts on pyre ring with hatred because with anger I have 13.2k and 14.6k with hatred.
Last edited by MonsterMike636#5134 on Sep 11, 2014, 12:42:02 AM
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"What ring where you using before? Because if you get one with decent flat physical damage and increased elemental damage your DPS with Anger will be much higher than with Pyre + Hatred. Aside of offense and resistances, some decent rare ring can give you as much as 70+ flat life. But, I'm gonna check it with my Duelist to be absolutely sure. edit: it seems I'm broke in Standard and can't afford Pyre atm. But, as soon as I have it I'll tell you how much life I lost and how much damage I gained/lost. :/ Last edited by Dzwonsson#4696 on Sep 4, 2014, 7:56:45 AM
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Can this build do atziri?
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"Well, the pre-1.2 version did Atziri without any problems. Don't know about 1.2 yet. "1. It's all in the leveling trees my friend, so 1) Iron Grip, 2) Iron Reflexes, 3) Point Blank, 4) Resolute Techniques, 5) Avatar of Fire. You can always take IR and PB before Grip if you want, I took Grip first because I went for the life/strength nodes on the right side. 2. Reflect. With PoF your max fire res will be 80% and considering that you'll deal fire damage only you need as much fire res as possible to survive reflect. Ruby Flask is recommended as well. But, if you wanna go full damage I'd try what one of the followers suggested, take Pyre + Hatred + Herald of Ice, so your aura setup would be: Hatred, Q20 Herald of Ash, Herald of Ice. Last edited by Dzwonsson#4696 on Sep 5, 2014, 4:15:31 AM
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" Thanks a lot man (= |
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"Hi Zyken! 1. That's why I wouldn't recommend AoF until a) you get Doryani's or b) you get a 5L so you temporarily use the Life Leech support. I didn't wanna be too strict about players' leveling choices hence the very little guiding about how and with what items/skills to level. 2. Blood Rage was a key part of the build before the expansion MD wasn't AoF based. After 1.2 and the introduction of masters (crafting % WED) and herald (tons of various forms of fire dmg) I dropped Blood Rage and chose for AoF which is in the 1.2 notes in the OP. 3. I figure LGoH would work with elemental damage as it states "hit by your attacks", not specifically "physical attacks". The only problem is the max LGoH you can get on jewelry is +2. Don't know if it would be actually effective, even if you got it on both rings and amulet. 4. It's 1% of all damage received by monsters. So, if a mob is hit by both melee and projectiles you'll leech 1% of both melee and projectile damage. 5. It really depends on your % armor nodes. When using IR I usually ended up with a very similar buff using Determination or Grace. It's all up to you I'd guess. But, to be absolutely honest with you, I never used Determination with MD, the 1h/shield version has around 14k armor, endurance charges and 67% block if I remember correctly and that's absolutely enough. Even with 50% block and 10k armor I didn't have problems with physical damage. I listed the aura just in case. 6. That's a very nice idea, but both the in-built Ele Prolif and Incr. Burning Dmg gem increase the % of mana reserved. So it won't be 25% - Red Mana anymore, but 40% if my math is correct... and there's no way to sustain it without taking red mana nodes. Last edited by Dzwonsson#4696 on Sep 8, 2014, 3:20:19 PM
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MINI-UPDATE: before 1.2 somebody asked if it's not better to use Meginord's instead of a rare belt with % pdmg and % WED. Back then it wasn't as it didn't really affect the DPS and caused a huge life loss. I checked it in 1.2 and it still doesn't affect DPS (went from 19,200 to 19,500), but keeps your life at the same level (had 4,665 and still have exactly 4,665). So, if you happen to have a Meginord's, you can use it.
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Good Morning,
I picked up a Sceptre last night, and it is amazing. The burning gem is only level 2 and it just destroys anything hit by ele prolif right now. It becomes 28% reserved with using a 18 reduced mana, I can still run Anger, Herald of Ash, and Purity of fire by using the Alpha's Howl. Took forever to get 3 red, so the green is just for leveling. I think I will go the dual wield version once I get a 6L and better jewelery to compensate the loss of health on shield/helm. Once again, great build, keep it up! |
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