1.3 The Community's Molten Strike, Face Melting Build!! 1h+shield and 2h variants available
Thoughts on Faster Attacks into the rotation? And if so sacrifice what gem? Shesh so many that work with this :)
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build looks interesting, and the new skill looks cool. I like the concept. Lets bang this out!
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A most excellent find Dmillz!
Faster attacks would obviously lower your dmg per projectile but increase the rate at which they fire. Since the damage per projectile is pretty overkill outside of a boss fight you could drop added fire damage (my choice), conc. effect if the smaller aoe size bothers you, or the BM gem if you don't want to run any auras. As a result you would simply speed up your AoE trash clear speed. It is definitely a gem set that requires some playing with :) cursed school work getting in the way. Anyone have the current link set up that can give their opinion? Last edited by Kartikdon#5867 on May 1, 2014, 10:57:31 PM
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" Glad you like the idea Route :) Please, drop your comments and suggestions that you come across while playing. |
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" Whats your thoughts on end game maps at this point? Aura's would seam like they would help allot with this, Making BM as a node (As you said ) prob not worth keeping, taking up a spot in a 5l 6l though |
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The auras are amazing and worth the BM gem
As far as maps, reflect is not an issue. The only downers are temporal chains (because its just stupid as hell and will attack your sanity more then anything) and no regen maps and there are ways around that. Really you should have no issues with maps with the full set up assuming you keep your HP up and resists max. Last edited by Kartikdon#5867 on May 2, 2014, 12:10:22 AM
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Sorry for being long-winded with the following, I tend to over-explain myself when discussing game mechanics.
--A note on helping Oak in Cruel-- I personally prefer helping Oak in Cruel. Molten Strike converts 60% of your physical damage to fire, and does the other 40% as normal physical damage. Oak in Cruel gives you +18% physical damage (note that this is not MELEE physical damage, just physical damage....which is why it works for Ethereal Knives, Spectral Throw and other non-melee physical-based abilities). In short, either help Oak in Cruel for +18% physical damage, or help Kraityn in Cruel for +8% attack speed. I'm personally running a different variant of this build that gets more overall attack speed and damage with slightly less survivability (no elemental adaptation......you take a huge passive investment to get that one, not worth it IMO....and 206% life instead of ~250%, sitting on more life nodes that I just haven't taken though). I think the physical damage increase will work out better because it will increase hit damage (and therefore leech per hit) while keeping the attack speed in control (less strain on health....I get a lot more speed through passives so I already have a higher strain on my health than you). --Why no GMP?-- Although I have to ask, what's your reasoning for not using GMP? Using your links and passives, you have 3 projectiles that do ~152% of your tooltip dps. Using GMP with the same level concentrated effect (and point blank ofc), I have 7 projectiles that do ~76% of my tooltip dps. Your projectiles have a potential dps output of 456% of your tooltip dps if all 3 of your projectiles hit, but you lose 1/3rd of that for each projectile that doesn't hit something. My projectiles have a potential dps output of 532% of your tooltip dps if all 7 of my projectiles hit, but I only lose 1/7th of that for each projectile that doesn't hit something. I guess it's a matter of opinion, but being that I fire more projectiles (which are fired randomly) my setup will do more dps in large groups of enemies (due to higher potential and a low chance for any of them to miss), and it has a better chance of landing at least some of the damage in single target situations (being that it's random, you are more likely to miss with all 3 of your projectiles than I am to miss with all 7 of mine)...though a generally diminished amount of damage against small single-targets (like Piety) due to the lower damage per projectile that does hit. ~IGN: Nagisan Last edited by Nagisan#0863 on May 2, 2014, 1:01:06 AM
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Hi nagisan!
I have been to busy enjoying the build since the lightning strike formula was posted on how it calculates its projectile damage. It should be very similar for Molten Strike meaning Oak cruel would be a great choice. The Elemental adaptation does seem like a stretch but for me I will probably be taking the Templar variation so in the end it will wont be a stretch at all. Also the extra fire resists really does make a difference vs reflect. I dont focus on damage nodes because with the current set up, damage is already over the top. Taking advantage of this I decided to take over the top defenses to compliment it. But of course, standard only needs around 200% and HC generally 250% so there is definitely room to drop health nodes. That is one reason i like this build so much is because its very easy to configure to every persons play style. I didn't choose GMP cause when i tested LMP the kill speed dropped but looking back on it there were a few things I missed. I will re-test it now and see how it fairs. |
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" Having more projectiles doesn't change the hit rate of your projectiles, all it grants you is additional consistency so saying "my setup will do more dps in large groups of enemies (due to higher potential and a low chance for any of them to miss)" just plain isn't true. In terms of raw damage, GMP gets outclassed by basically any other (reasonable) support gem; you're gaining 16.67% more projectile damage and obviously that's going to be an even smaller contribution to single target damage. Multistrike is already there to maximize AoE spread (since it's strictly inferior to Added Fire in every other respect) so you shouldn't really need to make another damage sacrifice for even more. --- Why no Avatar of Fire? It's a free damage gain via Lava Lash & Weapon Elemental Damage applying to the entirety of your attack and this is even more true if you take Catalyze as well. Obviously it makes you a bit weaker against fire resistant mobs, but Fire Penetration should already take care of that to some degree. Edit: Didn't realize you were running Hatred. Should still be worth taking until you can drop Blood Magic though so it's probably worth mentioning. Last edited by Fearmonger#4921 on May 2, 2014, 1:52:49 AM
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So just tested GMP and it is in fact a DPS loss vs bosses. Clear speed overall felt about the same for trash.
Also retested Added Fire and Melee Phys. Added Fire > Melee Phys > GMP/LMP For Molten Strike it looks like it follows quality over quantity Last edited by Kartikdon#5867 on May 2, 2014, 2:41:58 AM
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