[Official] WINE info thread

I_I_I wrote:
Since today's patch, not being on full mana causes FPS to drop to unplayable levels. I've seen others with the same issue. It doesn't happen if life drops, and turning off the hp/mana numbers over the globes doesn't help either. This seems like a potential showstopper..

I'm running 1.5.28-PathOfExile.

edit: never mind, using a more recent version (1.7.19-WGL_WINE_surface2) fixes the problem.

give this guy / girl a backpack full of chocklate-chip-cookies please :*
this wine-version did the job for me as well .

Last edited by Wallmeat#1263 on Sep 12, 2014, 12:53:48 PM

It helps me with lagging game when do attack. But it gives another bug :/ Mouse arrow is displayed in different place than actually it is. Example:
Mouse is drawn 3cm to right and 2cm to down from LOG IN button, but actually LOG IN button is lighted up and when click LMB it works. It cause game unplayable :/ cannot hit enemies and pick up items. Do anyone had similar problem with pointer drawing?

1.7.19 with this one game wont start for me.
1.5.28-PathOfExile with this one game is unplayable :/ freezes for few seconds when do attack etc :/

First post sooooooo HELLo Exile!!! ];->
NajlepszyTomasz wrote:

It helps me with lagging game when do attack. But it gives another bug :/ Mouse arrow is displayed in different place than actually it is. Example:
Mouse is drawn 3cm to right and 2cm to down from LOG IN button, but actually LOG IN button is lighted up and when click LMB it works. It cause game unplayable :/ cannot hit enemies and pick up items. Do anyone had similar problem with pointer drawing?

I don't have that particular problem. Three systems tested. Nvidia cards. Are you running full screen mode?
i changed those two options from false to true and that solved problem for me.


EDIT: I WAS WRONG IT NOT WORKING. Explanation in my next post down here.
Last edited by NajlepszyTomasz#6887 on Sep 14, 2014, 1:45:59 AM


Thanks for advice, but did not work for me.
I am running wine-1.6.2

And also I can not install 1.7.19 with WGL_WINE_surface2 patch. Any other options available?
NajlepszyTomasz wrote:
i changed those two options from false to true and that solved problem for me.


Here's the display section from my production_config:

adapter_name=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
MQD wrote:


Thanks for advice, but did not work for me.
I am running wine-1.6.2

And also I can not install 1.7.19 with WGL_WINE_surface2 patch. Any other options available?

Are you using the latest version of PlayOnLinux? Installed fine on 3 systems here.

With 1.6.2 the game works fine but now we have a lag when using mana in game (arctic armor is a good example, it reliably reduces frame rate from ~200 to ~30, until switched off, makes it easy to check if you have the bug or not)
I just realize that in fact it doesnt work for me all the time. Sometimes work, sometimes not.

HERE (youtube) i show you how looks my problem with mouse :/
0:00 -> 0:20 Starting PoE
SKIP 0:20 -> 1:20 Looooooooo(ng)ading PoE
1:20 -> till end problem is cleary visable.

Iam running Linux Mint 64b.
Using nVidia 331.38 driver for GPU nVidia GeForce GT 440.
Play On Linux is in version 4.2.5.
Game starts with wine 1.5.28-PathOfExile BUT is unplayable because of lag / freezing during attack.
Game starts with wine 1.7.19-WGL_WINE_surface2 and FPS are constant all the time ;-) BUT with this version i have mouse display problem showed above in short video.

DISPLAY section

adapter_name=NVIDIA GeForce GT 440

Yesterday evening i changed "borderless_windowed_fullscreen=true" "confine_mouse_to_window=true" from false values and was thinking that solved problem :) Game started without this bug and posted "solution" here immediately. This morning i run game again and again have mouse problem. I restart it few times and problem disappear. Next time showed again :/ So i do not know to what related is this problem.
NajlepszyTomasz wrote:
I just realize that in fact it doesnt work for me all the time.

Does it work with borderless_windowed_fullscreen=false?

I'm using nvidia driver version 340.24 from the nvidia.com site. Maybe try to update, I know it can be hard the first time to learn how, if you are not used to driver package installation under linux.

You can try wine 1.7.26, just set offscreen rendering mode to backbuffer in the display tab (playonlinux configuration for your poe prefix).

Are you using the latest version of PlayOnLinux? Installed fine on 3 systems here.

I am not using PlayOnLinux, because it is not available for my OS. And thats why I can not switch to 1.7.19-WGL_WINE_surface.
It seems that I have to wait a new wine release with WGL_WINE_surface patch

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