[Official] Kripp Wand Templar
" Carbonfiber, sorry for the wall of text, everyone else can ignore as its just me rambling. This is my third wander, my first was in closed beta and had 5k ish life and got to 80 something, cant remember. My second wander i decided to go a little more dps than defensive and got to lvl 85 in open beta but i chose 3 passive nodes for the bandit quests which i regretted. So I recently re-rolled and chose life, attack speed, and +1 power charge and about to hit lvl 81. All have done high lvl maps so i've done quite a bit of mapping, just so u know its not advice from a first time wander. If you haven't played a wander before or haven't done much mapping before or playing hardcore (obviously) i wouldn't recommend going more glass cannon if you intend to do alot of soloing. You should get get all the life you can and once you've got good gear and your DPS high enough you can probably start getting the damage nodes and the uniques (maligaros, starkonjas and wake of destruction) which allow you to get your damage up really high (u obviously dont need all of them of course but they do add alot to your damage). Because if your damage is low and your life is low, well you're not going to be enjoying it too much and you will get destroyed in maps. When my power siphon used to hit like a little girl i had good life pool with life on every piece of gear as i couldn't take out the mobs as quick and needed it to survive to do the maps. When my dps started to get very high and i started to one to two shot everything i didnt need as much life anymore because i could take down the mobs more quickly. Which is when i was able to afford to start losing life on pieces of gear for more dps orientated gear. So the point is you cant just go glass cannon, you need the really good gear to get your damage high and then you can start working towards more damage and (GRADUALLY) less life depending on how comfortable you feel which will vary from player to player on how much life pool you need. And because you can destroy mobs and take down bosses quickly meant i felt more comfortable with having a lil less life than normal. (with my second wander i leveled him from lvl 80 at 2.5k life to lvl 85 when i reached 3k life as i was picking up all life nodes from then as i had already picked up all the damage nodes). So that was the life pool i was more or less comfortable with at the time doing the 70+ lvl maps at the dps i had. With regards to armour and choosing an armour (chest) to use, if you decide to use a pure armour chest make sure its a chest with high +armour and +percent armour mods to make the most of the pure armour rolls it can get. Otherise whats the point and you might as well use a hybrid armour/e.s. if you get a good one which gives you the benefit of ES with Eldridge Battery to skyrocket your mana. The only issue with a pure armour with this build is getting it as a six link then trying to get the red, green and blue combinations as a six link that you want on a pure armour chest will be alot harder. The reason I'm using the armour i have and have lower armour than you might want is that the lvl 76 map i was doing dropped the ilvl 77 saintly chainmail as a six socket, then was lucky enough to get 6links in under 10 fusings and spent a grand total of 3 chromatics to get the colours i wanted as its easier to get the G/R/B combinations on the hybrid as opposed to pure armour. And used a few chaos and manage to get decent rolls of +energy shield and increased % energy shield. This chest coupled with the shield i have allowed me to get 4.5k mana and 250 mana regen which allowed me to use the increased crit gem as a 6th link as i was able to support the mana cost. And if you want the retarded AoE damage numbers you will probably need to be able to support this gem as it adds alot of damage to your AoE. You will not be able to do so with a pure armour chest unless you have mana regen on gear to be able to support the cost of power siphon AoE at 160 mana cost. The other benefit of this is that even though a hybrid wont be able to get as much armour as a pure armour, good ES rolls will mean that you will be able to support Artic Armour which gives physical damage reduction and fire damage reduction on hit, which well .... why would you not want to use it if you can support it and the mana i have from the chest and shield allows me to use it, which i consider the skill as good as having armour considering it gives damage reduction. With regards to doing maps, its not really always the lvl of the map which makes it hard but the map mods itself on a rare map which will make the map and its monsters hard. Rolling minus max resistance with elemental weakness curse and extra monster damage mods is dangerous regardless of the level of the map. And you will always want to progress through those maps carefully regardless of your defensive abilities until you figure out all the types of mobs which have spawned in the map. Some bosses are pretty hard with certain mods, but they would be hard regardless if you had 3k life or 4k life and soloing the boss if you're not careful. In short for maps, if its a hard map totem up and lead with the skeletons as they will tank alot and distract alot for you while you nuke away. And because i can take down mobs quickly (offence is defence) coupled with skeletons and arctic armour i am able to do the higher lvl maps (yes charges and flickers are fine if you're careful, have done double kraitlyn and double flicker spider boss in overgrown shrine) with difficult mods to get the high quantity (oh and enfeeble goes a long way :). Chaos damage, playing in a group, knowing how to roll maps that your character/build can do is a different story. Baked Beans - Meme Dreams https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ_a2zFbPIIiE4kURsvQ4Dw Last edited by PoE17#3475 on Apr 16, 2013, 9:18:13 AM
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Dude, that new ammy is sick. No joke :D
Ah btw, made them yesterday: Last edited by d3s0#1590 on Apr 16, 2013, 8:36:44 AM
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yeh ilvl 77, the crit multi bumped me up to 644 multiplier overall :)
them boots are nice too, chaos resists is something i want eventually on most of my gear. jelly i am, though i do still love the wakes of destructo. Baked Beans - Meme Dreams
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ_a2zFbPIIiE4kURsvQ4Dw |
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Build looks great.
Going to try it out. |
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PoE17, thanks for taking the time to write down your thoughts on those issues, I'm sure a lot other wanders out there would appreciate it as much as I do.
I solo 99% of the time since for god knows why most of my friends are still playing that blizz game (-.-), currently lvl 83 in SC and have been doing maps up to lvl 73 for quite some time (haven't gotten anything above 73). I have to say from personal experience by going more offensive in the build/gear I tend to do better. You are absolutely right that it's not entirely the map lvl but certain map mods and monster types that are the most critical. The main reason I brought up map lvl is that the same monster type that you have trouble with in a higher lvl map would hit much harder compared to a lower lvl map. I quite like your idea of going hybrid armor to get enough mana regen to run arctic armor to compensate for physical dmg reduction, I currently have just over 200 mana/sec so not quite sure if I can comfortably support it or not. As to why crit chance is so important for this build, I think since it modifies the local crit chance of our weapon which is the base crit chance all of other crit chance modifiers on our gears and passives will modify, you really cannot just look at it as is, that's probably also why your wand gave you a huge boost to dps.
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Is the build still the same as the OP? Im curious as to what people are doing differently these days.
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" Pretty much yeah. For singletarget some people use ele.hit with quality "powercharge on crit" for singletarget though. You lose culling strike and don't shock everytime (like with siphon), since ele hit does damage of random element, and this isn't affected by other flat ele from your gear. This is kinda great option if you aren't the one in party with MF gear (and you aren't supposed to finish the mob/boss), since wanders usually finish enemies (including bosses) because of cull.strike. Also some people still use frenzy for singletarget, but it gives way lower dps (from my own experience), despite your crazy attspeed. Still, imho, original siphon build still works the best. | |
" finally made them new boots huh? i see you got the currency to finally craft it ! Onslaught ign: chenplayingforstars
Default League ign: imQTchen ------------------------------------- If I won an auction and/or you have questions for me please contact me through the ign above (whisp/add friend) or send pm via forum |
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" I just needed an exalt...that 45 fireres... :D | |
would some of u guys mind to put up a solo skill tree for those, who dont play in party that often? wondering how u invest the at least 4 more skillpoints!
IGN: BoffisBock MyShop (SC): http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/307990 IGN: ThisTimeSerious MyShop (HC): http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/388310 IGN: RedLipsBigBoobs (ONS): http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/415014 Last edited by leon1987#7354 on Apr 17, 2013, 3:57:58 AM
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