[1.2] Tri Element Trapper (Update to Arkon 9944's build)
Hey ;) i got a couple of questions...( maybe some are dumb^^)
In advance i want to say that I use a crit build with EE 1. The second gear u posted....there is a lvl 8 enduring cry in your gloves...what is the sense of this? Or is it a leftover of CWDT ? 2. Why u choose rathpith? Just to do more dmg or do u also need the tons of mana u get from it to be able to run 3 auras? 3. Having additonal mana regneration on items (rings, ammys..)is it a must have to run 3 auras? 4. U use 2 curses....one of them is temporal chains...in what situations do u use temporal chains instead of critical weaknes which seems to be very important for ya build. To keep distance to fast , hard hitting monsters? 5. Would you use the same support gems with EE like in your build... or would u change something? |
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" 1. I stopped leveling the gem due to str requirements and never bothered leveling it more since I always have 3 endurance charges with it at that level. 2. I chose rathpith because of how cheap it can be had and the amount of damage it provides. If I had multiple exalts I would go for a shield with high spell damage and crit chance. I do prefer the ES shield now that I am using one because of how much mana/mana regen it provides. 3. The aura's don't require a lot of mana regen. The regen is required for Arctic Armour, you don't need much mana regen outside of whats on the tree until you want to run over level 15 Arctic Armour. 4. Temporal Chains is very useful because it increases the duration of status effects as well. So ignites, shocks, freeze, chill will all stay around longer. Pretty much if I am facing turbo monsters that will smash my face in, I temp chains them and burn them down. I find a defensive curse is always useful, sometimes you have to sacrifice damage for clear speed. 5. I would use my exact setup with EE, the only reason I don't have EE right now is because I am lazy and don't want to follow the rotation. I had it and i specc'd out of it. It would help me blow through resistant mobs faster, but laziness prevails in my case. |
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" Thx for your answers ;) Will be a bit tricky to put 4 traps 2 curses and enduring cry on my buttons^^ My last questions ... 1. Is Divinarius in your opinion the best choice for this build with its 120-140% critical chance, good spell dmg and its increased 10% aoe ? Because a few days ago i found a rare dagger with 80% global critical strike chance, 54% spell dmg and 88% critical strike chance for spells....dunno whats better 2. With a 6l carcass...which would be your 6th gem? 3. Do u think its worth it to get a 20% quality multiple traps for more 20% trigger radius? Iam still used to have instant shock novas with reduced duration...now i am not using it anymore and sometimes it is hard for me to hit 1 single boss cause of its deadzone... |
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" For me left click is move, i remapped 3rd mouse button to space bar which is my enduring cry. Cold snap trap is my right click. Shock Nova is my Q, Fire Trap my W, Bear trap my E, Critical Weakness my R, and Temporal Chains my T. It's a full bar for sure. 1. You can actually find much better rare daggers than Divinarius. The ideal dagger would have spell crit, crit multiplier, and high spell damage. Anything extra is gravy. 2. The ideal 6 link for me is empower, but you could run increased burning damage, increased critical strikes, added chaos damage, or increased AoE. 3. The quality on Multiple traps is very good and extremely usefull for getting the 3 shock novas to go off. As far a single boss goes, switch to lightning trap vs something like that. Most bosses have some mobs around them to help trigger the shock nova's though. |
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thx for the answers :D
If i even use enduring cry, i am not sure. Maybe i will try a 4l ice trap with superior cold damage to get extra dmg,25% chill duration and 10% more chance to freeze the enemies. Dunno if its viable without enduring cry...i will have to test it. Last edited by Nemophlibis#0741 on Apr 25, 2014, 3:26:01 PM
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I am testing out this build and currently only level 40 as I just started this char up. Traps always seem to be a little lack luster for leveling and pre-getting trap nodes/EE.
So to level I've been using spectral throw (with a one handed sword) since it fits in line with dex/beginning attack speed nodes as well as a bit of range while being in invasion. Additionally I've been using searing bond and of course, traps. Why did I choose a one handed sword? You gain the 18% accuracy from the implicit mod which helps keep your dps up while being able to use a shield. Why sword and board? Invasion you can get screwed too fast while not use a shield, regardless of league staying alive is priority one because dead dps is no dps, no more explanation needed. Why spectral throw for leveling? Invasion can get too nasty too fast, more distance the better and it does great damage for little investment. Why searing bond? It's OP as shit, enough said. I don't plan on fully going traps until around 60ish, depends on damage output and being able to survive. |
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warning! bad english! haha ^^'
Hi! How much does sunblast cost? In game i "hear" 15-20 chaos orb, is that ok? My gear for the moment, what you think?
Now just leveling and finish merciless. EDIT: Trapper lvl 66 EE! For leveling EE is a coolest choice. Last edited by Guarmachin#7007 on Jun 10, 2014, 8:12:00 PM
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Great build you've got here-- not sure why you're not using DeerStalker boots though, and I'm surprised you haven't updated this build to incorporate this little guy:
Stormcalling 24/7.
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Wanted to say thank for your build and that I'm running it in the 1 Month SC league. Doing well so far at lvl 73. It was tough between 60-65 like most toons when you don't have decent gear in merciless but a day of farming Sarn solved that problem quickly. Started running 66 maps now that I managed to cap my resists and have some mana left over for AA.
I will say that I think Carcass Jack and/or Divinarius is really necessary because you want the larger AoE, otherwise with single traps, when you're kiting or the mobs are kiting, are really hard to aim. I posted my gear so far. Plan on saving up for a Divinarius and Carcass asap, and getting EV/ES gloves so I can run proliferation instead of reduced duration on my cold snap trap. Hope this helps anyone else who wants to play this in the new 1 month SC league! Edit Found and bought much better equipment. Dagger was just a few chaos, way cheaper than what a Divinarius would be. Plus it gives me the much needed mana regen for my AA. Gloves, helm, belt and amulet were self found. Rest were purchased after a day or so of poring over poe.xyz. Ditched my Sunblast after deciding life & str were more important. Might try using it again if I can get more fire res on other gear. After 5-linking the chest, I pretty much see this as end game gear until the league ends in 2 weeks; not planning on actively looking for anymore upgrades unless I find them myself. Right now I'm predominantly using ele weakness over crit weakness because I found myself playing in groups a lot more often than ever, and the former seems to merit better use for overall party in the current meta, with arcers and ele buzzsaw being very popular. Though often times I find I won't even need to curse because we move through so fast and everything is half dead by the time I get to them. I ended up using a spec closer to Pohx's crit trapper instead, which took most of the cluster near High Explosives. If your traps don't trigger, you don't do damage, so the node with the 10% trigger radius was really a no-brainer for me. This is my current tree at lvl 84: I plan on getting the last node in Bloodthirst and then maybe heading for Throatseeker for the crit multiplier, or the 15% crit chance nodes under Life & Mana. If this was a longer league I might go for the life circle near Scion but it's not and I'm impatient. I'm also comfortable with sitting on ~4.5k hp currently. A few thoughts I've had since playing: to make this work, you must be very mobile and be able to group mobs for traps. It's a build better suited for a 2-4 man party imo. In a 5-6-man, your traps will most likely be too slow to do anything unless you get on the scene first because you need the time to position yourself, throw a trap and then wait for activation (if you did not position the trap right on top of the mob). By that time, the ranged caster would probably have cast a spell and have things half dead before you can do one cycle of traps (lightning > fire > cold). I also feel this is just a bit slow for solo play because I find myself waiting on certain traps to be recharged and trying to nail that totem or last stubborn mob who managed to dodge my pile of traps is a pain in the arse. That being said, this build definitely has its fun, rewarding experiences and upsides. First, off you can completely ignore reflect and corrupting blood modifiers. Secondly, it's a wonderful feeling when you can near guarantee freeze a group of Devourers that pop up just to wreck your party or explode everything that spawns from a strongbox. (Warning: my pc has crapped out once or twice on me doing this.) You provide strong utility for your party with the mass freezes and shock stocks, if there's no one else doing the part, and you can bear trap and lock those pesky dodgy exiles in place for your party to clean up (or buy some time for them to run away crying). I'd say this build is doable in a short league but isn't really geared toward beginners who want more time to learn on their own. It becomes a very slow and tedious build if you try to solo the whole way through. For a small group though, it's quite fun being able to do decent damage and utility without having much investment in gear. A Carcass Jack *might* not be necessary either if you have 4-links to link multiple traps to your cold snap and shock novas for the AoE spread. Edit Ok, forget most of what I've said above - once I redid my links to Fire Trap > Fire Pen > Increase AoE > Chance to Ignite > Ele Prolif, my clear speed was MUCH faster. Even with two Diamond Rings & crit chance on my amulet, my crit wasn't high enough to steadily proc ignite without the Chance to Ignite gem. I've tried various setups recently and also discovered that I could get away with using Conc Effect instead of Increase Aoe in groups because someone else was cleaning up the solo mobs more effectly. Therefore I could afford to lower radius of fire trap in favor of more damage. Liking the build much more now! IGN Salleka Last edited by Lyrelle#7447 on Jul 29, 2014, 1:55:46 AM
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is this build still viable? i was using it about 2-4 month ago then left the game and now i'm back again so i am interested if this build works nowadays?
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