[1.2] Tri Element Trapper (Update to Arkon 9944's build)
Midget :P
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Sorry for noobish question, but this is my 1st character in the game. I follow your build and I accidentally leveled up my first 20 passive points this way http://poebuilder.com/#character/AAAAAAYADkgmlVVLXfJirHBScNWMNp1jnaqksbQ4wFHVT9ad3nfjhOUZ5Y779Q==
I dont have any trouble killing monsters so far, but im doing quests on maps 2/3 levels below mine. Should i focus on getting to mana geyser now? Shall I pick this longer path like you showed on 80 lvl tree or just take a shortcut and do it like you did on lvl 40 tree? Thanks in advance. |
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" Hey yea i bet you have a lot of damage with that as your start. The main reason I take the short cut is to get mana and dex quickly. As long as you can keep leveling up your gems and your mana and hp are good there shouldn't be any issue with the route you are going. I would just work my way over to the mana/hp nodes next and avoid all the aura and crit nodes until later. http://poebuilder.com/#character/AAAAAAYADkgRlhzcHpQmlVVLXfJirHBScNV_xow2kyedY52qpLGsP7Q4wFHVT9ad3Ffed-OE5Rnljvv1 Going that route you also have access to the +30 dex and +30 strength node as well to help with any gem/gear requirements you may have. |
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How much crit/crit mult do u currently have?
Edit: Why EB if only running Grace/Clarity? Last edited by Eriennyl#4889 on Apr 7, 2014, 3:35:29 AM
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" I actually run Grace, Clarity, and Discipline now. I take EB so I have a large enough mana pool to make traps, arctic armor, and mind over matter work. Each trap is around 150 mana iirc so it takes a nice buffer and a substantial amount of mana regen to make it run smoothly. With Discipline I have almost 500 mana unreserved which is a little low for my taste, I prefer 750-800, however its working because I have around 220 mana regen and I just use my mana pot when under heavy damage to supplement my mana regen and sustain the mitigation Mind over Matter gives. Here is an update of my gear, the link shown in the original post were lots of testing and did not reflect my setup when mapping.
My crit multiplier is only 225% except on my fire trap which is around 383 I believe due to the increased critical damage gem. I also use critical weakness which amplifies my multiplier substantially. I do not have the currency to really skew the crit multiplier so my tree doesn't focus on multiplier and just worries about making my crit strikes reliable to proliferate the status effects. Proliferating my ignite damage is what allows me to blow through blues, rares, and uniques with ease. This past weekend I was fighting the map boss in tortured chamber, the sea witch with the laser beam of doom. Anyone who has done that fight knows you need to be hiding behind pillars and you have to hit her extremely hard when you can. I killed her with 3 fire traps. I have only played a few high level characters, but the trapper is the only one with the burst damage to take her down. That boss has been my bane in the past. |
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How do you even crit? You have small amounts of crit nodes. Divinarius helps sure but you're sitting at around 20% crit. That seems very unreliable. I understand that you're doing some good burst damage but that's gotta be pretty dam lucky to land a crit. I actually use fire traps on my spellcaster with crit because of the fact that it hits hard but my crit rate on my spellcaster is around 44%. I find I still don't land consistent crits on my traps (1/3 typically).
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Running 3 auras + AA gonna be real hard, how much mana/mana regen do u have after reserved with AA running?
Is AA needed for mapping? |
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" " Arctic Armour is a flat damage reduction, while it is not required you become extremely tanky with even a level 15 arctic armour. Because the trapper has no leech mechanic you need to rely on health pots and good built in defense mechanisms. I have run hard content without AA (half regen maps), but if I have the option of running AA I will do it every time. |
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Crit trapper or EE trapper? the damage is the same?
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" So you don't have to go one or the other in fact my current build would benefit greatly from Elemental Equilibrium because outside of my penetration gems I do not have a way to lower resists since I am using the crit weakness curse. The reason I do not have EE in my current spec is because I am lazy and don't want to maintain the rotation of traps. The way I play the trapper revolves around shock stacking and fire trapping. My cold snap trap is used for those oh shit situations so I can freeze everything and think for a second. I only use my bear trap to try culling rares before my fire trap ignites kill them. If you did want to do a non crit EE trapper you could, a different gem setup and elemental weakness or flammability as the curse. Your fire trap would be something like; Fire Trap -> Fire Penetration -> Concentrated Effect -> Chance to ignite -> elemental proliferation -> empower You would still want to proliferate burn damage as that greatly increases the AOE of fire trap. Instead of big crits for damage you would just anihilate their resistances and focus on trap, elemental, and spell damage nodes/gear. As far as the damage being the same, I am pretty positive someone spec'd into enough crit chance to obtain ~30% on their fire trap will outperform someone blowing through enemy resistances. I would also add that I do not really consider this spec a "Crit" trapper because Arkon and myself did not go out of our way to stack crit multiplier. I would say the build is balanced and does very impressive damage and can carry parties up to 3 player monster health. If you wanted to carry larger parties you would need to be looking at more crit multiplier on your gear and tree. Something along the lines of the trapper Pohx had in the Nemesis league. |
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