Love playing PoE? Tired of trading or RMT - or do you enjoy either? Vote here!

Snorkle_uk wrote:

Everyone goes on about playing the game vs trading blah blah, and I look at their characters and their tops are somewhere between 70-85... I cant help but find that funny. I PLAY the game more than you guys, I find things myself more than you guys.

How is this even relevant? So what if you play more or find more? That doesn't prove that trading isn't far superior to playing the game.

Standard Forever
iamstryker wrote:
Snorkle_uk wrote:

Everyone goes on about playing the game vs trading blah blah, and I look at their characters and their tops are somewhere between 70-85... I cant help but find that funny. I PLAY the game more than you guys, I find things myself more than you guys.

How is this even relevant? So what if you play more or find more? That doesn't prove that trading isn't far superior to playing the game.

Yes well apparently finding more things while being able to also play more while also trading makes one much more versed in defeating merciless Dominus solo self found.

Which is possible,just not probable in one life time
Last edited by Temper#7820 on Apr 21, 2014, 5:01:53 PM
Temper wrote:

Muling gems invalidates that character being self found.How the fuck does a character that has no access besides RNG finding them get his hands on gems that he can't have with rewards ?

The entire end game gem setup is focused on something the character din't find,but was given. lol

yeah, I gave the gem to myself, thats self found, muling gems is a race tactic for solo self found races. If you want to put silly limits on yourself to make the game more challenging then go for it man, I got all the love and respect in the world for you. But I dont understand "hey guys I made a bunch of rules that make the game harder for myself, problem is the game is now harder for me, can we make a whole new set of leagues where the game is easier so I dont find it hard when I intentionally make the game harder for myself?"

Thats where it doesnt make sense, and all this back and forth Im hardcore I got 0 deaths I dont mule gems stuff it just distractions and point scoring, the core of wanting an sfl and claiming some sort of manmode status is fundamentally incompatible.

Mephasm wrote:

All you need to "make a build work" is decent gear. Sure, experience helps, but with guides like this: - there is zero guesswork on how the build actually plays. I can watch a streamer and without looking at his build, just what skills hes using, the number of auras/mana reserved and gear, and completely recreate the build on the skill tree with a high level of accuracy.

As far as playing the character goes, that's not rocket science. Spam your 5/6L ability, curse, and don't get in over your head, and if you do, initiate alt+f4 (GGG approved strategy).

if its so easy then why do so many people get it so wrong? The forum is full of 'cant get past cruel' 'cant get past merciless' 'cant do maps' 'cant get past 84' type posts. You know as well as I do that this game is a lot easier than quite a number of people are finding it, and so much eaiser than it was at the start of open beta. All I was trying to say is that ok, theres people in this thread with really valid points, but theres also a bagload of bad players in this game who will vote for an SFL because the implication is that it will be easier for them. Thats all I meant by it.

Mephasm wrote:

Never finding any decent items kills my desire to play, trading does not provide any rewards for me, since the experience is horrible. It seems to me that the more you enjoy trading, the more it encourages you to play. I've had my fill of "kill monster - get money to buy items" in D3. Selling unidentified rares for 2C to a NPC is not nearly as fun for me as it is for the traders it would seem.

do you think maybe the reason you are not finding good items is because you are vendoring them unid? I would never vendor an item unid for chaos recipe. Are you really never finding any decent items? I find that hard to believe, I could have equipped maybe 7 or 8 full endgame viable characters purely from loot Ive found in ambush so far.

99% of my trading is me selling endgame/leveling gears I find to other people, and then using the currency to roll maps, its not me killing monsters to find orbs to buy gear. Im not even rolling the maps this league, Im just flat up chaos hoarding to have some crafting fun back on standard when it ends and playing maps blue.

There are vendors in games like Diablo to simulate you being in a world and hanging out in towns where other adventurers are buying and selling loot, they are there to add depth to the world and even out the rng of drops so the game can have more build + loot diversity without leaving players high and dry. Now we actually have other adventurers to trade with, real players in the game. I completely reject the idea of an RMAH but I dont have a conceptual problem with trade. Trade in this game can be a real hastle, it can be annoying, but I dont agree with views that its not playing the game etc, I think its a valid evolution of something that used to be simulated by npcs.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
iamstryker wrote:
Snorkle_uk wrote:

Everyone goes on about playing the game vs trading blah blah, and I look at their characters and their tops are somewhere between 70-85... I cant help but find that funny. I PLAY the game more than you guys, I find things myself more than you guys.

How is this even relevant? So what if you play more or find more? That doesn't prove that trading isn't far superior to playing the game.

its relevant when people are trying to give weight to their argument by claiming theyre the 'players' vs the traders. Theyre not.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Snorkle_uk wrote:

its relevant when people are trying to give weight to their argument by claiming theyre the 'players' vs the traders. Theyre not.

How much someone plays isn't actually relevant. Someone doesn't have more weight in this discussion if they can play 24/7 versus someone who has two hours to play per day and wants a SFL.
Standard Forever
iamstryker wrote:
Snorkle_uk wrote:

its relevant when people are trying to give weight to their argument by claiming theyre the 'players' vs the traders. Theyre not.

How much someone plays isn't actually relevant. Someone doesn't have more weight in this discussion if they can play 24/7 versus someone who has two hours to play per day and wants a SFL.

where did I say they did?
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Snorkle_uk wrote:

do you think maybe the reason you are not finding good items is because you are vendoring them unid? I would never vendor an item unid for chaos recipe. Are you really never finding any decent items? I find that hard to believe, I could have equipped maybe 7 or 8 full endgame viable characters purely from loot Ive found in ambush so far.

I don't sell items unid, but that's the advice most hardcore traders give to boost your currency, as the chances of actually finding anything good is extremely low.

No, I don't find any decent items. After over 1000+ hours, playing since the start of open beta, the best unique I found is Saffiel's, and best rare is a 220 dps 1H sword. It's RNG, some people are more lucky I guess.
Snorkle_uk wrote:

where did I say they did?

The post that I quoted. But if thats not what you meant then I am at a loss for why you said that stuff at all. I'll ask again, what does your play time have to do with this thread?
Standard Forever
Mephasm wrote:
Snorkle_uk wrote:

do you think maybe the reason you are not finding good items is because you are vendoring them unid? I would never vendor an item unid for chaos recipe. Are you really never finding any decent items? I find that hard to believe, I could have equipped maybe 7 or 8 full endgame viable characters purely from loot Ive found in ambush so far.

I don't sell items unid, but that's the advice most hardcore traders give to boost your currency, as the chances of actually finding anything good is extremely low.

No, I don't find any decent items. After over 1000+ hours, playing since the start of open beta, the best unique I found is Saffiel's, and best rare is a 220 dps 1H sword. It's RNG, some people are more lucky I guess.

well I would be highly suspicious of that advice, I cant say I agree with the tactic.

Im sry to hear about your luck man. See I dont know what to say to that, because its not my experience nor the experience of anyone I have played with. From a distance I cant be sure if its bad luck or if other people are killing 50x as many monsters at higher levels than you in their 1000 hours, and thats why they got more out of it. Take heart though, the boxes in Ambush are helping out a lot with drops, the game feels accelerated, someone is level 100 already. Ive found tons of stuff, more stuff than I was finding on standard thats for sure.

I would say though, if youre not speed grinding 70-75 maps with tanky machine killer characters then you should look at making a monster char that can get you the leg up you need to start being efficient and get more out of your time. I dont know how you play or what you enjoy so I dont dont want to offend you by making presumptions, thats just a general bit of advice for anyone struggling.

DogFaceNoSpace wrote:
Nobody can wait forever. TheAnuhart waited for 5000 hours but it seems he finally gave up.

theres a guy whos work ethic for gaming just puts me to shame. If anyone watched his stream, they will know what is possible solo self found, and where the retarded issues are with self found play like that. Between the 2 of us we had over 8000 hours played and we had a combined total of 2 eternal orbs... like how the hell is anyone supposed to do serious crafting with drop rates like that? Purely a trade restricted thing, and Ive been blue in the face arguing that on these forums trust me.

Maps was the other issue, content gated by trading, that was truly ridiculous for the longest time. Im sort of sad heres not around to play with the Ambush boxes, rolling a box with 6 alts and 3 augments and then it drops 9 level 77 maps, in a blue 77 map you rolled with 1 trans orb. 20-30 high levels mapping jumping out of random yellow cart boxes you find.

But at the same time that guy was 100% solo self found, and I would see him beast maps that I wouldnt even go into with my 'shopper' gears and my 'shopper' eternal crafted 6 links. Because he put the work in, found the gears, good builds, good player. Theres a difference between those sort of sf issues and 'my highest lvl char is 65 and Id like a league where I get more loots plz'. The idea that solo merciless dom self found is not viable when Anuh was face tanking Omlecs, its just ridiculous.

More meaningful crafting at the expense of binding the gear produced, buffing orb drops, things like ambush boxes that are already here, a crafting ladder/mini ladder, theres a lot of things Id sooner see done to this game than have them make another league with trade/partying disabled and a 20% drop buff. That would just be so bad, I dont even think it would solve the problems and it would just bring a ton of its own issues that are bad for the game and its business model. A crafting ladder would be something different and fun for everyone, so would changes to the actual main game.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
iamstryker wrote:

I actually can be bothered to wait which is why I want the league. I would enjoy finding stuff, crafting stuff, and not feeling like I am playing badly by not participating in the trade game.

but how much would drops need to be buffed for you to make meaningful crafts solo? if you look at it from the perspective of 2 eternal orb drops every 8000 hours, were talking a huge buff here, I dont think a little buff is going make much of a difference to playing self found in the current game when it comes to crafting. Im thinking like a 100x buffed currency drop rate might not even be enough to let you slam eternal/exalts into that 4 stat armour you found to get your last op affixes.

Dont you think the ideas people have been putting around for a crafting league would be a lot more fun? A league where you just find tons of currency and base items instead of yellow items? Something that is actually a completely different concept with its own skills and knowledge base, rather than "hey guys, theres 2 leagues, its the same thing but you get X% more drops in this league". It would be a different dynamic with a different set of challenges, it doesnt need to exclude partying and trading, maybe changes need made so you can only trade currency not items, there might be mechanical changes made to how items are seen so they cant be dropped once rolled etc, but if they are going to the effort of coding and hosting a whole new league I feel like it would be better to make something that was actually going to make a big difference and give us all something new and exciting.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)

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