[ 2.0 ] Vaal Pact Dual Claw Build Level 92 ( Atziri Viable + BOTW S: 2 EP: 9 )

Feralpenguin wrote:
Spent 30 mins and came up with this :


Health + Resists, Dmg, Evasion, Essence Sap, Vaal Pact, Small Crit

I take Golem's blood even with VP because as far as i can tell it is the most efficient way to get 20% life out of 4 points without deviating too far. Also the 2 int nodes are based on my current requirements and can be dropped depending on gear.

I feel like the 30% phys will go further than the 12% Aspeed at the begging of the shadow tree but im sure someone smarter than me will explain why that isn't the case.

First go at a build so let me know if there is any way to squeeze out some more efficiency here.

123pts builds op
Do you take the same bandit choices for this build in 2.0?
wertysage wrote:
Do you take the same bandit choices for this build in 2.0?

most likely,but blood rage and frenzy charge are kinda OP now,so taking frenzy charge at merciless bandit and more from passive are considerably good for this build.
Cells92 wrote:
JohnMoron wrote:

i think you need more HP% node so you can survive burst damage,you have to sacrifice those crit chance and aspd node,as long as you got 25-30% crit chance with 8-9 attack per second and on your character stat you are more than good to go,later you can go invest to mana reserved(charisma) node if you running hatred and herald of ash,or just physical damage and a little bit more HP if you only use hatred which is i think the best option right now since 4 skill node for charisma and buying level 3 or 4 enlighten are kinda expensive.

it's not better than yours but,you can use it as refrence,i'm using the deadendking 1.3 build as a base.


Thx for answer! I'll get more hp nodes.
JohnMoron wrote:
Thx for answer! I'll get more hp nodes.

no problem dude,this patch is kinda fucked up in terms of playability for build like this,with GGG overtuned the monster damage on mid-high level map making stacking a ton(a LOT more) of damage mitigation and life a must for almost every build right now.

Shadowdragon6680 wrote:
What would be a good gem setup with the new changes...?

using this set-up for now

self casting Enduring Cry is not that "bad" as other players said,fortify and blood rage is a nice addition for our arsenal,though the the change of strategy/playstyle and a little bit more effort are required for this set-up.

to start off clearing a pack you have to whirling-blade-in to trigger fortify buff and immediately cast enduring cry to get enduring charges before hitting all of them,keep on track at your enduring charges and fortify buff,if you lost both of them before the pack is cleared you're just have to re cast enduring cry(stop your attack for a moment to cast it) or whirling-blade-out and doing the same thing as the beginning of strategy to get fortify and charges back.
Last edited by Cells92#1499 on Jul 23, 2015, 11:34:34 PM
Okay when patch 2.0 came out I slowly started looking for a build I could use in the new patch, and for a while it was not easy to find a build for my Shadow that I liked ... until I found this build. I first started using Reave ( Still have it in the secondary weapon. ) but then I found Wild Strike and so far I really love it.

First let me show you where I am with my Shadow in the Skill tree ...


Now I am in Act 4 with my Shadow and these are my Shadows defensive stats at the moment ...


Now I still have some passives to choose from the Claw Critical Strike chance, and I would also like to pick the remaining 4 Elemental Damage nodes ( For Wild Strike. ) that go to Trickery. This build also uses the Acrobatic part including Phase Acrobatics. Now from what I have read about it ... it could be useful for my Softcore Shadow despite loosing 50% from Armour and ES. BUT I would like to ask if it is already a good idea to pick all ( Or some. ) of the Acrobatic passives with the current level of defences of my Shadow?

Or is it better to first take the much longer road towards Sentinel / Constitution and Sanctity?

( Without taking Vaal Pact that is, because that one does not seem right with so little health at the moment. So I will pick Vaal Pact much later in the game. )
No advise on what I talked about in my post directly above this one?
Still looking for an answer people.
Fessels2903 wrote:
Still looking for an answer people.

And this will continue.
Still looking for an answer people.

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