Hey everyone I was hoping someone using this build in Beyond could give me some tips? Did you go with the iron wolf build? and what gems did you use early on to level up.
Posted byLusca#6554on Aug 28, 2014, 6:32:05 PM
Hi ninedeadeyes,
like many others have said, thanks for this build!
Before update it worked perfectly for me (up to level 88 spending like 3ex for gear and dying about 3-4 times, always to boss).
Since 1.2 i died more than 10 times 8/10 due to physical reflect mobs. So, no more levelling, no more rushing into mobs...no more fun!
I really hope i'm doing something wrong, will be sad to give up on such an awesome build.
My gear
My passive tree (Great Iron Wolf variation)
Currently at 4.4k hp, 30k dps aoe (have abyssus but dying too much already...), 29% crit chance, 14% life leech.
Please master ninedeadeyes help me!
Posted byJu7tett#4729on Aug 29, 2014, 6:13:36 AM
raulrex1994 wrote:
hey guys! i need some feedback to get even better on my shadow! as i said before this is my current gear (using reave for pve and dual strike for pvp):
this is my passive tree
i'm using herald of ash and hatred on auras, using clarity sometimes (left with 150 spare mana or something, which is enough but i just dont feel need for it so i just leave my mana leech do the job most of the time, i'm lvl 81)
i have 3.6k hp roughly and i'm dealing 70k dps with dual strike and 40k on reave (farm), i just feel there's something lacking, can you guide me oh master ninedeadeyes, make me as good as you! i guess i need better claws and life mods on rings but i'm already working on that, maybe you can tell me something about the gems or better passive tree build to go. thanks! waiting for feedback oh god of claws
do you think it's worth getting purity of elements + hatred and forget elemental resistances on part of the gear to get even more dps and life mods? like swapping both rings for crit rings with life mods and gloves for attack speed + physical + life mods?
Sorry for the late reply.. Anyway where to begin.. First thing first after playing the abysuss I would only recommend this uniqute item for pvp or MF. At the moment I am only using it as part of my MF set up. The reason why it is too unreliable to use whilst gaining experience at higher level anyway.( I am level 91). It might be feasible at lower level but you'll get to a point at high 80s where you have to be really careful.
Your passive tree isn't too bad but I probably would have went for Claws of the falcon after going for twin terror ( you get much more Crit chance)
If i was levelling i would probably get more faster attack because I hate the slow play style if it is less than 8.5 atp rather than crit chance.
Generally speaking I would aim for at least 50 to 70 hp on each of your equipment and amulet and yes purity of element is very good but you still can't forget elemental resistatnce.
One of your claws has less than 200 phyiscal dps hence I would advise getting an upgrade. Back in the day you can get a 250 pdps claw for 1ex but check poe xyz.
Other piece of advise is make sure you have all your antis on your flasks. Anti-bleed, shock, freeze, curse.
but generally you are doing ok :)
Posted byninedeadeyes#2466on Aug 29, 2014, 7:11:55 AM
Sonk_Hogben wrote:
Hi, ninedeadeyes, first off, thanks a lot for this great build. Been following it up to now, and reached lvl 59 no problems. Not too much, but already something).
I read about 30 pages of this thread, probably missed this point or it wasn't discussed.
I've got a totally noob question for you.
What is the point, if any, of *LINKING* the Summon Skeletons, Grace and Portal gems? Or they can be equally good in unlinked slots?
Thanks again for the good job!
Cheers man, they are equally good unlinked.. You can even put a faster casting in the portal slot and swap it out when you do want to use portal but I'm too lazy for that.lol
Posted byninedeadeyes#2466on Aug 29, 2014, 7:13:41 AM
Garfunkel wrote:
Hi, thanks for your guide. I have a question - do I need stack Armour or stick to Evasion only? With other words - do I need armour on chests and helmets or evasion based ones will do? How much armour do you have at lvl 50-60?
I am not going to answer this because I wrote this in the levelling section, please have a look. In theory the answer should be obvious if you look the penalties of acrobatics.
Posted byninedeadeyes#2466on Aug 29, 2014, 7:15:05 AM
Lusca wrote:
Hey everyone I was hoping someone using this build in Beyond could give me some tips? Did you go with the iron wolf build? and what gems did you use early on to level up.
read the 'hardcore viable' section. That should help you out. I will be updating it this weekend.
Posted byninedeadeyes#2466on Aug 29, 2014, 7:16:37 AM
Ju7tett wrote:
Hi ninedeadeyes,
like many others have said, thanks for this build!
Before update it worked perfectly for me (up to level 88 spending like 3ex for gear and dying about 3-4 times, always to boss).
Since 1.2 i died more than 10 times 8/10 due to physical reflect mobs. So, no more levelling, no more rushing into mobs...no more fun!
I really hope i'm doing something wrong, will be sad to give up on such an awesome build.
lol, I had an issue with reflect too but it is easily solved.
Replace your crit damage with a life leech gem and thats it !! Thats what i do with
reflect maps these days.
Last edited by ninedeadeyes#2466 on Aug 29, 2014, 7:18:44 AM
Posted byninedeadeyes#2466on Aug 29, 2014, 7:18:18 AM
ninedeadeyes wrote:
Ju7tett wrote:
Hi ninedeadeyes,
like many others have said, thanks for this build!
Before update it worked perfectly for me (up to level 88 spending like 3ex for gear and dying about 3-4 times, always to boss).
Since 1.2 i died more than 10 times 8/10 due to physical reflect mobs. So, no more levelling, no more rushing into mobs...no more fun!
I really hope i'm doing something wrong, will be sad to give up on such an awesome build.
lol, I had an issue with reflect too but it is easily solved.
Replace your crit damage with a life leech gem and thats it !! Thats what i do with
reflect maps these days.
Thanks for the fast reply!
Tested on a lv77 map, reflect popped out and i survived so...you're my hero :)
On the other hand dps dropped about 6k, so i'm currently at 24k which i feel is too low (right?)
Posted byJu7tett#4729on Aug 29, 2014, 8:16:04 AM
Hey Nine -
Have you thought about useing a reave gem instead of double strike and swaping out splash for increased aoe?
anyone know what the pros /cons would be?
Also just a thought but i would put the 3 link vaal gems as
vaal grace - vaal haste - increased duration
Last edited by Viris#5684 on Aug 29, 2014, 10:10:23 AM
Posted byViris#5684on Aug 29, 2014, 9:44:26 AM
ninedeadeyes wrote:
raulrex1994 wrote:
hey guys! i need some feedback to get even better on my shadow! as i said before this is my current gear (using reave for pve and dual strike for pvp):
this is my passive tree
i'm using herald of ash and hatred on auras, using clarity sometimes (left with 150 spare mana or something, which is enough but i just dont feel need for it so i just leave my mana leech do the job most of the time, i'm lvl 81)
i have 3.6k hp roughly and i'm dealing 70k dps with dual strike and 40k on reave (farm), i just feel there's something lacking, can you guide me oh master ninedeadeyes, make me as good as you! i guess i need better claws and life mods on rings but i'm already working on that, maybe you can tell me something about the gems or better passive tree build to go. thanks! waiting for feedback oh god of claws
do you think it's worth getting purity of elements + hatred and forget elemental resistances on part of the gear to get even more dps and life mods? like swapping both rings for crit rings with life mods and gloves for attack speed + physical + life mods?
Sorry for the late reply.. Anyway where to begin.. First thing first after playing the abysuss I would only recommend this uniqute item for pvp or MF. At the moment I am only using it as part of my MF set up. The reason why it is too unreliable to use whilst gaining experience at higher level anyway.( I am level 91). It might be feasible at lower level but you'll get to a point at high 80s where you have to be really careful.
Your passive tree isn't too bad but I probably would have went for Claws of the falcon after going for twin terror ( you get much more Crit chance)
If i was levelling i would probably get more faster attack because I hate the slow play style if it is less than 8.5 atp rather than crit chance.
Generally speaking I would aim for at least 50 to 70 hp on each of your equipment and amulet and yes purity of element is very good but you still can't forget elemental resistatnce.
One of your claws has less than 200 phyiscal dps hence I would advise getting an upgrade. Back in the day you can get a 250 pdps claw for 1ex but check poe xyz.
Other piece of advise is make sure you have all your antis on your flasks. Anti-bleed, shock, freeze, curse.
but generally you are doing ok :)
thank you master, i'll keep you updated about my progress (not sure if you really care but this makes me feel relieved)
i did some respeccing and got crit chances and mana flow instead of accuracy + crit nodes, also got a better claw (10 exalteds but cant help it, game is more expensive as i looked and looked and didnt find anything on the same page with that price on poe.xyz neither on other forums , and i'm using herald of ash + hatred on auras yet, clarity feels underwhelming for its cost to use instead of herald of ash, can you explain me why is it so demanding? also, i've being planning to level up to 90+ do you think it's worth using this instead of abyssus or any other helmet you might advice me? also after leveling to 90+ i'm planning to start only pvping so i figured we could develop a passive tree for pvp and duels (i dont think vaal pact is demanding on these purpose) to make it really competitive... i was thinking about mings heart + cherrubim's maleficence + abyssus, or something in these mods with a stacked tanky build with blocks and shit, just giving a hint i know if you get into that you might develop some GG shit huh, also this is my actual gear:
not sure if it's still too low on life mods or i need more life nodes from passive tree, my total life is 3900, but i'm aiming to get at least 4.5k+ when finish leveling and gearing up
everyday trying something new Last edited by raulrex1994#2352 on Aug 30, 2014, 6:21:17 PM
Posted byraulrex1994#2352on Aug 30, 2014, 6:20:31 PM