[ 2.0 ] Vaal Pact Dual Claw Build Level 92 ( Atziri Viable + BOTW S: 2 EP: 9 )

Viris wrote:

Thanks for getting back to me Nine,

How did you deal with the stat issues early aka not having intel strg for certain parts, thats primarily what im useing carnarge heart for the + to stats

You are one passive node away from theif craft ( +30 inte) and poweress ( +30 str) if you need more

Viris wrote:

Here is my current gear and spec if you have any tips (looking to replace my gloves and other claw asap ) so that i can get 75% on cold only resist i still need to cap out, still get chunked down at times but i think its because of low evasion from gear and not having links right now - was trying to not spend to much currency till before maps but i got a new claw the other day and may have to pick up some more gear

Just general advise I give to everyone. Make sure your equip and accessories have high hp.

Elemental resist you can sort out with that unique helm that give shit loads of resist or the elementral resist aura but hp is something hard to come by.

on the offensive you need a 5 link.. I've actually got a couple of 5 links you might be interested in.. You will need multi strike for the 5th gem.. This should incrase damage by loads ( I would even go far to swap our your faster attack for multi strike if you stick with 4 link )

and regarding herald of ash, you can but it doesn't compliment the build at all, so I don't see the point. If you can handle both hatred, herald of ash, and clarity then go for it

Last edited by ninedeadeyes#2466 on Aug 26, 2014, 4:22:53 PM
Hey, I've enjoyed this build alot so far and I'd like you to tell me what's the next thing I should try to add to my current gear:


I am lvl 65, I got around 1400 dps, 2400hp but I am really squishy cause I lack resistances.

edit: I missed the chest.
Last edited by Infrasound1#4218 on Aug 27, 2014, 6:36:06 AM
u need better claws for one.... i have some 200dps u you can buy fairly cheap.
u dont want elemental damage on ur claws its a waste since this is a phys build.
resist items u will find roaming the docks if u find u cant do maps yet.
just open all armour with evasion and u should be able to find some with resist and life.

but really with 1400dps which i assume is 14k maybe you should check the tree on the frontpage...

oh and maybe u should add body armour..... i hope you just forgot it in the itemlist. :-)
and finally add quality to all items u can, but maybe wait until u find some with health and resist on them.

flat physical damage scales wonderfull in this build so if there is 10-19 physical or whatever rings u find ,,,it will increse damage very much...and you will also leech more life with more damage,,,making you stronger.

look for the meginord heavy belt for damage ...its cheap and good until later when you find better belts..
Last edited by SoulCommander#5426 on Aug 26, 2014, 9:17:11 PM
Hi so I finally did a respec of my duelist. Ya I know this is for shadow but my shadow is going to use daggers.

So my Vaal claw put a wrench into things. It needs 131 int! I can get 6 end charges with my belt and use immortal. Thats nice but i might have to go with other stuff to cover resistences. I used an ar/ev chest beacause i dont want to mess with the colors on my 5link carcass. Ok time to have some fun.

How do yo post gear?



Oh I should mention that I use the Bloodseeker claw.

Wow so far so good! I haven't used dual strike before, its noisy, but it gets the job done, thats for sure.

Holy Crap! I vaal orb'd my lvl 20 grace and got a lvl 20 vaal grace. At least it lasts longer than vaal discipline. I have some super defences with immortal call and vaal grace.

hey guys! i need some feedback to get even better on my shadow! as i said before this is my current gear (using reave for pve and dual strike for pvp):


this is my passive tree


i'm using herald of ash and hatred on auras, using clarity sometimes (left with 150 spare mana or something, which is enough but i just dont feel need for it so i just leave my mana leech do the job most of the time, i'm lvl 81)

i have 3.6k hp roughly and i'm dealing 70k dps with dual strike and 40k on reave (farm), i just feel there's something lacking, can you guide me oh master ninedeadeyes, make me as good as you! i guess i need better claws and life mods on rings but i'm already working on that, maybe you can tell me something about the gems or better passive tree build to go. thanks! waiting for feedback oh god of claws

do you think it's worth getting purity of elements + hatred and forget elemental resistances on part of the gear to get even more dps and life mods? like swapping both rings for crit rings with life mods and gloves for attack speed + physical + life mods?
everyday trying something new
Last edited by raulrex1994#2352 on Aug 28, 2014, 3:03:38 AM
raulrex1994 wrote:
can you guide me oh master ninedeadeyes, make me as good as you!

I loled at this.. At work at the moment I'll have a look at your passive tree and equipment tonight :)
Last edited by ninedeadeyes#2466 on Aug 28, 2014, 7:26:25 AM
Hi, ninedeadeyes, first off, thanks a lot for this great build. Been following it up to now, and reached lvl 59 no problems. Not too much, but already something).

I read about 30 pages of this thread, probably missed this point or it wasn't discussed.

I've got a totally noob question for you.

What is the point, if any, of *LINKING* the Summon Skeletons, Grace and Portal gems? Or they can be equally good in unlinked slots?

Thanks again for the good job!
Last edited by Sonk_Hogben#7173 on Aug 28, 2014, 9:24:00 AM
Hi, thanks for your guide. I have a question - do I need stack Armour or stick to Evasion only? With other words - do I need armour on chests and helmets or evasion based ones will do? How much armour do you have at lvl 50-60?

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