[1-2.0] CoC Sci/Sha/Ran/Due with Block - Song of Ice and Fire. Cheap. Fun. Nerfed
Great build! I respecced my Shadow from dual wand barrage to this and I'm not regretting. Previous build was working fine, but this just looks so much better with fire and ice everywhere. I'm quite poor, but this build seems to work just fine for me. I just got Rat's Nest and Tabula Rasa, both helped a lot, especially the 6th link. Working on getting better resists from gear so I can run Grace instead of Purity.
Only problem I seem to have (so far) is against corrupting blood rares, especially if they have life regen and/or high health. I do have one flask with "Removes Bleeding" but even with that it's kinda risky sometimes. |
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" Hmm curious, why are you not running purity of w/e needed+grace+clarity. Don't really see why your not running grace unless your running say purity of fire+purity of elements+clarity. But then it's probably worth dropping 1 element aura for grace. Grace seems almost a must for this build with stuff in the same lv range(unless your running some super high eva body). Corrupting blood is a issue and personally id use 2 remove bleeding flask. I'm at ST 2.99 aps on this build currently and it's much easier to catch then my 6.01 aps ST main, with almost twice the health(only reason I ever die on it, why i always run 2 remove bleeding when hitting map lv's). Edit: Quick silver flask is not needed if u use a 3link Whirling blade+faster attacks+blood magic. Since this build relies on Crit/flask to heal id say the best 1's to roll outside of unqies are with crit recharge when you can. 1:High life 2:Low'ish life instant/3 second recover with remove bleeding 3:Jade(+eva% + recharge on crit) 4:w/e elemental flask you wanna use lightning is good since most boss lead to this element, or say chaos for jungle valley? I think it is spider boss. 5:Diamond flask it's really good still imo with crit build when trying to zerg stuff down. 3/5 Id try to roll removes freeze + 2 removes bleeding. 1 Removes bleeding could work. But if you have to run away then go back your gonna want 2 imo. Flask are very important imo late game. Last edited by Stalkst3r#1599 on May 31, 2014, 11:41:52 AM
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Thanks so much for this build! Super cheap for how effective this build is. I just got into Merciless and am running low level maps currently. Even with lvl 15 spell gems and at only lvl 63, I am wrecking rare 66-68 maps.
Right now I don't have all my links finalized because I just came out of the leveling stage and have been focusing on getting max block and ~50% crit chance instead of trading for gems. Lucky enough, my gear is very good so I don't even need Purity of Elements unless I need to overcap my resists. Unfortunately I don't have enough mana to run all 3 auras so if I do need Purity I just drop Clarity and use my mana flask. Gear
My plan is to finish up my block chance through to Acceleration (including the 2% node on the side) and then get the 8,8,12 life nodes on my way to Ballistic Mastery at around lvl 74-77 depending on when I need that life. Then I will get Phase Acrobatics, and lastly move toward Gymnastics, Pressure Points (and Clear Mind somewhere in there). Ideally I would drop Purity at some point and run Haste which would give me a whopping 52% movespeed on top of the attack speed buff! Domination IGN: The_Bloody_Fist and Aurora_Temptus http://poexplorer.com/ - Forum Item Search http://exilestats.com/ex/ - Approximate currency exchange rate. http://www.poebuilder.com/ - Advanced skill tree builder. Last edited by mustafa2812#0768 on May 31, 2014, 4:05:55 PM
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Well, to make this build more viable I like to pick on it's weakness(Spell damage taken). But by doing it will make the build more expensive.
So will take 2 different approach spell block + PA vs spell dodge. This will be a more costly build then the op's original. But i think it needs to be talked about(or maybe it's just me that doesn't wanna die to magic so much?). Will follow the OP's tree and assume where lv 92 and took +40HP and 2 passive points from bandits. And Phase Acrobatics. -------------------------------------------------------------- Short and sweet, if you don't want to open all other spoilers.
\\ Spell Block Character(A). //
Life:3,936 Spell Block: 60% Spell Dodge: 30%
\\ Spell Dodge Character(B) //
Life:4,365 Spell Dodge: 46%
Pro's and Con's
Character A vs B Pro's: 60% Spell Block. 70-110 Mana (Might not let us hit the next lv of clarity but adding mana will give a slight boost to base mana regeneration overall. Con's: -429 Life. -719 Evasion. -10% Movement speed (20% vs 30%) No DPS stats on neck. Rainbowstride don't sound as cool as Atziri's Step. ----------------------------------------------------------------
\\ Gear HP vaules //
Head:0 Body: 60 Hands:0 Feet: A:0/ B:70 Ring1:60 ring2: 60 Neck: A:0 / B: 60 Waist: 120
\\ Refferance Gear //
Head:Rat's Nest Body: Carcass Jack (we gave this the middle life roll) Seems to be a good body for this build without going for a all out tri resist/hp/high eva roll. Hands: Maligaro's Virtuosity Feet: A:Rainbowstride Feet: B:Atziri's Step(70 hp since there not that expensive to get a roll with this vaule) Ring1:60 ring2: 60 Neck: A:Stone of Lazhwar Neck: B: rare with w/e stats +60hp Waist:Leather belt with a life roll. 40/80
\\ Health Character A + Item used rolls//
(Lv & Str=833) (tree:20) (bandit:40) (Gear:300) (total:1,193) (Tree: 230%) Total: 3,936 Are Stone of Lazhwar 50% is corrupted with 4% spell block. Are Rainbowstride have max roll of 25% Spell block. 75%(capped block) of 75% is 56.25% + 4% from corrupted 60%
\\ Health Character B //
(Lv & Str=833) (tree:20) (bandit:40) (Gear:430) (total:1,323) (Tree: 230%) Total: 4,365 Are Atziri's Step will have a max roll of 16%, 30% from phase acrobatics = 46 Spell Dodge. Closing note. *Due to possible higher/lower rolls on item such as rings/neck/body/belt. HP rates will vary. Ok, I'm bored, whats this!? Bonus section! Resist. heh.
\\ Spell Block Character(A). //
Note: 135 needed to hit 75 Aura: Purity of elements 27% all. Gear: Head:0 Body:11% (max 12%) Hands:0 Feet:20% all neck:0 Above gear + Aura = 58% Now we have 3 items, Ring1, Ring2, and Belt to get 77%. 77/3=25.6%
\\ Spell Dodge Character(B) //
Note: 135 needed to hit 75 Aura: Purity of elements 27% all. Gear: Head:0 Body:11% (max 12%) Hands:0 Feet:0 Above gear + Aura = 38% Now we have 4 items, Ring1, Ring2, Neck, and Belt to get 97%. 97/4=24.25% Last edited by Stalkst3r#1599 on Jun 1, 2014, 1:54:25 PM
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5 link carcass jack > tabula any day, right? I'd be losing PCoC, not sure how that'd affect my damage. I'm also not sure when to swap out Rainbowstride and goldrim's, I think my resists are something like 57/75/66, and I'd be losing 55% from boots/head, but gaining 12ish from the chest.
Last edited by Iplaywithsinged#4481 on Jun 2, 2014, 12:27:12 AM
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" Tabula is quite a bit better - Concentrated Effect adds so much damage as the 6th link that CJ isn't even close. (ST - GMP - CoC - FB - AB - Conc Effect) 6l CJ is far better than Tabula though ofc. +1 Shavs Project -----> /1075009
+1 Acuity Project ----> /990159 #1 6 t1 Wand FOE BITE (5 perfect mods) SOLD /1031745 The Tale of Foe Bite --->>> http://tinyurl.com/o6ox7an |
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" Would Conc effect be stronger than 3 power charges being kept up? Not sure I want to bother with creating a separate 4l for getting charges, while leveling anyway. Main hand crit is 46.5% atm, not sure if that helps. Last edited by Iplaywithsinged#4481 on Jun 2, 2014, 12:29:26 AM
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" Maybe stick with PCoC for now until you can get your crit chance higher. If you can get your crit chance over like 55-60% then you should definitely drop the power charges for Conc Effect - it's the biggest dps boost you can get on this kind of setup. If at any point you can add a 6l CJ to that, then look out because the build really starts to shine. (but imo 6l > CJ. the CJ is a great luxury to add afterwards tho) +1 Shavs Project -----> /1075009
+1 Acuity Project ----> /990159 #1 6 t1 Wand FOE BITE (5 perfect mods) SOLD /1031745 The Tale of Foe Bite --->>> http://tinyurl.com/o6ox7an |
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" I'm still about 10ex off 6l CJ :(. I can get rats nest/atziri step/etc, but it would destroy my resists. Maybe if I swap out goldrims for rat's nest, then a crit ring for a two-stone. Last edited by Iplaywithsinged#4481 on Jun 2, 2014, 12:57:47 AM
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How did you support a high level immortal call with only 110 strength? It doesn't look like you had any str on gear.
Domination IGN: The_Bloody_Fist and Aurora_Temptus
http://poexplorer.com/ - Forum Item Search http://exilestats.com/ex/ - Approximate currency exchange rate. http://www.poebuilder.com/ - Advanced skill tree builder. |
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