[1-2.0] CoC Sci/Sha/Ran/Due with Block - Song of Ice and Fire. Cheap. Fun. Nerfed
With the addition of the block/spell block cap, does this build still function?
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" you should try running sth in one of your offhands like a 3l firetrap of your liking and clear another 4l to use for more defensive option. sth i can recommend is (never seen someone use it and i enjoy it so much), because vaal cyclon can get dangerous, is trying vaal spectral throw-gmp-qLGoH-qblind - it can store many uses, and since we have no decent leech (other then going LL on 6l) it is great for popping it, leeching insanely well while blind tough mobs, and just forget about it. (only downside are obstacles and walls, which i hope they change anytime soon) also i would recommend getting a q enduring cry and removing inc aoe and replacing it with frostwall (i cant stress how often it has saved my life) " there always has been a block/spell block cap (well for a while now) they just added a cap for dodge, and reaching 75%+ was hard as it is anyway, but sure thing another factor why i will be respeccing to IR+EB+AA with the addition of cloak of defiance. Last edited by DerKobold16#7234 on Apr 30, 2014, 7:46:44 AM
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What would be better? Picking up a 6L Voll's and taking the power charge from tree + alira then picking up charisma cluster/dropping EE because of the 50% reduced mana or keeping TR/some other 6L and keeping EE?
5 Power charges is an extra 17% crit. Also... At like "complete endgame", have EE and charisma cluster or drop EE and pick up Nightstalker..? Or nightstalker+EE and no Voll's? o.o Last edited by aiyol94#1144 on May 1, 2014, 7:51:01 PM
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What do you think about putting Ice Spear instead of Concentrated Effect, and wearing 2 Divinarius?
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" 17% crit isnt worth the investment in skill points and losing so much mana, you wont be able to run clarity,grace +anonther 40% aura... a high eva 6l with high life + tri res will always be better. neither have i gotten all the crit nodes, nor do i have a rats nest or Q CoC gem, (i do have maligaros) and im 49% crit with some decent crit on rings amu... thats more then enough for insane dps, believe me. rather work on your defense. EE question: i have started mapping, and you wont need EE your dmg output is enough, engame you will run ele weakness anyway because you dont need that extra crit anymore. Nightstalker is a complete waste of investment in CoC builds, because it doesnt effect your global critical strike chance (which will benefit the initial ST crit, + coc procced spell crit) this is my 115points engame build without EE (286% inc life btw ;) : but this is the IR/AA/MoM version im respeccing into very lategame when ive saved enough currency for at least a 5l Cloak of Defiance (Im playing invasion so dodge alone is kinda scary): " No No No No No..... Concentrated Effect boosts both your dmg for FB+AB by 69%x2 which is kinda mandatory to negate some of the gmp dmg loss... if you dont need that dmg(im doing fine mapping with a 5l) you can try sth like adding Arc for stacking shockstacks if you dont like conc effect, but icespear is so bad, when you play with EE... everything is better. dual divinarius doesnt work with this build. thats it, yes the inc aoe would counter the conc effect a bit, yes the spelldmg/crit is nice, but you will loose 40% blockchance and loose 100% global crit chance. DONT DO IT :D spent that currency on better gear. |
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What should i do with:
Bandits Normal - Oak Cruel - Eramir (Kraityn if you want more IAS) Merciless - Eramir Kill or help ? |
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" what is sth? also i know frost wall would save me but i focused purely on clear speed and thought frost wall would actually slow you down too much also vaal cyclone is wierd in the way that you have to stand still for a few seconds before you even activate it or it will not proc the EK and normal cyclone itself is just too much mana to consider using " Normal - Help Oak Cruel - Help Eramir for point or Kraitlyn for IAS Merciless - Help Eramir is what it says Last edited by Pepock#6039 on May 3, 2014, 6:14:39 AM
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" sth= something :D sry and yes frostwall can "hinder" your movement, but inc aoe wont "speed up" your clearspeed either. im kinda writing from an invasion point of view. so im all about not dying, while still mainting dps, so frostwall is awesome :D " thats not entirly true, there is a bug where vaal cyclone wont show the the spinning effect yes, but it stil will pull mobs and dmg then. as with pretty much every other attack spell that uses multiple projectiles/hits, the proc effect from coc will only occur if your initial vaal cyclone will crit. they way it works is exactly the same with spectral throw. Inital ST crit -> all 5 spectrals will crit with each of their hit, but each crit hit will roll on the CoC effect. if the initial ST hit isnt a crit every projectile wont crit no matter how many mobs they hit, so they cant procc CoC. this applies to vaal cyclone, if the initial is a crit, every occuring hits will crit aswell, but have to roll on the CoC procc, if vaal cyclones initial wont crit, the entire vaal cyclone duration you wont see one EK procc. hope you got it (english is not my native language ;D) Last edited by DerKobold16#7234 on May 3, 2014, 12:57:28 PM
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" that actually makes sense about the vaal cyclone now i did not know that about the initial hit very interesting also doesn't the increased aoe gem help increase the range for enduring cry? so its not completely useless, although i will consider using frost wall to try it out in sub for the low cast when damage taken since i can only hold a few charges anyway Last edited by Pepock#6039 on May 3, 2014, 1:59:25 PM
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" quality on enduring cry increases its radius which makes inc aoe kinda sub optimal, try getting one, they are fairly cheap im my optimal setup would be lvl 1 cwdt- Qenduring cry lvl 5 - molten shell lvl7 - Qfrost wall lvl 5 Last edited by DerKobold16#7234 on May 3, 2014, 5:19:40 PM
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