I want to orb my quillrain and hopefully get culling, but hopefully someone builds a risk/reward chart...
I used a vaal orb on my searing bond but I don't see what it did. Does it have a chance to do absolutely nothing?
new league, rng giveth, rng taketh away jsdf
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" Yes "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
i can verify that i have 100% real balls on me without showing them to the others. Exhibitionism is deviant behavour. if you think you have balls by showing off then you are the most pathetic idiot i have seen. your post is a disgrace to your manhood
" How? "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
" op Selling logs: /view-thread/782113(very high speed)
Rhys epic times : view-thread/780247 |
I can already hear the PvP casters at the door.... IGN:Vennttorr - Level 100 Witch - 1st Witch to 100.
My mirror service thread: My Crit Arc build: -- Updated |
All of you ruining legacy items to prove you have internet "balls", I am sure the people smart enough not to do this are licking there lips at the price of there items skyrocketing.
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" Can confirm. IGN = Annihilator_of_Worlds