1.1.0 Patch Notes - Sacrifice of the Vaal

These nerfs are idiotic, shame on you GGG! There have to be another ways to balance the game instead of nerfing!
I have a couple of questions.

Spectral Throw.
In regards to Spectral Throw. You say by level 15, the gem will be back at 60%. Does this mean that at 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, there will be an increase to the %? Or, is it: once you hit level 15, you are maxed at the 60% of physical, and will not see further increase to the scaling %?

And a followup, if possible. Disregard, if the previous answer is No. If, by chance, the last 5 levels of the gem see an increase in the % modifier of the gem, how would one go about getting their gem to show the new values? I ask, because it has been stated that each item individually saves it's own properties, and My assumption, was that worked the same for gems, considering that they now have:

Quality + COrruption Status + Microtransaction effects that would be stored.

Life Leech
When you talk about Life Leech, are you talking about implicit sources of Life Leech, or are you talking about the Life Leech of a single action?

Consider... A leveling marauder, who is using a Life Leech Gem + the 2% Phys Leech passive. He hits Random X mod for 800 damage, and his gem + passive leech ='s 8%.

Does he leech 8% off of that hit, or would he only leech the ~6% from the gem, rendering the use of the Passive Node coupled with the leech gem a moot point?

The Scion Life Wheel
The values of the life wheel have been reduced.

This has me a little worried. The wheel, as constituted, is probably (really, it is.) overpowered. This isn't because of the 8% nodes + the single 12% node being monumentally more strong, than something else.

It is the simple fact that the wheel itself is so large. Wouldn't the more optimal solution, have been to either create hybrid nodes out of some of those nodes, or simply reduce the number of life nodes present?

If the number of life nodes present in the wheel remains the same, yet the values are simply reduced, you run into a situation, where they become a dead spot in the passive tree, where only those who are required to go through there are going to go through there, and it's vestigal.

Spell Damage / Elemental Node improvement

Would it be possible to see more elemental damage nodes that aren't spell damage? CUrrently, the problem with weapon elemental damage builds, isn't the "quality" of the nodes, it's the Quantity, and spacing of the nodes.

Passive Tree
I know, the chorus rings strong yet again, and I know that it's not going to happen this time. But, is it possible, that with future patches, we could have a "sandbox" passive tree to work through prior to the patch going live? Something that would allow people to start working up, and theorycrafting on their current builds, in preparation for the new leagues, changes to builds, etc...

At this point, I'm staring at the patch notes, and I'm seeing changes that are going to give me a full on passive respec on multiple (at least 4) characters, because of "substantial" rework to areas of the passive tree.

At this point, I don't have builds on a level 83 Scion, level 66 Marauder, level 66 Ranger, and level 65 Duelist, due to the "Substantial Rework" of the Marauder area, and area between the marauder and duelist. IN the past, when areas have been reworked, the character's points have been reset, and there is no option for a full passive respec. You log in, to a character that has no points allocated.

While I could understand not having a passive tree to parse through ahead of time, if it were just an optional respec, by removing allocated skill points, and resetting a character to zero skill points, you are in fact putting them behind everyone else (at least everyone else playing in that league), and creates an imbalance.

Thanks for another patch. I do hope that my initial reaction of "HOLY CRAP THINGS JUST GOT NERFED" is tempered with seeing positive changes taken in the rest of the game. At this point, I'm on the fence about my continued dedication to playing the game. I don't say this as someone who holds bajillions of exalts in currency, or legacy items that I'm going to be able to dump on the market for mass qty of currency. I say this as the average Joe player, who looks at the game, and the massive RNG fest that comes along with it, and I'm slowing losing interest.

I fear for the build that I have invested the most time in. I fear that the changes to the Bottom Left portion of the tree, coupled with what sounds like massive nerfs in the Scion starting area, will leave me with a level 83 character that I don't wish to even look at any longer. I hope that it's just unfounded fear from patch notes, and the lack of actual information regarding the large changes made to the character.
David__L wrote:
As when the 1.0.0 was released, the full passive reset for exiting characters will be mandatory, not optional.

This update only make playing more difficult.
This game is only a player killer, only playable by elite players, and I will stop playing if difficulty goes too high as I cannot just play for fun.

This just made me laugh. Reminds me of those games which hold your hand through the whole game and doesnt forget to spoon-feed you every 3 hours.

There should be an easy-mode league for all the whiners.
Last edited by anachelli#1917 on Mar 4, 2014, 1:25:41 PM
They nerf anything that becomes too widely used, causing some people to adapt and others to qq. It keeps the game fresh and opens up build diversity instead of stale repetitive builds. Who builds HP and doesnt get the scion life wheel? It forces you there by being too good to ignore which alienates other specs or parts of the tree. God forbid the build you used last 4 month isnt as viable now and you have to think.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
Last edited by p0t#2885 on Mar 4, 2014, 1:25:11 PM
p0t wrote:
David__L wrote:
As when the 1.0.0 was released, the full passive reset for exiting characters will be mandatory, not optional.

This update only make playing more difficult.
This game is only a player killer, only playable by elite players, and I will stop playing if difficulty goes too high as I cannot just play for fun.

Im pretty sure this game is designed to be challenging, thats why its so appealing to many people because the vast majority of games now are just too easy. Just look at the short description Chris gave about Invasion "its designed to kill players".

so about 5% of the players will be able to do that content. the rest of us won't bother.

there's a difference between strategically challenging and, oh look, 10 rares with 100k dps attacks just spawned out of nowhere.

how is that second thing "challenging" exactly ?

yet i get the impression that's exactly what they are doing.

and no, i personally was not happy at all to see that silly comment come from Chris.

Last edited by plasticeyes#2789 on Mar 4, 2014, 1:27:07 PM
life leech did not get nerfed.

vaal pact got reworked, 60% life leech penalty is not that bad considering that leech is instant anyways.
ign = ultrahiangle
plasticeyes wrote:
Barandis wrote:
plasticeyes wrote:
but my ci reave shadow does 10k dps at level 79 (we all know it's because i'm a terrible player, but ignore that fact for the moment).

i will suffer mightily with this change.

it would be nice if GGG wasn't rebalancing for OP players.

nobody i hang out with has 43k dps

but we're the ones getting nerfed. you, most certainly, are not.

Well, I'll be the first to admit that I don't know much about CI Reavers. In fact, I know a lot about maybe 4 builds, because I'm still pretty new to the game (this will be my first chance to try out a 4-month league from the beginning).

I expected a nerf but from a completely selfish standpoint was delighted to see that this is the only one. You're right, it's not going to affect me that much, only necessitating that I play smart a little more often than I've had to. That's fine with me. But if the intention was to nerf high-power Vaal Pact builds, I'm a little disturbed to think that it's actually going to affect the lower-power ones much more than the high-power ones.

there are lots and lots and lots of things that can kill me without that crazy leech i have (15%). now i'm losing 60% of it !

so my 10k dps leeches 1500 pts/s now drops to 600. That means 5 seconds to get me back to full ES. It was 2. I think we can agree that's a serious fucking nerf.

it's going to be a _real_ problem. maybe a build-killing problem.

the only thing that will save me is if the ES buffs are decent. my guess is that they won't be decent enough.

GGG has rebalanced the game for OP builds. I don't understand that.

I've never had an OP build since i started playing this game and i never will, but GGG keeps balancing based on OP builds that 95% of us don't have.

it's weird.

meanwhile CoC is still alive and well even though it's completely broken, inconsistent mechanics.

honestly i don't know that they are thinking...

The purpose of the game is to become overpowered, its really fun. Ironically this is illegal so once GGG spots something OP, they will nerf it. Doesnt matter, i will still find ways to be OP :D its illegal, but its fun!
Path of Exile - RNG based hoarding simulator
so they only want people to play summoners, searing bond builds, and detonate dead builds... good to know.
IGN: SammySlammyBear
plasticeyes wrote:
p0t wrote:
David__L wrote:
As when the 1.0.0 was released, the full passive reset for exiting characters will be mandatory, not optional.

This update only make playing more difficult.
This game is only a player killer, only playable by elite players, and I will stop playing if difficulty goes too high as I cannot just play for fun.

Im pretty sure this game is designed to be challenging, thats why its so appealing to many people because the vast majority of games now are just too easy. Just look at the short description Chris gave about Invasion "its designed to kill players".

so about 5% of the players will be able to do that content. the rest of us won't bother.

there's a difference between strategically challenging and, oh look, 10 rares with 100k dps attacks just spawned out of nowhere.

how is that second thing "challenging" exactly ?

yet i get the impression that's exactly what they are doing.

The game is completable with only the items you find, however, you may need more than one character to do so to properly farm your equipment. This isn't a joyride where you get spoonfed.
plasticeyes wrote:
p0t wrote:
David__L wrote:
As when the 1.0.0 was released, the full passive reset for exiting characters will be mandatory, not optional.

This update only make playing more difficult.
This game is only a player killer, only playable by elite players, and I will stop playing if difficulty goes too high as I cannot just play for fun.

Im pretty sure this game is designed to be challenging, thats why its so appealing to many people because the vast majority of games now are just too easy. Just look at the short description Chris gave about Invasion "its designed to kill players".

so about 5% of the players will be able to do that content. the rest of us won't bother.

there's a difference between strategically challenging and, oh look, 10 rares with 100k dps attacks just spawned out of nowhere.

how is that second thing "challenging" exactly ?

yet i get the impression that's exactly what they are doing.

and no, i personally was not happy at all to see that silly comment come from Chris.

The game has been made easier since 1.0.0 and i think more than 5% of people were able to play in domination/nemesis without being wtfpwned by 100k dmg so I cant take your post seriously at all.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

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