anachelli wrote:
IMO CI is only feasible for those who are well geared... life is the better option if you are poor like me
that's what i thought too, but it's not necessarily true. Certainly for a shadow accumulating ES nodes is _much_ more efficient than life nodes. You would be surprised. My gear is definitely decent, but not great and I have 3k ES. to make a life build work you need a lot of life nodes (weaking your offense) and life on gear - which is also not cheap.
VP had a very unfair advantage for CI because ES enjoyed a natural recharge.
i'm very happy to see that GGG now lets life players use flasks which equalizes the use of VP for life and ES.
The 60% nerf however, is a _huge_ number and substantially weakens it.
Posted byplasticeyes#2789on Mar 4, 2014, 12:59:45 PM
vaal pact nerf is ridiculous, who cares about terrible life flasks
Posted bybotbdmg#6940on Mar 4, 2014, 1:01:40 PM
Spell buff instead of physical nerf. Energy shield buff instead of life nerf. Barrage buff instead of Power Siphon/Lightning Arrow nerf. Crit damage on tree buffed.
I don't get why people complain that there are so many nerfs. In fact, there's so many buffs instead of nerfs it makes me sad and will surely contribute to the power creep.
WTB more nerfs.
Posted byAlhoon#2008on Mar 4, 2014, 1:01:53 PM
You can build a righteous fire or incinerate or ST build for under an ex. POE HAS to nerf at least some of the most overused and overpowered things, otherwise this wouldnt be so much of a game as "which one of these 3 builds is your char"
return33 wrote:
Really looked Forward to give the game another try with this patch but...
Basicly the passive tree gets nerfed down, most used skills get nerfed down, affordable uniques that made builds available without RMT get nerfed down...
I dont see a single positive Change (like: wow cool that skill got buffed lets try it!)
And worst: loot rewards get nerfed down with the removal of IIQ without anything to compensate. Less good items will be available in new season ...
Sorry no Need to torture myself but ill give ROS a more intense try.
Posted byCorranHorn#0160on Mar 4, 2014, 1:01:58 PM
The vast majority of the people supporting this patch don't realize what they're supporting.
GGG's "balancing" logic is akin to a doctor who puts a bandaid on a gunshot wound and cries out "It's not bleeding so he's fine." That's literally what GGG is doing. For example, VP nerfed because of crit build leeching through reflect? The obvious solution to this would be to tone down the crit mechanics or redesign how leech is applied altogether. GGG's solution is to nerf every element of the build, just like what they did with Low-Life builds.
If GGG could finally pull off a patch that isn't constant nerfing, they'd get a lot more community support behind them. Even if all they're doing is trying to switch the meta, they're doing a horrible job at it. Why are so many other games capable of shifting the meta while still preserving the previous meta? GGG's answer to this is to nerf everything currently popular and viable to challenge the community to come up with something new. It's literally king of the trashpile right now and a lot of people are getting tired of it.
Take a hint from DoTA: Tone down FoTM and viable builds so that they're not "the best" while slightly buffing something else so it becomes the new popular build. All builds still remain viable and fun, yet the build that just got slightly buffed has a slight advantage.
Every major patch results in the vast majority of currently active toons being nerfed into the ground. Stop that. Now.
Posted byPathOfNerfs#6106on Mar 4, 2014, 1:03:27 PM
plasticeyes wrote:
anachelli wrote:
IMO CI is only feasible for those who are well geared... life is the better option if you are poor like me
that's what i thought too, but it's not necessarily true. Certainly for a shadow accumulating ES nodes is _much_ more efficient than life nodes. You would be surprised. My gear is definitely decent, but not great and I have 3k ES. to make a life build work you need a lot of life nodes (weaking your offense) and life on gear - which is also not cheap.
VP had a very unfair advantage for CI because ES enjoyed a natural recharge.
i'm very happy to see that GGG now lets life players use flasks which equalizes the use of VP for life and ES.
The 60% nerf however, is a _huge_ number and substantially weakens it.
The problem is with ES you lose a lot of choice. In the equipment you wear, in the specific areas of the passive tree which you need to visit. While HP nodes are plentiful throughout the tree so you don't have to stray too far. HP bonuses are also granted each level and same cant be said for ES.
Posted byanachelli#1917on Mar 4, 2014, 1:04:09 PM
PathOfNerfs wrote:
The vast majority of the people supporting this patch don't realize what they're supporting.
GGG's "balancing" logic is akin to a doctor who puts a bandaid on a gunshot wound and cries out "It's not bleeding so he's fine." That's literally what GGG is doing. For example, VP nerfed because of crit build leeching through reflect? The obvious solution to this would be to tone down the crit mechanics or redesign how leech is applied altogether. GGG's solution is to nerf every element of the build, just like what they did with Low-Life builds.
If GGG could finally pull off a patch that isn't constant nerfing, they'd get a lot more community support behind them. Even if all they're doing is trying to switch the meta, they're doing a horrible job at it. Why are so many other games capable of shifting the meta while still preserving the previous meta? GGG's answer to this is to nerf everything currently popular and viable to challenge the community to come up with something new. It's literally king of the trashpile right now and a lot of people are getting tired of it.
Take a hint from DoTA: Tone down FoTM and viable builds so that they're not "the best" while slightly buffing something else so it becomes the new popular build. All builds still remain viable and fun, yet the build that just got slightly buffed has a slight advantage.
Every major patch results in the vast majority of currently active toons being nerfed into the ground. Stop that. Now.
The nerfed crit multi, and why would you want to see the same builds every 4 months? At least this will cause people to rethink instead of carbon copy builds.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
Posted byp0t#2885on Mar 4, 2014, 1:05:23 PM
Barandis wrote:
plasticeyes wrote:
but my ci reave shadow does 10k dps at level 79 (we all know it's because i'm a terrible player, but ignore that fact for the moment).
i will suffer mightily with this change.
it would be nice if GGG wasn't rebalancing for OP players.
nobody i hang out with has 43k dps
but we're the ones getting nerfed. you, most certainly, are not.
Well, I'll be the first to admit that I don't know much about CI Reavers. In fact, I know a lot about maybe 4 builds, because I'm still pretty new to the game (this will be my first chance to try out a 4-month league from the beginning).
I expected a nerf but from a completely selfish standpoint was delighted to see that this is the only one. You're right, it's not going to affect me that much, only necessitating that I play smart a little more often than I've had to. That's fine with me. But if the intention was to nerf high-power Vaal Pact builds, I'm a little disturbed to think that it's actually going to affect the lower-power ones much more than the high-power ones.
With several months, 15+ex in gear and much planning my Reaver is knocking around 15k in damage and it's already what i would consider a glass cannon. With 60% less leeched that effectively translates into 60% more deaths with no way around it. Possibly a great change for life users but for anyone around my bracket (and I've put in a shit ton of time and effort) it's going to really hurt and further limit builds unless I ever get a 6 socket chest.
Posted byCirePadela#7806on Mar 4, 2014, 1:06:04 PM
Was hoping to see some Animate Guardian Changes. Heres to waiting for 1.11.
Posted byMoose65#0910on Mar 4, 2014, 1:08:59 PM
Barandis wrote:
plasticeyes wrote:
but my ci reave shadow does 10k dps at level 79 (we all know it's because i'm a terrible player, but ignore that fact for the moment).
i will suffer mightily with this change.
it would be nice if GGG wasn't rebalancing for OP players.
nobody i hang out with has 43k dps
but we're the ones getting nerfed. you, most certainly, are not.
Well, I'll be the first to admit that I don't know much about CI Reavers. In fact, I know a lot about maybe 4 builds, because I'm still pretty new to the game (this will be my first chance to try out a 4-month league from the beginning).
I expected a nerf but from a completely selfish standpoint was delighted to see that this is the only one. You're right, it's not going to affect me that much, only necessitating that I play smart a little more often than I've had to. That's fine with me. But if the intention was to nerf high-power Vaal Pact builds, I'm a little disturbed to think that it's actually going to affect the lower-power ones much more than the high-power ones.
there are lots and lots and lots of things that can kill me without that crazy leech i have (15%). now i'm losing 60% of it !
so my 10k dps leeches 1500 pts/s now drops to 600. That means 5 seconds to get me back to full ES. It was 2. I think we can agree that's a serious fucking nerf.
it's going to be a _real_ problem. maybe a build-killing problem.
the only thing that will save me is if the ES buffs are decent. my guess is that they won't be decent enough.
GGG has rebalanced the game for OP builds. I don't understand that.
I've never had an OP build since i started playing this game and i never will, but GGG keeps balancing based on OP builds that 95% of us don't have.
it's weird.
meanwhile CoC is still alive and well even though it's completely broken, inconsistent mechanics.
honestly i don't know that they are thinking...
Posted byplasticeyes#2789on Mar 4, 2014, 1:09:04 PM